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Everything posted by MehMan

  1. MehMan

    Veterans with superiority complexes.

    Yeah, but we don't have battle rhinos. :P But dang it, why can't any public servers be fun? I mean, in BF2 I had some great fun on public servers, sure it wasn't ArmA, but heck, it was just some brainless fun. Now when I got ArmA, played OFP, I was expecting some kickass MP games. But nah! I get either TKed, or a mission that goes to hell when one person gets the chopper and crashes it to the ground ruining a whole coop. Or they just steal the chopper and fly away to the next objective, which is guarded by AA AI and bang, they get shot down and the chopper goes to hell and in most cases the whole mission. WOOHOO! Thank you for not reading the briefing where it says: don't crash the choppers! And then the TKing starts since we can't get to the next objective, although we manage to find a ural or two but some brainiac shoots the tires out and voila, immobile again. Why thank you great big genius! Haven't recieved any of the I've been playing OFP since 2001 treatment, seesh, I also played OFP since 2001, but back then I was just 12, it was an awsome game, but I got sick of it after a while. A year or two ago I found the CDs again and decided to reinstall. Good choice. But I don't act out and all that mighty crap, I just leave the server because if I get frustrated the game is not achieving it's goal to entertain me, so I'll rather just leave MP, for now, and that's it.
  2. MehMan

    Arma's lighting.

    Yeah, but you see a spot shadow, at least some shading. Not no shadows.
  3. MehMan

    My 2 cent to improve multiplayer experience

    Yeah, but still, sometimes you just don't want to play with 4 guys and an admin being a jackass.
  4. MehMan

    My 2 cent to improve multiplayer experience

    Yeah, that's so easy to know before you join the server. Jeez, I played ArmA online twice now and I've only seen massive TKing or destruction of the vehicles by one smartass, ruining the mission. The only good MP expirence I've had was with the demo and that was just by chance that I ran into a good group of people that cooperated. Besides that, I would like to join a clan for some nice gaming, but eh, how do you tell the bad ones from the good ones? Some also taking gaming way too seriously, it's just a game, miss one pratice and you're out. Seesh.
  5. MehMan

    NVG and FLIR

    Video editing program. If we could invert the colors we could reach that effect.
  6. MehMan

    NVG and FLIR

    I think an invert layer would be needed for FLIR. I achieved that effect in one of my vids. It's not 100% real, but it's pretty close. You turn it black and white and then you just invert that and you get a pretty awsome effect, resembles FLIR IMO. This is the vid.
  7. MehMan

    NVG and FLIR

    This could be of use for helicopter gunners. You could make awsome realistic looking sights for the Ah-1.
  8. Well the Matilda is planned for R2, currently I'm trying to keep this small as I'll have a lot to do. Once I get R1 over I'll work on getting more stuff ingame, mainly completing the arrangements of tanks and making an actual part of NA, along with proper historical missions or campaign.
  9. Well for the first release we'll only be covering the fights between the British and the Germans. Perhaps I'll throw in the Italians in the second release and americans in the third, but I'll cross that bridge when I get there.
  10. MehMan

    Against the Rising Sun

    Looking great mate!
  11. MehMan

    M4 vs M16

    Yeah I noticed that too, it just feels like there's a small delay, it's quite annoying. I like using the M16, looks cooler. On a side note, does anybody find the way the soldier holds the gun wierd? It's mostly the thumb that bothers me, looks like he can't carry the gun properly. Yeah yeah, I know, minor thing, not important, and I am probably wrong.
  12. A Ka-60 would definatley rock, it looks quite cool. Blueprints Just find the Mi-24, shouldn't be hard.
  13. MehMan

    BTR-80 APC for OPFOR

    i dont think nothing can shade freely untill the tools come out, but it looks great. Ah, just wanted to see if I am seeing right in that second picture.
  14. MehMan

    BTR-80 APC for OPFOR

    i dont think nothing can shade freely untill the tools come out, but it looks great. Ah, just wanted to see if I am seeing right in that second picture.
  15. MehMan

    BTR-80 APC for OPFOR

    Is it selfshading?
  16. MehMan

    BTR-80 APC for OPFOR

    Is it selfshading?
  17. MehMan

    Do You want PunkBuster in Armed Assault?

    of course there are informatiosn pages about PB ... i guess you lazy to find them I wasn't talking about PB, I was talking about the banlist that Rambo pointed out. I wonder what is that game ID, is it unique to a game copy or what? As it seems as a rather fast bypass. @d3dsh33p: then why don't you do Even Balance a favour and send them a list of problems and they might fix it. But yes, PB does support mods easly, just look at BF1942 or BF2. Forgotten Hope for BF1942 is the prime example, the mod is about 3 gigs in size.
  18. MehMan

    Do You want PunkBuster in Armed Assault?

    Hmm, there's no explanation on how it works on that page. At least I found none. Mind if you explain it to me?
  19. MehMan

    Do You want PunkBuster in Armed Assault?

    Oh? I thought it could be configured for TKing.
  20. MehMan

    Do You want PunkBuster in Armed Assault?

    I'd like to know if BIS has ever considered PunkBuster as an anticheating, antiteamkilling device? I do believe it can hold it's own and is quite efficent. It would eliminate the massive TKing when an admin isn't around and can take care of cheaters, again when the admin isn't around. Anybody else has any thoughts on this?
  21. MehMan

    Headshots disabled in 1.05?

    Yeah, that's why I was thinking this should be released as a hot fix. I believe it can cause major trouble in MP.
  22. MehMan

    Headshots disabled in 1.05?

    Ok, now this can be quite a problem in MP...
  23. MehMan

    Headshots disabled in 1.05?

    Just tested it on a dead body, you can hit the head there. Ok, now if this slipped past BIS, I can forgive it. Jeez, this game is slowly getting to me but I still love it. And it seems that 1.05 brings a lot more bugs than it fixes.
  24. MehMan

    Headshots disabled in 1.05?

    Might want to check the difficulty settings for auto aim. Could be that it's turned on.