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Everything posted by MehMan

  1. MehMan

    what did you do before the interwebz?

    What did I do for fun? I rode bikes! I fixed bikes! Then I was 10 and we got our first 56k modem and that was the end of that. Now I fix my car and I mod my car. Could I live with the internets? Yes and no. As in, it's not a necesity but it makes life a whole lot easier. Remember, the internet is much more than just porn and forums.
  2. Tips anybody? This is really farking annoying....
  3. MehMan

    Modern Conspiracy

    Don't worry, the oil you don't use, I use three times as more.
  4. I tried that and the problem still persists. Annoying.
  5. I need some help. Freetrack doesn't want to track my setup! It only wants to track the bottom 1/4th of the screen, like so: I did everything that was said in these topics: http://www.free-track.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=1352 http://www.free-track.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=1474 I tried most of the PS3 drivers, I tried an older version of free track, I'm going to try the latest DX9, but nothing has helped so far.... halp!
  6. That's actually a really great idea!
  7. MehMan

    Idiots Who Drive - Don't Be An Idiot

    Oh yeah, forgot the gist: don't talk on cellphones while driving. I hate it when somebody calls me when I'm in my car.
  8. MehMan

    Idiots Who Drive - Don't Be An Idiot

    The fine here is 120€! Guess what the fine for missing proper winter equipment(winter tyres or chains)? 120€. That's just if they're doing a check up, there's no snow on the road and it's technically still autumn. Guess what the fine is for obstructing traffic DUE to improper winter equipment? 400€. IIRC the fine for the former is 40€ in germany and 120€ for the latter. And this is in a country with a gdp of nearly half that of Germany. Is our goverment mental? Yes it is. In any case, cases of people nearly running into me are rather numerous. On one occasion I only looked in my mirror, counted three cars, saw three cars pass and then wanted to change lane. there was a fourth one. In my drousy sleepy state I missed one because I didn't look over my shoulder. That was a near hit. Since then onwards I look over my shoulder constantly. Mirrors are not enough. But I have had more cases of people nearly hitting me than me them, so it balances out. :p
  9. Wooohooo. Well I received my PS3 eye aaaannnndd hooked it up. instead of tearing it apart and removing the IR filter I just cut up an old floppy and used it as a visible light filter. I'll be getting my LEDs tommorow, plus PTC fuse, I've got my resistors in the house, so it's on! Now to setup freetrack hmm... Right, I used a remote to set up freetrack and it only wants to track the bottom 1/4th. It's a driver thing supposedly, I'll reinstall and see.
  10. Ok after playing around with my newly bought fake Dremel(20€!and it works, fug yeah, I'm going to use this all the time) I've come to the conclusion that using pens to create a flush three point system is going to be hard if not impossible. The problem is that I want to run the wires inside the pen and that's not a huge problem, plastic welding with a soldering iron. The problem occurs when you try to create a hole in the joint. I think I may have been overly optimistic about the strength of plastic as when I drilled the hole that it became a bit too wonky until it collapsed. I think the TIR solution is best here: http://www.skycontrol.net/UserFiles/Image/FSHardSoftware_img/200701/200701naturalpoint-TrackClipPRO-angle-set.jpg Shape, placement, etc. I might try and bend a few bits of plastic that way, heh.
  11. MehMan

    Modern Conspiracy

    Nah, it'd just run out of memory and start working so slow we'd manage to defeat it.
  12. Hmm, well depending on availbility. I might just buy both sets, it's not like they're THAT expensive. I even found an USB cable so I can now power it, yay!
  13. Hmm, has anybody ever tried using the SFH 478P? It has an even wider angle than the 485P... http://catalog.osram-os.com/catalogue/catalogue.do;jsessionid=7BA4B8DB006BBD2658D93628C24A57F6?favOid=0000000200026faa001d0023&catGroupOid=0000000200026faa001d0023&act=showParameterList
  14. Because I'm really really anxious I've ordered my ps 3 eye off of ebay and it got shipped right away! Powerseller status well deserved. Hopefully I'll have it in my hands by wednesday along with a dremel and a built LED system. I'm still not sure which way to go with power, USB or battery pack. If I go for a usb powered system then I could shave huge ammounts of weight and plastic off of the current jig.
  15. Alright, slowly building my stuff. I found an LED bicycle light which I shall rob for the batteries, the switch and whole assemlby which can be bolted onto my headphones easily and doesn't irrtate me at all. The LED assembly can be taken off and on with ease. It's quite handy and not so cumbersome.
  16. Ok, I got an answer and this product: https://www.computeruniverse.net/products/e90355438/playstation-eye-kamera-oem.asp is the PS3 eye. Or so they say. however, it is out of stock, so I'm buying where there is stock :p
  17. Hahaha, no way. The local trackir distributor wants 200€ + postage for a trackir5 pro. TIR5 pro on the natural point site costs 170$, converted tu euros it's 110€...
  18. Hmm, I've been looking around a bit and forgot that the dollar is worth so little, that a NEW TIR4 is worth 60€! So I could bargain a secondhand one for pennies? Same price with a trackclip pro...
  19. Oh wait, I completely misunderstood bushlurkers setup. i thought that that webcam blasts you with light, but forgot that IR light shows up on camera. His option suddenly looks tempting BUT, I really don't like the 30 FPS...hmm, thinking yet again.
  20. Quick question: is FT still being updated, as the last update seems to have been released over a year ago... RE lighting conditions: that's why I want to use IR solutions instead of visible light solutions. I don't want to have light shining on my screen or wall. It'd annoy the shit ouf me.
  21. That looks so off putting. Battery packs. Yuck. At least huge battery pack like that. well i've been thinking around and while the cable solution is probably the best, I don't want to be rigging another cable. A huge battery pack on my head also stinks. So an alternative way of power is needed. I can only see one viable solution: a button cell battery(pack). One or more button cell batteries would be compact and affordable. The other option is an AAA battery. It's still small enough and not huge. The problem with the button cell batteries might be battery life. So you'd need to take it out after usage, which is a must with all batteries really. The AAA ones I have at home are rechargable and I have six of them. Now to get technical, heh.
  22. cough: http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/NEW-OFFICIAL-SONY-PS3-PS-EYE-CAMERA-WORLDWIDE-POST_W0QQitemZ130339809888QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUK_VideoGames_VideoGameAccessories_VideoGameAccessories_JN?hash=item1e58dbaa60#ht_1303wt_939 I might try mr.g-c's link. They seem to ship internationally and I save 3€, which is enough for LEDs, wires, a resistor and an inline fuse+holder! EDIT: wait a minute, what is this? https://www.computeruniverse.net/products/e90226850/playstation-eye-kamera-eye-create.asp Does eye create really cost another 20€? I'm a bit worried here, as there's no picture for the first link( https://www.computeruniverse.net/products/e90355438/playstation-eye-kamera-oem.asp ) and it doesn't state PS3 eye and you might get the PS2 eye. That looks like a dead dog.
  23. For me it's more of a question of investment. I can buy a TIR, I know it's a penny well spent IF you use it daily. I don't intend to use it on a daily basis, more like once a week. Thus it's a bit too much to get a 150$ or 200$ addition for gaming. It's like the wacom tablet I bought, I hardly ever use it now. Now if I could get a similar preformance from building my own stuff(and I love building my own stuff) then I'll be a happy puppy. The stats for the PS3 eye are good enough for me to give it a chance. I like tinkering with software so it's worth a try.
  24. Ah, excellent! Well, conrad can supply me with the LEDs, resistors, fuse and inline fuse holder, now I need to dig up a USB cable of sorts and get the PS3 eye and I'm done! hopefully.