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Everything posted by MehMan

  1. MehMan

    Bell UH-1 Y wip

    We're not gonna laugh, we all have those kinds of expectations from us, at least I expect myself to do so. Just one thing, do you know how to texture good?
  2. MehMan

    PC Format review 88% and SP Demo disk

    I was also disapointed with the campaign, it's complete and utter crap compared to the CwC campaign. I finished the first two missions and then just went: yuck! I much prefer MP and making addons. Also I just love to drive around Sahrani in a Hmmwv, I spent a couple of hours doing just that and I remembered why I stuck with OFP. The freedom. I just love it, I like virtual freedom.
  3. MehMan

    Get your ARMA on amazon 30% off

    Does that stop it's popularity and the fact that people are buying are still buying it?
  4. MehMan

    Get your ARMA on amazon 30% off

    Yeah, ArmA sales must be pretty low if they're beating WoW. The only two games they are not beating is: Sims2(doh) and SupCom(hell, it's SupCom!.
  5. MehMan

    Bell UH-1 Y wip

    I gotta say, damn nice work there, at first I had my doubts, but it's shaping up very nicely now. Keep up the good work.
  6. MehMan


    I never claimed it to be the greatest game. I am only remarking on your behaviour, which is getting annoying, if you have to say something, create a topic and do that there. Do not spam other topics.
  7. MehMan


    Luciano, don't you have anything better to do than post negative comments about ArmA around here? Do you have to spam every topic with negative comments?
  8. MehMan

    Rivers and streams

    I read in an interview a long time ago that rivers and streams will or might be implemented into the game. Is there any truth in there, will it be implemented in future patches or has it been dumped?
  9. MehMan

    Rivers and streams

    Luciano, please act normal or at least use proper arguments, ARMA SUCKS BECUZZ I CANT APLY CTF ANYMORE!! is not an argument. Yeah, I said they could. Oh well, I was hoping that they'll be in, they'd add a nice touch to it. Maybe a dev will spot this and who knows... Luciano:....nah, not gonna say it, last time I did I got a PR and a warn.
  10. MehMan

    Rivers and streams

    Yeah, some small inlets on Saharani, but that's it. I was hoping for streams and rivers for Vietnam islands, since Vietnam is covered in streams and rivers.
  11. MehMan


    I never said it's above criticism, but I just have enough of people saying: well game_x has this, game_x has that, why doesn't ArmA have it? Simple, it's just not game_x. And IIRC VBS wasn't the work of BIS but BIA. And they probably released the game earlier in some parts due to the request of the publishers, I'm guessing they wanted the game released earlier so they could catch the christmas sales. But unfortunatley that did more harm to the game than good.
  12. MehMan


    BAH! Every single topic, every single freaking topic people compare ArmA to game_x, this isn't game_x, also this is a much smaller developer with a smaller money supply than Rockstar or any EA developed/published game. They are adding things as they go along, but they also need money, developing takes money, if you have no money, you can't develop. Now please refrain from comparing ArmA with other games. That's one side. At least they are going to add it with patches.
  13. MehMan

    TrackIR Explained

    I liked the video and it just makes me wish I had a bit more money to buy it. But unfortunatley the money I'll be getting I'll be saving for a computer upgrade in general. But TIR does look like a great piece for flying sims, the FS X part impressed me a lot, since it made it look like, well, more real, more 3d in a way.
  14. MehMan

    Simple Questions

    Yes, it is possible, it can even be possible with 80 v 80, but I don't know how smooth it'd run.
  15. MehMan

    AAN - ArmA Navy

    I believe playing around with Arma.exe file is pretty much illegal and I doubt it'll work, at least I don't see what you're getting at. I do believe addons work as PBOs and not as an exe file manipulation, unless you mean an addon folder and shortcut command. But fiddling with the ArmA.exe is illegal in most cases. At least if my memory serves me right.
  16. MehMan

    AAN - ArmA Navy

    The exe method? WTF? Have you been smoking crack?
  17. MehMan

    ArmA Skypecast/Podcast

    Yeah, I enjoyed that Podcast, it was pretty nice and interesting.
  18. MehMan

    UK Release Version

    What about the directional tank armour? Has anybody tested that?
  19. MehMan

    Söldner with ak74 look

    Don't worry, we hate the german language to counter your hating of english.
  20. Partialy functional as they don't have selections yet, as you can clearly see the gear doesn't pull up, the rotors don't work, it can fly, but that's about it. It's still only half way there until the new tools arrive. However, it doesn't stop it from looking very nice.
  21. MehMan

    Marek's Comment on Tools...

    I believe this is being done because it is the only mod work that is possible to be done correctly. Not because we are interested in it, we just can't do anything else that would work properly.
  22. Partially functional as you can see.
  23. MehMan

    Marek's Comment on Tools...

    Yep, I heard that max scripts are going to be released. At least that's what I heard the last time I asked, if BIS is keeping up to that statement is another thing. I am quite disapointed by the fact that the tools are going to be released so late, I was hoping we were going to get at least some modeling tools to help us import things into ArmA, but it seems that we're going to have to wait till may for that. Grrrr. And why binarize of all things? And texview?