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Everything posted by MeinHerzBrennt

  1. MeinHerzBrennt

    Unified zombie pack release imminent

    Ok i fugured out how to make em run and attack but when they kill people how do you make it so they become a zombie to?
  2. MeinHerzBrennt

    Unified zombie pack release imminent

    GAAAH! How do I make the zombies do anything but stand there!? I make a game logic object for medium diffculty and named it SERVER! the zombies do this weird animation when it first starts but then just stand there! what am i doing wrong? :
  3. MeinHerzBrennt

    TOP1 for OFP

    GAAAH! How do I make the zombies do anything but stand there!? I make a game logic object for medium diffculty and named it SERVER! the zombies do this weird animation when it first starts but then just stand there! what am i doing wrong?
  4. Their websites download is broken. Is there anywhere else to find it?
  5. MeinHerzBrennt

    Is the zombie mod even still available?

    It doesnt work. If i click the download it says page cannot be displayed.
  6. MeinHerzBrennt

    Make Them Stop Shooting Me!

    Is there a way to make it so your own troops dont kill you for killing civilians? I wanna make a extermination type level but my men turn on me...
  7. MeinHerzBrennt


    Is there a way to make soldiers from other squads replace fallen ones in yours? Or on a resistance level Im making, I want to rally troops so I was wondering if you can make it so if you come within a certain disatance of a civilian he joins your squad. Not any civilian, just select ones you have to go out and look for. Thanks in advance.
  8. MeinHerzBrennt


    Is there a way to make soldiers from other squads replace fallen ones in yours? Or on a resistance level Im making, I want to rally troops so I was wondering if you can make it so if you come within a certain disatance of a civilian he joins your squad. Not any civilian, just select ones you have to go out and look for. Thanks in advance.
  9. MeinHerzBrennt


    i dont really know how to script or anything yet
  10. MeinHerzBrennt


    i dont really know how to script or anything yet
  11. MeinHerzBrennt

    Make Them Stop Shooting Me!

    ive been playing for like 4 years but im just now trying to unlock the full potential of the mission editer
  12. I dont have much knowledge of scripting at all so please walk me through this step by step. I Know how to do 2 things: Respawn Player At Basewhen they die in multiplayer, and make an anti-personnel mine using camcreate. However, when someone respawns they only have their factions standard assualt rifle and one magazine (M16 or AK74) even if they were a sniper or some other specialty unit. Is there a way to fix this? Also I would appreciate it if you could tell me how to have vechiles respawn after they are destroyed. Thanks in advance.
  13. MeinHerzBrennt

    Help on a couple of things please

    I dont have much knowledge of scripting at all so please walk me through this step by step. I Know how to do 2 things: Respawn Player At Basewhen they die in multiplayer, and make an anti-personnel mine using camcreate. However, when someone respawns they only have their factions standard assualt rifle and one magazine (M16 or AK74) even if they were a sniper or some other specialty unit. Is there a way to fix this? Also I would appreciate it if you could tell me how to have vechiles respawn after they are destroyed. Thanks in advance.
  14. MeinHerzBrennt

    Make Them Stop Shooting Me!

    you can group civilians to soldiers?
  15. MeinHerzBrennt

    Help on a couple of things please

    thank you much
  16. MeinHerzBrennt

    Help on a couple of things please

    thank you much
  17. MeinHerzBrennt

    Help on a couple of things please

    I put that whole thing in the description.ext file?
  18. MeinHerzBrennt

    Help on a couple of things please

    I put that whole thing in the description.ext file?