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Everything posted by mandoble

  1. mandoble

    Need testers for Operation Urup Campaign

    Last version of "General Yazov" (individual mission) has a major flaw, the general was switched by a western spy. Apologizes for the inconvenience. While it is fixed the mission will not be available to download.
  2. mandoble

    Need testers for Operation Urup Campaign

    "General Yazov" updated and available to download. Several changes and improvements: new initial armoured assault scheme, changes in defenses on some bases and the fuel truck is now unlocked for the player (AI will not try to capture it). All in all its difficulty level has grew up a bit.
  3. mandoble

    Need testers for Operation Urup Campaign

    Thanks for your comments Q. If you enjoied the Kolgujev missions, you will love the rest at Nogova (far better) Note that some of the missions have been already updated, you may check current modifications at Operation Urup campaign. And I agree with you about "General Yazov" mission, the AI trying to steal the fuel truck in the middle of the enemy counterattack fails from time to time. It is supposed to steal the truck, bring it to a safer place East of the town and wait for your call to start refuelling your tanks. The main problem is that, sometimes and depending on where your tanks are left after running out of fuel, the fuel truck gets stuck between trees. In these cases, the AI keeps maneouvering it and crashing with trees until the truck is damaged. When this happens, your group will be "alone" against the T80 barrier West of that town and the resulting mission will be a lot harder. The initial idea was to resolve all the fuel stealing using only AI to do not force your men to get into that town too early. The town itself is well defended and two different enemy groups will storm it if your side cleans the initial enemy defense group. At this stage of the mission is very important to keep most of your men alive. But certainly the more trusty option is to let the player to steal the truck, even if that means losing too many men too early. Expect "General Yazov" updated in the following hours as individual mission download. I'm planning a new full campaign Final Candate 3 for the next week.
  4. Manual and example missions for the editor ready to download. Mandomisil suite Enjoy
  5. mandoble

    Need testers for Operation Urup Campaign

    Crossing the bridge by foot in "The Mayor" with the warhead is now possible (you will transport the warhead, but you will not see it above your head). Operation Urup final candidate 2 ready to download. Individual missions available to download again: Intro (urup_prison) and The Mayor updated. Operation Urup campaign
  6. mandoble

    Need testers for Operation Urup Campaign

    I just crossed the bridge with the box, but I was driving the enemy truck, not by foot. Will try now by foot. A question about the second warhead. Tell me if you noticed: - The enemy porting the "box" got into the Mi17 at the SW airport and landed at the NE airport. - Then he exited the Mi17, picked up a car and drove it into the enemy base. Now he should transfer the box to an enemy official that will pickit up and hide it inside the big hangar. The box should be there and clearly vissible (not below the ground). If you kill or wound the enemy porting the box (or destroy any vehicle used by him), the box will fall to the ground, break and the green gas will contaminate an enormous area around the box, killing all humans present in few minutes. Certainly, if you got to the church it was a really outstanding job
  7. mandoble

    Need testers for Operation Urup Campaign

    Eric, once you found the second warhead (you are close enough to it) it will appear above your head, yep, you are transporting it. You should find a way to reach the safety of a small church in a small town to secure the warhead. EDIT: Eric, the patrol is now more "agressive". All individual missions, with the update of "The Mayor" and "Intro" (urup_prison), will be available as individual downloads again as well as full campaign final candidate 2. Thanks a lot for your testing.
  8. Well, while I find the place to host the doc files, the [x,y,z] you give to the units with missile and antimissile systems are [distance from center in meters, angle in degrees, altitude in meters]. For example, if you want an antimissile system at the left of a ship (270 degrees), 3 meters away (left) from its center and 15 meters above, you may try [270,3,15] as firingpos argument for the antimissile system. Hope this helps.
  9. mandoble

    Need testers for Operation Urup Campaign

    I will check. If you mean the "civil" terrorists, they will react as soon as you find and recover the last chemical warhead. If you mean the defenders of the terrorist base (resistance-like soldiers), they should react and kill all of you in a matter of few seconds I suppose you already joined with the reinforcements comming from main island, right?
  10. Yep, you may transform your carrier into a deadly monster The link at the bottom of the page is failing because I need to find a new place to host the manual and example files. Hopefuly it will be resolved in few hours. There is also a new system (also scritps), to be able to calibrate visualy the exact relative position of the attack/defense systems you want to add to any unit (a big CV, for example with several point defense devices, etc.). It is still beta, and as far as I remember, not inclunded into any of the current demo missions.
  11. mandoble

    Need testers for Operation Urup Campaign

    Ok EricFr. The individual missions are no longer availabe, only the full campaign version of first candidate to be the final release. The problem you have found has been fixed, but, in any case, it will not affect the flow of your current mission (I assume you already recovered the first chemical warhead ) If further problems are found, I'll post the individual mission files again, as well as if any of you have worthly sugestions to be implemented. Thank you.
  12. mandoble

    Need testers for Operation Urup Campaign

    Thanks EricFr. I'm looking now for that error, meanwhile the campaign download will be down. Is that the only error you have found so far?
  13. No problem changing sides this way (grouping them with a high ranked unit of the other side). But, if you had WPs assigned to that group before changing sides, they will be no more valid. A final note, if an east unit had a west target (was about to fire at it), and you group it with a west unit, the east unit will sill try to execute its last command, killing the now ally (I saw it a couple of times). So, the safer way would be to group the units with an existing unit of the other side and then issue immediate doStop commands to all these units.
  14. mandoble

    doMove & wait for condition

    That makes unitReady even more interesting command. It is true, if the unit tries to execute an order and after few seconds, the unit determines that the order cannot be executed (getting stuck, for example, or not being able to resolve the path to the destination in time, or crashing and breaking the vehicle, etc) then the unit will be ready again. And this is the point where we should issue an alternative order, because the first one WILL NOT be executed in any case. So, if the chopper gets stuck somewhere in the way to its destination, it will be "ready", but will never try again to reach the destination unless we issue a new (and different) doMove command. If we simply check its presence or distance to destination, and the unit gets stuck, we'll be waiting for the condition forever.
  15. mandoble

    doMove & wait for condition

    The easiest way is to check the readyness of the unit. While the _chop is executing the command (doMove), it is not "ready". Once it reaches its destination, the unit gets ready. <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> _chop = this select 0 _chop doMove getMarkerPos "AA1" ;Wait a second to be sure you dont check readyness too quick ~1 @unitReady _chop Whatever you want to do here (_chop has reached AA1)
  16. mandoble

    Need testers for Operation Urup Campaign

    Full Operation Urup campaign final candidate 1 available to download. Operation Urup Campaign
  17. mandoble

    Need testers for Operation Urup Campaign

    Intro, Beachhead and General Yazov final beta versions ready to download. Operation Urup campaign
  18. mandoble

    Need testers for Operation Urup Campaign

    Greeting Imutep. I noticed you list three needed addons: JOF_Objects 1u2, EditorUpdate102Neu and Mikero´s Editor Update. From these, as far as I know, only Mikero's is needed. I will appreciate very much the feedback of 4players.de members, but sadly I will not be able to reply to their comments, suggestion or bugs found there in german. They may use this thread or just the Urup beta discussion forum. Thanks for your interest in this beta.
  19. mandoble

    Need testers for Operation Urup Campaign

    Last Operation Urup mission "Last take" now available at the download section. Operation Urup campaign
  20. mandoble

    Need testers for Operation Urup Campaign

    Hi Q. Yes, you are right. You can download the campaign missions as individual ones, it is just to ease up the testing process. Just copy the mission pbo files into your "Missions" folder as if they were not part of a campaign and play them as single player missions. If you dont want to mix them with your current SP missions, create a folder named "urup" inside your Missions folder and copy the Urup individual missions into it. If you want to follow the campaign flow, play the missions in the order indicated in the web page: URUP: Escape from Sakhalin (campaign intro), First contact, Beachhead, General Yazov, SCUDs, Cobra leader, The mayor, Solid evidence, The son of the cobra, Revenge and Last take. The last mission (Last take) is still under my own testing, I'll try to make it public today or tomorrow. Thanks for your support.