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Posts posted by mandoble

  1. I tried he last version of mando missile:

    -Is it normal that CH29 destroys my plane sometimes ?

    -How to dodge missiles in that CCIP missile ,i tried all maneuvers i can do but those missiles don't look like they re affected by flares !

    -Why ch29 doesn't support manual mode and remote ?

    1 - Yes, if you increase your diving angle after firing, the missile has a bit of retaded ignition, so when it speeds up it can "catch" you.

    2 - CCIP is for bombs, anyway, as stated some posts ago, a bug was found and fixed in this test version (you should be able to avoid these missiles with it). But, if you are fired with SARH missiles then your only choice is to use ECM or/and to try to outmaneouver the missile. If fired with laser guided missile, you can only outmaneouver the missile (Vkirh and similars).

    3 - There are two versions supported, TV guided (you cannot guide it manually) and laser guided (you can from TV).

  2. Evil_Brownie , the Exocet is integrated, but not for the F16 (that combo doesnt exist in RL as far as I know). As far as I remember you have the MMA exocet working for RACS Super Etendard as well as some Mirages.

    The flares/chaff work against radar guided missiles, might be you are experiencing a bug detected and fixed in the test version you have linked few post ago. MMA SARH missiles are only affected by ECM, but they are not quite accurate and their detonations will usually happen not quite close to the target as to cause critical damage.

    BIS CM dont have any effect on MMA missiles.

  3. You can keep using the addon, but instead of initializing MMA with the GL, do it from init.sqf. Copy mando_missileinit.sqf into your mission's folder and execute it from init.sqf (and remove the init GL from the map, you can leave there the init full GL).

    Now open that mando_missileinit.sqf, move to line 439 and comment the line:

    _pos = _pos + [0];

    And try, anyway you can add there some hints in that block of code and run the mission from the editor (it should have the same result as when run from a client).

  4. MemphisBelle, there is nothing in MMA turning left screen white and right one grey, not a single dialog or hud similar to that. In my test it ran flawless and with quite smooth movements.

    Anyway Blakeace might try to change the way it is controlled, instead of checking for Gear state, add a displayEventHandler like in the example above just to toggle this function ON/OFF pressing "G" once, so that the pilot dont need to keep pressing any key all the time. When turned ON it might go OFF automatically if speed is exceeded or if the vehicle elevates above ground, etc.

    I would add that if the vehicle is a plane, it should not be able to turn at all if the speed is close to 0, basically you need to keep advancing at least a bit all the time in order to be able to turn.

  5. Kremator, MMA uses "G" but MMA doesnt catch it in exclusivity, any other mod or script can read the keyboard without MMA interference (except for TAB key).

    You can try including this in the init.sqf of any mission with MMA active, and you will see that all the keystrokes are catched.

    _eh = (findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler ["KeyDown", "hint format['%1',_this]"];

    BTW, did test this module with MMA and works perfectly.

    1 - The module initializes the function with GETIN EH, so, if you start the mission already in the plane it will not work. You will need to get out and get in again.

    2 - G state is expected to be 1 all the time (pressed continuonsly), so you need to keep pressing it while maneouvering on ground with the other keys or joy.

  6. ah, sorry, the grad is an small rocket not interceptable unless you transform it into a mando missile (default shells cannot be damaged), and even if you do, it is probably too fast and small to be intercepted in time by another missile. A mando gun would be able to catch it, but again, if transformed into a mando missile, else it will not be destroyed.

    To transform into a mando missile, catch the shell with your fired EH, remove it and place a detectable (interceptable) mando one in its place.

    // _mis = the fired round (before removing it) catched with Fired EH
    // _launcher = the vehicle firing the round catched with Fired EH
    if (!local _mis) exitWith {};
    _speedini = (speed _mis)/3.6;
    _pos = _launcher worldToModel (getPos _mis);
    _dir = getDir _mis;
    _vangle = asin (vectorDir _mis select 2) - asin(vectorDir _launcher select 2);
    _target = "Logic" createVehicleLocal (TARGET POSITION HERE);
    _missparams = 
      _launcher, 	// _launcher
      typeOf _mis, 	// missilebody 
      _pos, 	// launchpos
      _dir, 		// dir
      _vangle, 		// vangle 
      _speedini, 		// speedini 
      800, 	// speedmax 
      250,		// acceleration
      _target, 	// target
      0, 		// boomrange
      1000, 	// activerange
      1, 		// modeinit
      400, 	// cruisealt
      "",	// smokescript
      "", 	// soundrsc
      29, 		// sounddur 
      10, 		// endurance
      false,	// terrainavoidance
      1, 		// updatefreq
      0, 		// delayinit 
      0,    	// controltime
      true, 	// detectable 
      false, 	// debug
      "", 		// launchscript
      25, 		// hagility
      65, 		// vagility
      1, 		// accuracy
      false, 	// intercept
      20, 		// scanarch 
      90,		// scanarcv
      0,		// Offset above target
      0	// Countermeasures extent
    deleteVehicle _mis;
    _missparams execVM mando_missile_path+"mando_missile.sqf";

  7. Evil_Brownie, if you mean SARH missiles, you cannot evade them with MMA flares/chaff, you need to activate your ECM.

    Serpentras, I will have a look at the offset above target position set for the AT-10.

    Xeno426, I will add that laser ASAP, as well as verified config for your new chopper. About using mags instead of weapons, it would be doable, but changing many many things. MMA is all weapon-driven, except for virtual launchers, and current magz loaded for a particular weapon are supposed to be these for the weapon and not others. I cannot promisse I'll have time for these modifications.

    arye_r, in order to intercept SCUDS you need to fire a real scud. Current OA launcher doesnt fire anything, it is just an animation. But with MMA you can make these launchers to fire interceptable missiles, read the instructions here.

    if (local my_scud2) then
      [my_scud2, 2, getMarkerPos "mk_target"]execVM"mando_missiles\units\mando_ai_scud.sqf";
