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Everything posted by memphisbelle

  1. I´ve got a question, I alwas recieve that errormessage by trying to enter a server: Warning Message: Files "D:\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2\@BAF\addons\air_d_baf.pbo", "D:\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2\@BAF\addons\characters_d_baf.pbo", "D:\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2\@BAF\addons\characters_w_baf.pbo", "D:\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2\@BAF\addons\data_baf.pbo", "D:\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2\@BAF\addons\dubbing_baf.pbo", "D:\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2\@BAF\addons\languagemissions_baf.pbo", ... are not signed by a key accepted by this server. To play on this server, remove listed files or install additional accepted keys. since BAF is BIS...why the heck do I get that message, that doesnt make any sense to me...someone told that this is due to the different patch status. The BAF and PMC patches are part of the latest 1.60 OA patch. So I unpacked the patch and tried to apply the BAF patch dierctly, which by obvious is not working...any ideas?
  2. may be you´d provide some more information according to the project...I am not talking of the story. I mean things like, how many actors you need, whether there are females also needed, different dialects and what not. I could do some voiceacting as I did already for some projects, just let me know what you need. Memphis
  3. hello and thanks for that quick response...I was a little blind. I did not selected proper unit type, so empty vehicles never showed up. Now as I "found" that one option everythings works as it is supposed to...now the Programm becomes much more outstanding...thank you
  4. stumbled over that tool and I´ve to say that I am very impressed... thanks for creating that handy thing.. I nontheless would have a question about which empty "vehicles" are supported, because when I place an empty truck, name it and save the mission. So it´ll not show up in the unit list/Empty after importing or loading the mission. same for West or East vehicles like Cras, trucks or somethings like this. Is there a list of supported vehilces somewhere around? thanks and keep up the good work regards Memphis
  5. memphisbelle

    CAA1 public release

    please do Not delete the source as long as we can be sure that it will be hosted somewhere else. Even if it is an old thing it still has its value and worth it to still be available
  6. memphisbelle

    CAA1 public release

    Thanks for the links, Günther. One question. As you mentioned that caa1 will be one of your future projects, will that mean that you´ll care about that one again soon and finalze it?
  7. memphisbelle

    Arma 3 Community Alpha - Announcement!

    I really can´t wait to read the first complains about the game does not work properly and how could a game be released with such a worse status of development :D ...I am pretty sure that those post will come up and we´d make bets about when comes the first one...the winner gets a kiss of a horse :D according to the news (from feb)...awesome stuff and I cant wait to purchase the Alpha to see what we´ll get. Thanks BIS.
  8. memphisbelle

    Cockpit interactivity

    Then you dont know other flight Sims, by the way, Take on is not a Flight Simulation game. It is still an Infantry based game with a little more deeper Flying stuff. there´s indeed a conflict with Track IR and the mouseview. But this can´t get fixed. So to both of you guys...we have to live with it, whether we like it or not...I don´t like it as well by the way...
  9. The Forum is still a bit strange since some things I was used to are different now. But all in one it looks good. Only thing I dont like is the incompatibility to smaller screens (here on my work just have a native resolution of 124*786) some things are covering other contents. (see image below) But the mobile Version works great! Memphis
  10. memphisbelle

    Anyone try the Android version?

    any updates release ETA?
  11. memphisbelle

    flight model editing

    Hello, Yes, you need to repack the files as pbo to get them running ingame. To repack PBO files I recommend either kegeteys CPBO (scroll down to the section ArmA tools), which actually is just packing all the files in a bag and gives it the filetype PBO, or the more professional one, which is by that binarizing the Configs (so recommended for a final release packing). This tool is called BinPBO and is part of the BITools2. To extract pbo´s I recommend Micero´s ExtractPbp application, to find on dev-heaven.net You´ll find a detailed information about how extract them by following this link. Just scroll down to the option: Extract BI addons to P: . Good luck
  12. Hey Dude, just check my sig...Yes, I know it´s from ArmA1. But most of the Content can be used in ArmA2 as well...and Take on Helicopters is more a heavily modiefied ArmA2 than a new game, so check the guide and you´ll find most of your questions answered. according to your Vehicle respawn issue, I recommend you tophes simple vehicle respawn...although I don´t know whether this is working there. If this is not working so wait until tomorrow (roundabout 11:00 am GMT)...I´ll be back from work then and can provide you a simple script which is already in use on our dedicated server for ToH. greets Memphis
  13. A Chinook Pilot has a bad Position to land, or actually no position to land, cause the extraction Zone is on a Hill slope...so he does what all Pilots would do...wait...really all? I don´t think so. but see your self:
  14. memphisbelle

    This is what I call it....crazy or insane?

    OK, sounds familiar to me, but I couldn´t sort it to. Thanks for the Info. So true.. My try on this. Basically (with External view and Auto hover) it is an easy manouver in ArmA (Editor environment). But while beeing on a server with disabled external view, one needs someone which is assiting the Pilot in providing course corrections from the back door (gunner seat).
  15. memphisbelle


    haha...nice to kn ow...haven´t checked for propper settings though, always was focused on Rctrl + M (ArmA like) :D Once I checked the map and noticed that there were more than one huge areas, it actually haven´t took a long time for me to locate the whales...but honestly I was neeed to check the forums to at least got the idea to scroll out of the local area of the map, to see that other reagions...I always thought that the other groups are close to the first group. Nice Mission. I like the Whales fountains, looks quite real from up the Air.
  16. Have I already mentioned that you guys are just awesome?
  17. lol...does that really effect the helo behaviour while ARL?
  18. Ha, thats true. It´s a kinda (still beeing) home (although I am not) feeling.
  19. Well spoken, I paid 70€ for a used Saitek X52 Pro Flight deck. And it´s totally enough. I can use it pretty much for all Games I got at the moment, as there are the current DCS Modules, FSX, Lock on and even now ArmA (ToH) flying. What I thing about to get one day is the Warthog HOTAS.
  20. Interesting to take a look inside a helo while ARL. Although this was funny! Pilot: "was this good?"...Instructor: "No, no...not really"!! :D :D have you been the Pilot or the Instructor?
  21. memphisbelle

    Taxiing in ToH posible?

    I know now how to taxi with wheeled choppers. Engine(s) need to be on idle, then press right ctrl and w, which releases the wheel brakes. Then, by moving the stick forward (or w,s,a,d) one can "Taxi" with the chopper (also use propper keys or axis for the yaw to trun left or right). Thanks BIS
  22. Hello there, I wonder if it´ll be possible to taxi with wheeled Choppers like the Merlin. I tried taxiing in the hope of animated and rotating wheels, but it doesnt seem to be working. So can we have hope to get it working at all later? I mean such an advanced engine should actually enable taxiing like aircrafts do, or do I thinking in a wrong way?
  23. memphisbelle

    Help Plzzz admin!!!

    As what I figured about the 0xc000007b Error is that .NET Framework seems to be missing. I don´t know why but I´d give it a try. A request to the Threadstarter plz. If Possible edit your Title of this thread into somethings more understandable. And give the term of the Error (0xc000007b) in this title for other uses with similar issues.
  24. OT: Are you still flying and what Helos are or have you been flying...just curious:D /OT:
  25. lol...noone said to get those cool but totally overdosed devices (although I would pretty much have fun with it). No, what I was talking about was a price level like this: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Saitek-X52-Flight-Control-System-/320780074125?pt=Motherboards&hash=item4aaffb7c8d Whereas this is still quite expensive.