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Everything posted by Muecke

  1. Muecke

    Proman Public crCTI

    Update: New version v1.7 Changelog is not possible cause its about 180 files reworked. v1.7 is now up to date and analogue with the mod-version of this mission. Enjoy. Download: Hit Me CTI or DIE
  2. Once the ai will walk/drive over bridges with no problems maybe.... ;)
  3. Muecke

    crCTI Kastenbier Edition

    Nice to hear that. crCTI was never dead. For most of the people crCTI is obviously to hard.:rolleyes: But if you are once climbed the mountain you will know why this was the most played mission in OFP. Size of maps does not matter much cause the A3 version of crCTI can deal with every size. You should pay most attention on roads as the ai movement has changed somehow. Panthera is looking awesome but the high mountains makes the ai stuck. They try to go the shortest ways. You can see at altis what BI did with hundred of smaller roads connected together, so the ai wont drive through woods or stuff like that. Dont need to be exactly same like this but paying attention on roads should be good. Cant wait to see your next islands done.:bounce3: Known islands ?
  4. Does anyone found some optics for the ZASTAVA M70 SERIES RIFLEs ?
  5. Muecke

    crCTI Kastenbier Edition

    @mazza You can edit the initunittypes.sqf manually to write every single unit down. That is allot work to do. But there is a parameter which worked well in ArmA2 to choose factions. We need to give Kastenbier a massive motivation to make this work well in ArmA3. KB go KB go KB go :yay:
  6. Muecke

    [Release] A3G Spectator Cam

    Hi, looks cool. It would be very useful if we could make this only active for civilianslots, so we could use it as a referee during matches. What do you think ?
  7. Muecke

    crCTI Kastenbier Edition

    We should have a game on it.
  8. Muecke

    Problem with patch?

    Yep I have Cam shakes too. The same ones like a vehicle is passing you. Reconnecting, changing slots, restarting game nothing helped. I guess you cant disable cam shake in MP.... As this is a massive game breaker I hope for a hotfix soon.
  9. Muecke

    crCTI Kastenbier Edition

    Have tested it ? How does the ai work with roads ? Enough space for bases ? Bridges, rivers ?
  10. What he said ! Thx kju for the work and the help you gave us. For answering all (100%) of my sky messages. But to me its like Basketball once you start you cant stop, even if you try. Bye and hope to see you soon...
  11. @EvroMalarkey & kju Thank you for making it clear. :o
  12. @kju Its a bit complicated to an old men. At first post I find this: AiA TP (6.4 GB) no date here, is it the new version including patch and hotfix? AiA TP 2015 01 01 Patch (135 MB) and AiA TP 2015 01 01 Patch (99 MB) Which one is the new one ? Do I need both ? Where is the hotfix ? :confused:
  13. Muecke

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Thanks for this !
  14. Muecke

    Sarugao A3

    Best OFP Island in ArmA3 so far !!! Genius at work !
  15. Muecke

    Middle East Conflict mod

    Thank you I found it. This "dropbox" thing doesnt download till end. I got it from Armaholic! So far I like the Units much, they look good. I could need them to play CTI with. Only thing I dont like are the other requirements cause they are all bugged. Drongo if you would give me your permission I would like to free them off.:confused: :o
  16. Muecke

    Middle East Conflict mod

    Ah nice thank you. So the only difference in this older version is the massi´s weapons mod requirement ?
  17. Muecke

    Middle East Conflict mod

    Hi, I would like to have it too. :)
  18. Merry Xmas and thx for this release!
  19. Muecke

    Sarugao A3

    Yo congratulation to the release. But what´s an OFP island without a crCTI ? What ever if you like to play it you can. Hit me ps. I have noticed that when you try another island after you have tried sarugao the game crashes. does anyone else noticed this ?
  20. Muecke

    Arma 3 Mod Preset Launcher

    Thanks for sharing this. Really good one !!! :D
  21. Thanks for the update. Here you go crCTI Proman for Panthera
  22. Thank you guys it works now. Testing CTI on it! Till now the AI is moving good through the landscape.
  23. Thank you for reply. Do you run windows or linux ?
  24. Does someone have problems with the serverkey too ? I have tried to run the island on our server but the key makes it stuck.
  25. Muecke

    Proman Public crCTI

    Well actually there is not an current one for ArmA3, but I have an old and early ArmA2 version. Most of the Command controls are the same like in ArmA3. Maybe this will help you to get in. http://angryinsects.de/downloads/crCTI_Manual%20English.pdf Also you can read some instructions in the briefing....