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Everything posted by memphisbelle

  1. Hey guys, Since the X-Cam Tutorial Videos were available and the XCam itself has been released by Silola, I wondered wether it would been possible to create a sort of jumplink Collection. So to speak a Collection were all the features that are explained extensively by Silola, are available individually just by clicking on the respective link. So I went through all of these Videos one by one and tried to gather the most apropriate spots for each single feature. Well, this became an impressive list, but it was everythings else but quite well readable. So I started to create a webside to represent all of those links. As I am not that much a webdesigner I´ve just used simple html and CSS to rebuild the style from Silola´s X-Cam editor page. It worked out...OK I´d say...it is fullfilling its purpose and this is what its all about, isn´t it? Silola has already added this page to his webside and is already usable. I have put together a small explanation on the webside so I wont tell too much here, may be you want to see for your self :) Oh..I forgot. As the X-Cam underlies an ongoing development process which will turn out in the one and other update here and there, so I´ll keep this page up to date each time Silola is releasing a new update. X-cam Tutorial Jumplink Collection I hope that it will help us all to create more interesting and exiting maps and missions. regards MemphisBelle
  2. memphisbelle

    TrackIR issues

    Hello everybody, I´m struggling after quite a long time already with TrackIR getting it to work...again... in ArmA3. Well, it used to work well back in A1, A2, and even A3. But at some point, it did no more. I really can't say when. I can remember that sometime back in 2018 it was working fine and suddenly, no more. I tried these things so far - reinstalling Naturalpoint Software and drivers - running as admin (both) - make sure that ArmA3_64x is loaded nothings, it is not even listed in the Controllers Tab any Ideas?
  3. memphisbelle

    TrackIR issues

    Oh yeah, I smashed it on and on without any success. When it was working earlier it worked that way in case I forgot to run the TrackIR Software prior I started Arma. Just by clicking Options out of the menu made TrackIR to recognize ArmA3...but since around a year ago it suddenly does no more. Only thing I didn't tried yet is a full OS reinstall including wiping all drives
  4. The most up to date list of class names can be found here: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Assets Initial topic, for reference:
  5. memphisbelle

    Are people playing ArmA 3 vanilla?

    regarding Vanilla ArmA, in Germany we play Vanilla ArmA3 on GeCo which means Germany Coop. The last 7 years we went Vanilla only. Reason was to attract new Players and intodruce them into ArmA3 MP. Meawhile we also use mods roundabout every 2nd time we play. That modset we´re using contains just TFAR and cba for the moment. The next GeCo will take place tomorrow on wednesday at 07:00 pm (05:00 pm GMT). As the name says its a Germany Coop Session but we also accept foreign players, you just have to tell them in TS where you come from and the group that will get you will mostley try to communicate as much understandable for everyone in the group as possible. If you´re seriously interested so shoot me a message, preferably yet today, so I can see what I can do to invite you.
  6. memphisbelle

    X-Cam-Taunus Version 1.1

    aMay be I´m wrong on this matter, I dont really know anymore but what I´m pretty sure about is that looking for water sources other than those you already found will not lead to any success. Cant you place them for your own with Eden Editor?
  7. memphisbelle

    Bulldozer crash on startup

    you´d put this into your signature considering the amount of times you mentioned this already :D
  8. memphisbelle

    X-Cam 1.0 for Arma 3 released

    Are you still getting this error? The reason is simple, you´re running ArmA3 in 64bit but X-cam with the make_file.dll provided in the download is 32 bit. so either you run ArmA3 in 32 bit or (and that is the better choice) get the 64bit compatible make_file.dll from Killzonekids Website: http://killzonekid.com/downloads/ please Report back if ít works now. regards Memphis
  9. memphisbelle

    Tips for Virgin Terrain

    well not really dead, but in general you´re right. Help is faster and better provided on Discord. But as I´m already writing here, I can help out as much as I can do. I´m currently working on a map that has no real place origins, it´s completely free created from scratch by using L3DT as well. My SatMap looks actually quite cool (my own opinion of course ) although it´s selfmade. If you´re interested so I can give you a Hand by using Discord, TS or whatever you prefer. I consider my self to have enough experiences to share the one or other thing I know. The Community helped my out much as well, so why shall I not do the same. Just shoot me a message if you´re interested.
  10. memphisbelle

    Rvmat error after generating layers

    Those kind of answeres are the worst in a Forum, those who are looking for help in a similar situation wont get helped out of this, may be you consider to add the way how you fixed it
  11. memphisbelle

    X-Cam 1.0 for Arma 3 released

    The mentioned updates provided by @fauconjona and @Uro are now available as well on my side. - updated x-cam.pbo - iniDB_x64.dll Also check out the News Section, it explains a little to those who are new to X-Cam.
  12. memphisbelle

    satellite texture is not precise on terrain

    There´s another way to solve this problem. Thats how I´m doing it. I´m using L3DT to create/alter my terrain files. Once the terrain is edited I´m using the L3DT texture generating options to create a placeholder satmap. That one fits exactly on the mesh. Once exported you´ve got a basefile where you can create your satmap from. Thats of course a way just to create a fictional terrain. If you want to recreate a real existing terrain, so Globalmapper will be your first choice. But its complicated to use but the result will fit your expectations.
  13. memphisbelle

    X-Cam-Taunus Version 1.1

    I know it´s more than a month ago that you guys talked about that issue, but anyways. Ykyu, first of all, what you are saying doesnt make any sense. You know why? You say that Taunus would not run with any mod...which is in fact false because Taunus requires a bunch of Addons (mods) in order to run at all. The problem is that many other people can run the map + additional mods without crashes, so giving this fact I´d assume that the problem rather rests on your side for most of the part. Are you familiar with the ArmA errorlogfile called .rpt? If not let me know and I´ll guide you through the process, if you are familiar with that so I recommend to delete the file, and run ArmA with Taunus and required Addons (those that are needed to run Taunus at all) plus those addons that cause the game to crash, then check the rpt. That´ll tell you whats causing the crash...well, mostley at least :)
  14. memphisbelle

    X-Cam 1.0 for Arma 3 released

    You might be new to ArmA but surly not new to Forums ^^^^ this You will get all the help you need by starting a new thread for your issue.
  15. memphisbelle

    X-Cam 1.0 for Arma 3 released

    Correct, X-Cam is 32 Bit only. Just switch over to work with X-cam. But please take care about the things I´ve refered to above (my very last post right above yours),
  16. memphisbelle

    X-Cam 1.0 for Arma 3 released

    I believe your Problem corrosponds with a certain thing I´ve tried to explain here
  17. memphisbelle

    X-Cam 1.0 for Arma 3 released

    OK, I fixed the Problem and it seems to work now. I also have tested it again with firefox, Chrome and Edge and the download works fine for those browsers now. The only Browser that is canceling download is Opera, I dont know why. But to be honest that is somethings I wont care about now, may be later.
  18. memphisbelle

    X-Cam 1.0 for Arma 3 released

    take a look into my signature (jumplink Collections). I´m providing X-cam there as well, you will also get the respective makefile.dll for the latest x-cam version there
  19. memphisbelle

    X-cam Tutorial Videos Jumplink Collection

    I´ve added a new jumplink to the Collection. It´s about adding new Object Classes to the Library. It was mentioned already within the "first use of Library Tutorial" but wasn´t available seperately, until today. If you want to learn more, just follow this link
  20. memphisbelle

    X-Cam 1.0 for Arma 3 released

    are you guys sure that you´ve loaded those objects properly within the x-cam library? Besides this, are you running Arma3 in 32 or 64bit?
  21. memphisbelle

    X-cam Tutorial Videos Jumplink Collection

    The X-Cam Jumplink Collection was updated and uploaded today. All the new features are explained on the website themselfs so I wont post them here again. Have fun using it and always be creative while working with X-Cam. hint: It might be that the website will appear strangly, that is due to the Browsers chronik where the old css is stored. Just clear the Browser´s chache to make the new css design become effective.
  22. memphisbelle

    X-Cam 1.0 for Arma 3 released

    I´m not really sure whether this has somethings to do with X-cam as X-cam has just one purpose...placing objects on the map. X-cam does not alter configurational stuff on objects that rely to the games engine. Doors that wont open had always one reason...missing definitions in the config file that required certain properties from the P3D. I rather believe that the solution (responsibility) to this rests on the CUP Team. But this is just a guess,
  23. memphisbelle

    X-cam Tutorial Videos Jumplink Collection

    As everyone could see, so the X-cam website went down. As it is uncertain whether Silola will ever take his hands back on the tool or whether the website will come back online at all, so I decided to also turn my website to some place of alternative home for the X-Cam. I got permissions from Silola to host X-cam in the latest Version on my website. Thus the Website will respectively be edited within the next days so that the tool can then be downloaded from there as well. What I cant do is to provide any support for the X-cam. I know that there might occure the one or other errormessage especially after the latest patch and the thus big changes that occurt in the Game Engine which will definately take their effect in the X-Cam as well. What we then can do only is to hope that the one or other Member of the community has a solution for the one or other issue. I´m trying to gather all these Information and provide the references (Links to certain topics) on my website to also have some place of knowledgement, but thats just in case.
  24. memphisbelle

    X-Cam 1.0 for Arma 3 released

    that might be, I dont know. But mapmakers who are working with X-cam should nonetheless know which object underlies which certain behaviour just by selecting them from a list in x-cam or are you referring top somethings else?
  25. memphisbelle

    X-Cam 1.0 for Arma 3 released

    Thats difficult. I´d suggest to use the x-cam on Taunus and actively search for objects that obviously follow the terrain slope and for those that does not. Once you found one so tip on the sys Entry on the upper menu bar to make the System Data window appear. Then doubleclick on the previously found object so that you made a copy of it and then hit the D Key on the System Data Window. That´ll give you detailed Object information about that Object. But it is important that you´ve actively selected the Object in the first place (blue bounding box) in order to make this function work. This should then look like this. Thus you can create a sort of library of Objects where you can see which ones will follow the slope and which does not.