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Everything posted by Mr-Murray

  1. Mr-Murray

    ArmA Editing Guide - English Version

    Thanks for the update Memphis! UK, USA, Germany.... it´s a worldwide operation Maybe
  2. Mr-Murray

    ArmA Editing Guide - English Version

    Good evening I just want to inform you that I have finished the layouting process of Chapter 6, 7 and 8 today. Now it´s Memphis job to check it finally. @MP.Green Thank you very much for your great feedback!!! I´m sure that you´ve downloaded the digital English version of the 1.02!? You´ll find it on my website: www.mr-murray.de.vu or my signature. Best regards, Mr-Murray
  3. Mr-Murray

    ArmA Editing Guide - English Version

    Hopefully The layouting process is such a thankless task  Check this: Image 1, Image 2, Image 3
  4. Mr-Murray

    ArmA Editing Guide - English Version

    Yes, you can Chapter 11 has been finally layoutet!!! Wohooo  What is that... *damn* some hardcover pictures Image 1, Image 2, Image 3 Best regards, Mr-Murray
  5. Mr-Murray

    ArmA Editing Guide - English Version

    Thank you!!! It´s unfortunately a very time expensive work. Fortunately the layout and many parts of the guide are a very good foundation stone for a A2 Guide! So we won´t have so much work to explain all individual parts of it and translate it afterwards. We would be very thankful about your feedback concerning trouble shooting. Please don´t hesitate to report errors or wrong parts of the guide! It would be very helpful for me. There are always parts of the game which have not explained good enough by me. Your feedback will help to give the community more and better missions! My focus in A2 is to designing missions and not writing guides. I want to make awesome missions like Battle of Ortego and so on. With more MP focus naturally! I have a lot of ideas and want to realize it in future for A1 and A2 as well. Thanks for the always good feedback, support and comprehension!!! Best regards, Mr-Murray
  6. Mr-Murray

    ArmA Editing Guide - English Version

    Hey dudes! Chapter 9 and 10 have been finally layoutet and Chapter 5 has just some errors. Now I´m looking forward to layout 6,7 and 11! Best regards, Mr-Murray
  7. Mr-Murray

    ArmA Editing Guide - English Version

    *Hehe* This was just a joke. Don´t worry, be happy I´m still busy to finish my job for the English speaking community. That´s my opportunity because I gave my promise to all of you. It´s still a honour for me to make such a job. Even if there is a little bit too much SQS included And I´m sorry for the delay, but it was a very hard job for Memphis and his team, too. Hopefully they transalated it wise so that you will appreciate it. I won´t check the translation just the layout. I guess that we did a very good job also for ArmA 2. It will be very easy to convert the content to ArmA 2. Of course you won´t find anything in SQS. That´s promised! And a lot of more features and much more clarity in the fifth chapter for example. Only change the unit and object classes, remove old commands, add new commands and implement new knowledge. But that´s a future project and we are far away from it. I hope you will support us one more time !!!Thanks to all who are still present in ArmA!!! I will get my first printed version in the upcoming week and will present you some shooted pictures from it  Best regards, Mr-Murray Here are some pictures from Humvee28 which have been shot with his mobile: Whohooo Guide  Guide2  Guide3  Guide4  Guide5
  8. Mr-Murray

    ArmA Editing Guide - English Version

    Hey Memphis WoW, three posts and no answers. Hmm, that’s real pity. It seems that the English community is sleeping. Maybe the German build is good enough and therefore no need for a translation. That´s good for us. So there is no need for me to layout the English one and so we are able to do other things Best regards, Mr-Murray
  9. Mr-Murray

    ArmA Editing Guide - English Version

    Hi all! Humvee28 has printed the German Version Editing for himself and it looks really great! Now, he´s the only on who has a printed Hardcover Guide of it. Yesterday I ordered one for myself to check the quality. I will try to deliver the forthcoming English build of it to Lulu.com for you so that you able to order it there. Please get an impression… These are just some mobile pictures from Humvee28. I will deliver some own if my copy has arrived. Picture1 Picture2 Picture3 Picture4 Picture5 Picture6 Picture8 Picture8 And BIG THANKS to MemphisBelle, Dan B and Matt Rochelle for their still great work and engagement!!! Best regards, Mr-Murray
  10. MAPFACT presents BATTLE OF ORTEGO by Mr-Murray Today Mapfact presenting Mr-Murrays first mission for Armed-Assault. In the "Battle of Ortego" it’s up to some special-forces to arrest the SLA president. One of our Special Forces teams has located President Richardicz in the early morning hours close to Ortego. We have received information from interrogation of the bodyguards, that he wanted to flee to Sahrani after his seat of government has been attacked by allied forces on the Island Saint Cruez. It’s time to get him now. You have to infiltrate the town at dawn with your team. Your primary target is to capture the President. Once we have him, We think that the SLA troops will put down their weapons and give the rest of the Island back to us non violently. Current Situation on Sahrani: A huge part of the Island is still under SLA control. Heavy fights persist all over the Borderlines. Our forces are still involved in heavy fights with the SLA forces. Some important, strategic locations were captured by our troops. Features: - Artillery strikes for each side - Airstrikes for each side - Radioman can call air and artillery support - Surrender option for enemy units - Unique sound environment - Backpack (Save and Heal option for player) - Spotter Option (One of the player’s team units(The Sniper) is a spotter. The player is able to switch into the view of this unit to observe an area. Give him the order "Scan Horizon" and a direction of view. After that open your Backpack and choose "Spotter".) - Special Effects (Fire, smoke, explosions and something else) - Story based mission - Animated characters - Varity of tasks - Additional dynamic tasks - Synchronized movie sequences (Intro, Briefing, Meeting, Outro) - Units patrolling in buildings - Enemy units are able to call support (Artillery, Airstrike, others) - Music track: We treal - Lex Lakaiser - Two supported languages: English and German - High dynamic level / gameplay - Unlimited Save Option - and much more... Mission: Single Player Mission Role: Team Leader Difficulty level: Advanced / Veteran Credits: Big thanks to all my beta testers. And some special thanks to W0lle and his great beta test work! Beta testers: W0lle, Chneemann, Al Simmons, Sgt.Ace, Blackland, Teufelsklaue, Matt Rochelle, [HSP]-NoFu, Parvus, MemphisBelle, Burns, Legislator, Metal0130 Addons: Queen´s Gambit Version: 1.14 Tips: - You should play the mission without using any additional mods at first! This way you will see all the features which are generally possible in ArmA. - Proceed with caution! - Use your team! DOWNLOAD Have fun and Best regards, Mr-Murray
  11. Mr-Murray

    ArmA Editing Guide - English Version

    *Hehe* Thanks! Me too, but I´m still busy with it
  12. Mr-Murray

    Music from Radio

    Hey Mate! You could check my missione Battle Of Ortego and you´ll find what you are searching for Best regards, Mr-Murray
  13. Mr-Murray

    QG Classnames

    Hi all Why you don´t download my Editing Guide? Download at armedassault.info: http://www.armedassault.info/index.p....s&id=21 The 1.02 English one consists not QG-Class names but they will come with the English Deluxe Edition. The German one of the Deluxe Edition already has been released. You could use it because the class names are in English! Check Chapter 3!!! There you will find some more class names as current existing Best regards, Mr-Murray
  14. Mr-Murray

    BATTLE OF ORTEGO by Mr-Murray [SP]

    Hi Is that problem still present? Please read the readme file. Best regards, Mr-Murray
  15. Mr-Murray

    ArmA Editing Guide - English Version

    German Deluxe Edition released!!! www.mr-murray.de.vu
  16. Good Luck Maruk! Yeah, that´s a good rhyme Thank´s for your statement the sounds and pictures! It sounds really great and I´m looking forward to the release... Best regards, Mr-Murray
  17. Mr-Murray

    ArmA2 on GC 08, infos from Peter Games

    I will be there
  18. Mr-Murray

    ArmA Editing Guide - English Version

    Hey guys Here some shots of the forthcoming Guide covers. Best regards, Mr-Murray
  19. Mr-Murray

    Best SP missions?

    Yeah DEFINATELY!!! It´s a MUST!
  20. Mr-Murray

    Best SP missions?

    Hey If you are a veteran you should try this one: Battle Of Ortego Download Here´s the thread for it: Battle Of Ortego Thread Good luck! Mr-Murray
  21. Mr-Murray

    ArmA Editing Guide - English Version

    Hey guys It´s a little bit complicate with that Publisher. Therefore I decided to release the as digital German version during the next 2 weeks. I don´t want to wait any longer because it required a lot of time and this community is still waiting for it. The English build of it will follow a little bit later. I´m still buzy with the layout and translation. And I want to keep my word as you know. Always! Best regards, Mr-Murray
  22. Mr-Murray

    Project leadership

    Good luck W0lle!!!
  23. Mr-Murray

    Using Animations

    Good morning Take a look into my signature and download my Editing Guide! There you will find nearly everything about editing, animations, etc. In chapter 8 you’ll find some examples for cam-scripting. My guide contains an animation list. My forthcoming big guide will include some more animations as the current available version. Download Editing Guide BIS Editing Guide Thread Good luck! Best regards, Mr-Murray
  24. Mr-Murray

    ArmA Editing Guide - English Version

    Hi all I always have to say thanks for the great feedback! Here are some short news about the forthcoming guide. We are working very hard to make it final as soon as possible. I will enlarge my team up to 5 or 6 to make a better and faster job. Concerning your issues about a printed version via Book on Demand we have to clarify it whit the owner of rights (BIS) at first. I know that you all appreciate it because you don´t have to print it at home. I know this problem since my OFP-Editing Guide from 2001 Now comes your task! If you have found some mistakes or anything else in the short guide which doesn’t looks good or isn´t right explained, please don´t hesitate to write us. There are a lot of pages and it´s nearly impossible to see every mistake or something else. Thank you all!!! ArmA Guide Future I don´t really know if I would write one more Guide for ArmA in future.  It´s a very time consuming job. Of course, the basics are the same and a layout is already present. All what I have to do is to create a new design for an ArmA II Guide and learn all new features about the new game. Additional to that I have to change all my script examples from SQS to SQF and implement all new things. If I would use this great basic I could ensure to release an ArmA II Guide a few weeks or months (better weeks) after the A2-Release. Now I need to know what the community’s opinion about it is. Would you embrace one more guide like the existing/forthcoming one and… would it be one more pillar to the game in view of competition games? Yours, Mr-Murray