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Everything posted by MehMan

  1. MehMan

    Stargate Universe [SG:U]

    Well, threads like these would usually be locked, deemed too off topic for off topic(oddly enough). There was a time when even humour was banned, as I got warned for asking how much more awsome I could be. I guess things are getting more relaxed. In any case, watched the first couple of seasons of the original Stargate when it was on TV and I didn't have the internets. Liked it, but some of the episodes were just insane in concept.
  2. MehMan

    Stargate Universe [SG:U]

    Oh god how these forums went down the drain...
  3. Well it is in a way realistic, because if a sound source is DIRECTLY infront or behind you, and I mean your head is locked in one position and the sound is coming from either behind or infront of you, you supposedly wouldn't know where it's coming from. But because that's rather rare and hardly possible since you're always moving your head and just the slightest deviance makes it easier to pinpoint noise direction, it can be counted as a bug. In a way.
  4. MehMan

    Dragon Rising has been released

    The only one that was released at that time was the first. The other three are OLD.
  5. My head just exploded. This is the best game dev ever.
  6. MehMan

    Dragon Rising has been released

    Ok, we best stop discussing the DR forum, it is forbidden. Like logic and common sense is on the DR forums.
  7. MehMan

    Dragon Rising has been released

    Oh god, not only did Polaris dare to post that bunch of crap, he also has some supporters for it.
  8. Create a different ArmA2 profile with textures set to very high and point bulldozer to it.
  9. MehMan

    Dragon Rising has been released

    Well doh, they're going to milk it dry now.
  10. Oh god, the intro was a bunch of crap. You will NOT get those features in all games just by buying a DX11 card. Uh, there aren't even games released that support DX11. And there was a debate around DX10 support and it just doesn't bring anything to the table to make it worth implementing. In that very vid I don't see any use of paralax mapping which would produce the required visual effect of faked geometry in ways that normal mapping alone cannot. What does it tesselate it off? Does it use a normal map to tesselate? And it seems to work on the DX11 test island flawlessy, great, lets see this in an ArmA2 world where there's more than just graphics to worry about. This just looks like a LOD system or a paralax replacement which isn't all that exciting. Here's paralax: Woo, and that's not even geometry.
  11. MehMan

    Dragon Rising has been released

    Now the game will suffer for not having lean.
  12. MehMan

    SAW VI has been banned in Europe!!

    The first one could've been good, if they made a few changes. It could've been a phonebooth-esque thriller. They should've switched the doctor actor first off, he was poor. But in any case, it's a cheap flick, I enjoyed it, I think it should've been more psychological than thrasher, but it wasn't. All the rest in the series were pretty poor, the acting was average, the only relief offered was Tobin Bell in the role of Jigsaw, but that's mainly because you barely get to see him, but then he gets explained and what not.
  13. MehMan

    Drunkest Guy ever goes for more beer!

    This is a gaming/wanna-be military forum and the off topic here, is a topic that doesn't fit any other subforum, but is still on the subject of politics/military/other inferior games. Although a stupid picture and stupid video thread wouldn't be an awful idea.
  14. MehMan

    Dragon Rising has been released

    Up until you can shoot out it's rotor.
  15. MehMan

    Dragon Rising has been released

    Actually, that wouldn't be as tasty as it sounds.
  16. MehMan

    Dragon Rising has been released

    But I thought Dragon Rising was so perfect and the AI was so flawless it didn't require any mods! Oh wait, must've been speaking of another game.
  17. Hmm, I remember seeing them in OFP, but haven't looked around for them in ArmA2.
  18. Cough, wrong. Some settings on higher get rendered by different HW components.
  19. MehMan

    Dragon Rising has been released

    /b/ is less copypasta than this thread ffs.
  20. MehMan

    Dragon Rising has been released

    I like how you start with: OFP: DR is the game I wanted OFP to be! OFP: DR=OFP lite
  21. MehMan


    Most of them seem to be trying to replace the scroll with the two finger pull thing. Why? The scroll wheel is the established choice for zooming for a reason. I think the ideas are nice, very scifi, but I'd much rather have an Ebook type touch screen(you know, ones that don't blast light into your face, but are almost like paper).
  22. MehMan

    Dragon Rising has been released

    Gah, the lovely scripted spawned enemies! I love it when they spawn them in visual range. You check with your NV or that fake FLIR thing(which is just a contrast cheat) and nothing there, move another 20 yards and BAM suddenly they are there. seesh.