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Everything posted by MehMan

  1. Meh, I want some info that I actually don't know already. I want to see engine and design changes. Not just new content.
  2. Sounds still not fixed? At least that's what it appears like to me.
  3. MehMan

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    Wow. What a truely objective article. This is just the crowd OFP: DR is aiming for. More of a game than ArmAII is? Is that a bad thing or a good thing for ArmA2? Is he saying that ArmA2 is more of a sim, less of a game?
  4. MehMan

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    And ArmA2 has a dedicated server.
  5. MehMan

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    Ewww, it's in german.
  6. MehMan

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    That's how marketing works. Make a big fuss out of nothing.
  7. MehMan

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    As much as I'd like to go: oh come on, devs waving guns around, I do recall a picture of Marek on a tank with either Bohemia Interactive or OFP banners strung on it... :D
  8. MehMan

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    I did that and then went into a fit and changed all the key binds.
  9. MehMan

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    It's like watching this community when it has a fit over certain features. They simply won't see what you see, because they don't want to.
  10. MehMan

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    Hmm, yes and no, I'd say. Some of their game reviews were, not biased, but I just didn't agree with them. Not because I didn't like the game type, but it just wasn't like that. But oh well.
  11. MehMan

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    :D Maaaayyybbeee....yeah the first german review was awful and we were thinking they were at fault. It seems that it wasn't the case. Mostly.
  12. MehMan

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    I thought that was the point of reviewing a game. If you review a game for what it's supposed to be rather than what it is, what's the point?
  13. MehMan

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    Too much brown. It's as they took this comic as a guide: http://www.vgcats.com/comics/?strip_id=224
  14. But ArmA2 is hardly the game for a causal gamer. You'd be hard pressed to pop in and out of a game and have fun. The greatest fun you can get out of ArmA2 is after 3 hours of constant gameplay in a squad without realising 3 hours have passed. Or even in SP, stalking something for an hour just for that one single perfect strike. (on a completely off topic note, if you'll remember: My polo already has an ARB, go figure. The handling is a bit shittish due to worn wishbone bushes and because it just wasn't meant for this.)
  15. MehMan

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    x2 You'll just prove that more sim, less COD isn't the way to go. And we want more sim, less cod.
  16. Fucking instant gratification generation. Didn't you ever own legos? You had to build stuff from legos before you could play your favourite role-play game. And in the end you had more fun building things than with the stuff you built. Do you seriously want everything prepacked? ArmA2 comes with enough missions already, and you can then download user created missions ontop of that. I really don't see why BIS should include every mission ever created when you can download them yourselves. If the editor is too complicated to use, then don't use it. If you're not willing to learn a bit to use it, then it's not for you in the first place and no modules will help you make the perfect mission. As with everything, something new takes a bit of learning. And once you get the hang of it you'll realise it's not that hard, it's just a bit time consuming.
  17. lol, bloom overload. Man the features list suck. I hope that the command system gets redone or severly improved. I hope the AI gains a way to calculate danger and won't pop out of a tank with a blown track, that they will appear to think and take a bit more of a calculated risk. I hope there'll be more ambient animations. I hope there'll be a suppressed animation for the AI. I hope there'll be some sort of basic penetration or armour system for tanks and APCs. I hope the option for custom reload animations will be there. I hope one use AT weapons will be for one use only and not reloadable. I hope you will be able to choose different gunners in the editor if the vehicle has more than one gunner. I hope the friendly AI will be dependable. There's still a ton of things to improve.
  18. MehMan

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    Don't let Monty hear you, or he'll give you hell about how he knows better because he PMed viper. :don1:
  19. MehMan

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    Woah, the suppressed AI actually look suppressed! I know it's a bit lame, but at least there's some sort of visual to acompany being suppressed. That's an awsome feature missing in ArmA2.
  20. MehMan

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    so the rest of the missions are going to be payable DLC or free DLC? Or is Codemasters going to do what I expect them do and milk the player to every last drop? Also, what happened to the progressive dirt on the vehicles and weapons, I remember everybody getting wet over that.
  21. You need to run it with the beta executable, not the regular arma executable.
  22. What ATI drivers are you using? Don't forget to add that.
  23. MehMan

    Hand Animations

    How do the commanding hand animations work?(the ones that the squad leader waves when you issue a command)