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Everything posted by ManDay

  1. ManDay

    A short question regarding Q.G.

    Will you show me a map of Porto? I can't find any with google. Like that one of Sahrani.
  2. ManDay

    108 ver

    Ah! Courtt means corrupted. Well them. Do you get this error when you try to extract the archive or within the actual installer?
  3. ManDay

    108 ver

    Dooesn't understand I did. €: Meaning: I don't understand what you are asking for. Please restate your question.
  4. ManDay

    Permanently zoomed out

    Oh. I just read your post again and realized that I got it wrong. Okay thanks. Ill try to fix this again.
  5. ManDay

    Permanently zoomed out

    I don't understand, sickboy. What z-axis? Joystick? TrackIR? I got neither the trackIr installed nor the jostick setup. Actually I removed every binding related to the joytick from the controlset. Unfortunally after reconfiguring my controls to all my need the problem reappeared. I don't know whats the reason for that. Its annyoing
  6. ManDay

    Color Modding

    I found something. The tools is called PowerStrip 3.75 and it's really handy. Unfortunally it doesnt seem to feature saturation
  7. ManDay

    Color Modding

    Just another one: I was just browsing thru all those screenshots and those look so amazing I asked myself is there any method to have the colors look like they do on the screens after post editing. see this one for instace © topas: Isnt that awesome?! I got a nvidia 8k graphics card, you have any idea how to make the colors ingame look like that actually changing the overall appearence of my OS? I can find certain settings which can be applied app-specificly in the nvidia controlpanel but color/hue (which can be found under "VIDEO") is not among them. thanks
  8. ManDay

    A short question regarding Q.G.

    Great - thanks 4dainfo mate 2 New Islands? As Large as sahrani?
  9. ManDay

    Color Modding

    But look, normally you can apply settings to specific games only. But this only works for 3D-specific settings. While the color belongs to 2D-Specific. And I only want to do the changes to arma - not to evrything.
  10. ManDay

    Editor Database

    If possible place it in the edior manually, save the mission, swap the window with Alt + Tab, go to your missions folder, open your mission.sqm with the editor and see it yourself :>
  11. Any idea how this works? Requires a top-node/parent. First I though (findDisplay 0) [=GUI] may serve as a parent but it literally displays nothing when called. From what the name is I think a display is supposed to offer a way to actually "display" something without blocking the movement or any other kind of interaction. Just like cutText may fade the screen with a black Widget (BLACK IN) while the player can still fully interact. By the way it's somtimes irritating as you can refer to dialogs as displays (findDisplay etc. works for dialogs and returns a "display"-handle for it). Edit: I was just browsing through "DM24 Road Rage" (Celery) where there is actually an EventHandler assigned to a display. Celery however just used another, already existant display with id=46. It seems that there are several of those root-existant displays. Maybe I find my luck whith one of them.
  12. Heard of tangent as well? :P
  13. You know what cosine and sine are?
  14. Please search the forums. There are quite a few threads concerning this kind of mission. "Hostage" would be a good word :> This is the last one.
  15. ManDay

    Editor Database

    Procedure: Open Arma, Start Editor, Place an Officer, Save the mission, Take a look into the mission.sqm Or Open Arma, Start Editor, Place an Officer, Place a 'hint format["%1",typeOf this];' in the Initline. => OfficerW E: But what are you asking for? Do you have your eyes closed while browsing the Biki? http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ArmA:_Infantry http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Operation_Flashpoint:_CfgVehicles
  16. Please explain. Cant get the ogg to work. Any special conventions to obey there? 16b 44.1kHz - isn't that ok? Any kind of short example?
  17. ManDay

    Weapons Script

    I had in some of my missions and if I don't remember it totally wrong it always worked fine. That's why I was asking how he calls the script. If he really does the way which is described in the comments I can't explain this phenoma either.
  18. ManDay

    Weapons Script

    I dunno, but me thinks that the "remote player" isn't there when the init of the unit is run. No, I don't think so. Actually I'm pretty sure this works fine.
  19. ManDay

    Weapons Script

    Where and How exactly do you call the script?
  20. ManDay

    Tutorial ???

    Indeed. If I was you I would just start from all the OFP-Tutorials. Those are really great and they still apply to ArmA as well as to OFP. First you should get feeling of the actual "in-editor"-editing. Scripting is quite a minor and less important part for real mission makers. Isn't there some Guy called "Mr. Murray" who made this Tutorial-Book for arma avaliable to buy in print form? Oh I fear it's only avaiable in German :/ Still you will find a lot of online-Tutorials im sure
  21. ManDay


    What is wrong with you ArmA Vidz? First of all, what you accuse me that my code isn't working for? Of course it is not working - I wouldnt ask for help if it was working... Second: What is "In typical Manday form, I'm not going to explain it to you, I'm going to show an example. " supposed to tell me? And third: I tried exactly what is written in the tutorials. Now will you please tell me for what in the world you are not replying to my PM and for what beeing so agressiv and insulting? Is this forum running nuts over the past 3 days now? First I receive 2 Warnings for literally nothing (1 for a thing that has been settled a damn week ago - and now...) !?
  22. I hope this is the right place to ask this It's quite late now but does anyone play the WiC-open Beta? There are only 9 days left, so if you still wanna play hurry to get it. Get a key Get a .torrent-file for D/L Regards
  23. ManDay

    Local bomb issue...

    No. That's nonsense :P €: Hey admins, will you dare to change the style of hyperlinks so you can distinguish them from underlined text?
  24. ManDay

    Local bomb issue...

    So, Null, assuming you got the right calling seq. and "_this select 0" makes sense. Make num1 a constant value = 1. Then tell me it it works. At least I dont have any problems with the script. BTW, Null. Your script is so extremly strange it makes me fall off my chair : What the heck is (random 200) - (random 200) supposed to do and why _num1 = _randamount1 ?? Probably UNN is right too and the if( ){} doesnt work with exec. Now, as your script is overall flawed and completly faulty, here is the correct version: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">?( !isServer ): exit; _target = _this select 0 #jp_start ?(stoparty2 == 1) : exit; _bombAmount = 4 + random 10; _randDelay = 0.5 + random 3; ~2.2 _i = 0 #jp_dropBomb bomb = "Sh_122_HE" createVehicle[ ( getPos _target select 0 )+ random 200,( getPos _target select 1 )+ random 70,0 ]; _i = _i + 1 ~_randDelay ?( _i < _bombAmount ): goto "jp_dropBomb"; ~50 goto "jp_start"
  25. ManDay

    Local bomb issue...

    Well, I'm kinda bored now so why not trying it out... But why - meanwhile - you don't just try to put your #mines-loop-if-condition into parenthesis? cya €: misinformed, I was intending to insult you. Just show a bit of humour mate!