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Posts posted by messiahua

  1. Perhaps you're experiencing this; http://dev-heaven.net/issues/14766#note-6

    or have a mission that doesn't have XEH enabled units on the client, or the client runs addons that break XEH for the units, in that case it still initializes, but later once an entity is spawned that is XEH enabled.

    In any case, to be able to analyze it properly, need to create a ticket with the rpt file for both server and client.

    Yes, i guess that's the problem. At least now I know, that I'm not doing something wrong. It also happens randomly, sometimes it works, sometimes not. I was struggling with this for almost a week and could understand what's wrong, because there was no pattern. I made my own "preInit" script call, which runs from every unit init and compiles all needed CBA functions. This way everything works for sure, but unfortunately I have to use "call compile preprocessFile" in each init field instead of function.

  2. From another standpoint this is all sign of positive overactivity and scrupulous attention to the game in spite of only recent announcement, which is good, it shows a lot of potential buyers (supporters of developer and game) and also feedback (good / bad), which is also important and could be encouraging for developers at some point.

  3. Forcing things like shadows from objects on within the server is a bad idea for people who cannot run at a decent frame rate with them on. It can be a advantage in PVP at close range but everyone has the option to turn them of.

    It could be optional. For example grass and viewdistance are and they are also on server-side by default. Following your logic nobody should play on any server, because there could be grass on (which is fps-hungry), but this parameters could be changed via scripting and shadows couldn't.

  4. I hope it will be at least more usable then in current arma2 state. It is almost impossible to create some specific and complex missions without such editor... there is very often a need to place different objects precisely, which is impossible without real-time placing and preview.

  5. Probably something to do with suppressed / tracers, etc?

    Tried looking em up in the config browser and comparing values?


    Thanks for answer.

    I've unpacked configs and looked before posting, but it's not always clear what all those config values do.

    That's obvious:




    B = ball - what's that?

    For example I still don't understand what's the difference between 20Rnd_762x51_DMR and ACE_20Rnd_762x51_B_M14. Which one should I use?

  6. Hello,

    this project is great. I often miss old OFP atmosphere and these islands make up for that. Also I want to ask about this error on all islands:

    Warning Message: Cannot load texture ca\misc\data\fuelcan_b_co.paa.


    Probably it's already known, but I want to make sure, that it's really an island problem and if it is so, then it will be fixed sometime later if possible.

    Thanks for your work on these islands! Waiting for Malden. ;)
