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Everything posted by Mafia101

  1. Definitely I will buy Arma2 :) I would like to also buy collector edition. I've played Arma1 actually, but that was my friend Czech version copy and at 1.00 it wasn't that good. Lot's of features missed that added now. But now I think that I should had bought Arma1 but while now Arma2 is almost out I will definitely buy this :) Environment reminds me OFP and I think It will be successor to OFP. Edit: Btw I would call it OFP instead OFP1 because DR is not next part of OFP. Even if it was named before OFP2 they changed it to just Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising. So OFP is still OFP and DR is just some game with that name...
  2. Mafia101

    Arma 2 Expansions/DLC

    CH-53E Super Stallion :)
  3. Looks so because all missions ect were same...
  4. Tho... anyone have today's PC GAMER issue? ;) New Preview?
  5. Mafia101

    Deadfast's Translations

    Ok but I thought as speculated that ChDKZ and Russia will be "East" US and CDF will be "West" and NAPA will be like "Ressistance". Anyway In that case... could ChDKZ and NAPA both will be factions who can be good or bad. But by Joining ChDKZ you will be friend with Russians coz so far I know... ChDKZ will be strongly supported by Russia... :confused:
  6. Mafia101

    Deadfast's Translations

    Err? Can you explain me bit more clearly :o
  7. Mafia101

    Deadfast's Translations

    Nice as always Deadfast! Tho I have question. He said there will be 4 endings and you can join 1 faction? So Is that possible that 1 end will be something like "bad ending" like you join Russia or Chernarus Liberation Army Red Star and rule the world? Just thinking ;)
  8. Tomorrow 7th May ;) http://www.computerandvideogames.com/article.php?id=214001
  9. Tomorrow PC GAMER Preview! Anyone have subscription?
  10. Mafia101

    ArmA II: The Vehicles

    Did T34 have half finished interior? Not bad, I mean look's like they make interior there, so that may would lead that all tanks have interior but that's just a guess :p
  11. Mafia101

    New ArmA II Pictures!

    Agree! I'm and I think many people will be happy If there is newer technology. Really, I am tired all those AK-s, BMP-s, T72, T80 ect... It's cool there is future Russians weapons, not that old stuff again. But, LOL Vilas, same BS again. You should be happy that you are not banned forever yet! But If you continue that way, It will come sooner or later :rolleyes:
  12. Mafia101

    When will the reviews be comming?

    Yes. 7.may in PC GAMER this month issue :) Edit: I missed point about new build. I don't know which build PC GAMER got :/
  13. Mafia101

    TrackIR 5 ArmA2 Thread!

    Well yes, it's SU-25T HUD. But OK then.. btw can you show me old HUD? :P But does HIND have same HUD then? :p
  14. Mafia101

    TrackIR 5 ArmA2 Thread!

    Well If have question about err.. Su25 and Hind HUD-s. Are there any options that you can change HUD-s. I mean like you choose different hoods in helicopter/plane in action menu? To be honest I don't like those HUD-s so much.. 1st they are identical. If I put google.com Su 25 HUD then first result will be this: http://media.photobucket.com/image/su%2025%20HUD/Balros/cockpit_su-25t.jpg or http://www.virtual-jabog32-mirror2.de/downloads/_pics/img_id125.jpg dunno about HIND-s because there isn't much info about it. 2nd thing is that it covers pretty much view. Make it more transparent could do a thing. I would like to see better HUD-s but I'm not complain. Also in Internet there is pretty different models info and never knows which model dev's exactly used ;)
  15. Mafia101

    TrackIR 5 ArmA2 Thread!

    Yeah, that's will be cool.. But I also prefer Dslyecxi Arma2 tactical guide (If he makes one ;)) included with Arma2 CE or sth. That would be also cool
  16. Mafia101

    ArmA2 needs to be advertised!

    almost 9 000 views in youtube and more than 20 000 for teaser so I think it's advertising both, Arma2 and TIR5 pretty well :p
  17. Indeed EA is bad example but still, many dev's using old stuff tho. it saves time as previously mentioned, if they took some some stuff c'mon it isn't that bad...
  18. EA took about 75% vehicles from previous NFS and put them in new version. So yeah Dev's can do this. Why they need to make always new model? If there is old good models, they can just retexture, remodel or just make some changes ;)
  19. "Visiting the former military areas isn't forbidden, but due to large numbers of unexploded ordnance as well as the decayed conditions of the buildings it is not recommended." Look's interesting..
  20. Chernarus: Military Zones Revealed! http://www.arma2.com/military-zones_en.html
  21. Mafia101

    TrackIR 5 ArmA2 Thread!

    Dunno, with HD and even full screen i can't see nothing :D
  22. Mafia101

    TrackIR 5 ArmA2 Thread!

    WOW! Nice video. Both Products are Awesome :) Yup, I've noticed same :rolleyes: about 6:40 to 6:50 you clearly can see no center dot there... Did anyone noticed, this wasn't a preview version
  23. Wow... look's like something BIG on it's way!
  24. Did you noticed, on that Chernarus page there is 5 black&white screens with named like nature_classified, industrial_classified ect... So I think, there is more specific information about those topics to come, like vehicles and weapons :)