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major woody

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Everything posted by major woody

  1. major woody

    CSLA 2 Update1

    I've noticed that there's a towed version of the BS3 gun! I have'nt been able to find it in the editor however! Does anybody know where to find it? Â Tnx in advance Â
  2. major woody

    BM-21 Grad script!

    Beats me  ! Like I said at the beginning - it's not Coc quality, but still - it works fine... Â
  3. major woody

    BM-21 Grad script!

    Found the bug myself! Had to exchange all the "/" in the all the scripts with "\" 's   Anyway the script has been updated and works in MP now - just use the link on top of this page...  Cheers...
  4. major woody

    BM-21 Grad script!

    What the hell is wrong with this script! Being busy for quit a while now and reopend the script! Apparently it only works in the editor, and not in Single -and Multiplayer as it supposed to do! I've never seen such errors - any idears??
  5. major woody

    BRDM-2 AT3 Sagger (9P122)

    Never mind!!!! Found out that the posistion next to the ammotruck is very important - guess that was the problem  Â
  6. major woody

    BRDM-2 AT3 Sagger (9P122)

    I've played a little around whit this beautiful addon for a while now, but I need to know how to rearm it. I've tried whith an Ural Ammotruck only yet - but I never got any choice in my action menu! Any suggestions??
  7. major woody

    BM-21 Grad script!

    Put the "Rocker Artillery.noe" folder in your Operation Flashpoint/User/Name/Mission folder. Then start the game and select Mission Edition. Select Nogova and load the game "Rocket Artillery". In the game you play as the forward observer... No questions are to stupid! only the replys are...
  8. I don't speak russian, but I would really like to put speech im my missions, scripts ect... Which Text To Speech engine supports Russian language? Â
  9. major woody

    "Grad" ?

    Psst Phonix! Â U need a script for the Grad? Here U go... Script Â
  10. major woody

    BRDM-2 AT3 Sagger (9P122)

    About freaking fu***** time the OFP community got such vehicle - I've been whaiting for such BRDM's for quite a while now About the loadning time - 20 in RL is ok, but a bit to long in OFP - so can you please set down?
  11. major woody

    Naming a VehiclCreated unit

    I better explain my intentions! My rocketlauncher is called Launcher1 - When I convert it from FiringMode into MovingMode I use the buildIn script for that. [launcher1] exec "\OWP_ZIL_Scripts\ToMove.sqs"; The script deletes the FiringMode and VehicleCreates a new MovingMode. THAT MovingMode is what I would like to name Launcher1 and so on I'm most greatfull you spend your time helping me solving my problems Â
  12. In some of my missions I've VehicleCreated some units. In order to make the scripting work I need to name these vehicles (just as you do in the editor) I once had a thread in opfec regarding this quistion, but can't remember the solution... Can anybody help me with that? Â Â
  13. major woody

    Naming a VehiclCreated unit

    Please forgive me if I did'nt made my self clear   What I meant was in normal edition you name your tank, chopper, man etc. in the textfield 'name' in order to make it work as a part of a script... Is it possible to give a VehicleCreated vehicle a name as you normally would have done in the 'name' field? Â
  14. I have a very usefull list of all BIS vehicles weapon and ammo names. This is much often needed in order to make scripts etc. If I would like to use an unofficial addon and theese names are needed in the script, how and where can I look for it in the config? Â
  15. major woody

    New Landmine Artillery Script

    Did'nt check my mailbox until today! This is a very spetacular script  I suppose it's still at beta stage, but I see a LOT of oppertunities in it, nice work indeed! Keep on rocking!!!
  16. major woody


    Was there ever made a storyboard for a campaign from this mod? ATM it should be possible whit all these great dessert addons wich had beed released lately. I've allways been very interested in the First Gulf War and would love to make such a campaign Â
  17. major woody


    Don't get me wrong  I'm not looking for a Gulf war campaign! I was just wandring if there was made a manus (or storyboard) for the OPGWC mod! The point is that I've allways been very curious about how that mod would turn out...
  18. Are anyone famiiar whith the mentioned script. It keeps disworking for me. 4 M60 are supposed to deliver inderict firesupport, but this part of the script keeps bugging me: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">_ammo = _artillery Ammo "Shell105" ? (_ammo <= 1) : Goto "AbortAmmo" ? (_verb > 0) : _artillery SideChat Format ["Firing %1 at bearing of %2 deg (%3)",_firecount,GetDir _artillery,_ammo] _artillery Fire ["Gun105","Shell105","Gun105"] @((_artillery Ammo "Shell105")==(_ammo - 1)) _target SetPos _posb2 ~1 _firecount = _firecount + 1 then it loops to this part <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">#AbortAmmo _artillery SideChat "Out of ammunition." exit Something tells me that it is the Gun/Ammo name which is bugging, but I have tried move around the names whitout any luck Â
  19. major woody

    East Artillery

    Despite of the headline, this is in fact an 82mm mortar for the east side. http://ofp.gamepark.cz/index.php?showthis=2095
  20. major woody

    East Artillery

    Amen! How can you argue whit that. Â
  21. major woody

    East Artillery

    Not even as a static weapob, like the towed howitzers and mortars?
  22. major woody

    East Artillery

    Did that too Â
  23. major woody

    East Artillery

    I've tested this addon with several mods and island, and compared it to the COC M109, and the jugement is clear! The 2S19 MSTA is to inaccurate. I've never seen the impacts, though I hear them nearby... Oh btw. I get this errormessage saying: msta\optika_m109.p3d: Unsupported version 4164812.205 which means I have to load the mission twice. Can this have any influence? Â
  24. major woody

    Identical firingangel

    Got this (crazy) idea about playing as an armoredeplatoon commander, then being requested to deliver indirect fire support. Player moves to gunners seat and find the right angel 'n distance (allready got that script), and fires a spot round. Once it lands right the player activates a script that makes the AI gunners to point their gun in the same direction and angel as the player and opens fire... Any idea how to make such a script?