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About Mccallum1992

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  1. Mccallum1992

    FDF Mod - UAV Training.

    Hello all, I have a problem, On the FDF Mod mission where you practise the UAV plane thing. When the truck in the convoy goes up to the gate, the gaurd goes up to the truck, and then back to the gate, but he doesn't open the gate! Can anyone help?
  2. Mccallum1992

    Who owns dave and the gang

    "The press report says the new campaign will be set in a modern day conflict - I doubt the Soviet director of Codemasters will still be around."Â Well, ya never know, He might have a son? :rolleyes
  3. Mccallum1992

    Who owns dave and the gang

    I was wondering, because BIS and Codemasters have fallen out, if BIS was to make a game with a title that has nothing to do with opflash (e.g Bad war 1 ) Would they be able to put the characters in, like guba, David, Victor, e.c.t. Who actually owns the characters, if anybody does?
  4. I was un-pbo'ing the resistance campaign when i cam across a file named xxescapexx It is a mission where you escape from a soviet jail after being captured (duh) and I wondered when or if this mission occurs in the campaign, and where abouts it does occur.