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Everything posted by Michele

  1. Michele

    bad italian translation

    What voice ? The voice is english only, isn't it ?
  2. Michele

    bad italian translation

    The translation for "decommissioning" is "smantellare" First time I heard it, I spent some minutes thinking...what are they talking about!! ahahaha :)
  3. Michele

    bad italian translation

    and i forgot : 4) The FIA resistance "cell" operating in Stratis..."cell" is translated as the place where prisoners are held! Thanks Placebo and Johny
  4. Hello. I know that there is a "limited edition deluxe" version of the retail game that is being sold in many websites at an average price of €44,99 (with the key card, slip case with hologram,the map,the controls sheet and the digital content that is also available purchasing the digital deluxe version). But my question is if there is also a standard version...:j: as it's stated in many press releases, but I can't find it anywhere
  5. 12 singleplayer showcases are equivalent to 12 singleplayer missions ? :confused: (like it was on Cold War Assault and ArmA and the other games?)
  6. Hello guys, Today I noticed that there is a Gamestop "exclusive" for Arma III retail version. The day of release is 27/09/2013 and the price discounted is €44.98. I can't read what's the name of the publisher, written in the boxart. I wonder If this is a real exclusive for Gamestop and the release date is correct! Here is the link: http://www.gamestop.it/PC/Games/32446
  7. Preorder available but the release date is TBA yet! Never heard...Awful :( And what about the good old retail version ?? Any plans to release it ?
  8. This is a problem that must be solved.YOU BiStudio have licensed FXInteractive to sell YOUR game in Italy and Spain and it's ridiculous that you just "contact" them for the release of the updates! You have the responsability of what is happening, and you should supervise what's going on with your games... here's anothe thread : http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?141700-Shame-on-FX-Interactive. I think that with more attention by you maybe this situation could be solved and everyone smile :)
  9. Hello everyone, I have read in the internet that FxInteractive version of the game last update was the 1.03 patch, is that true ? You know that this version updates via his own launcher, like steam Thanks
  10. Michele

    Army of the Czech Republic DLC

    In the Bistudio store is stated that ACR dlc contains 15 singleplayer missions.But where arte they ? The campaign is 8 missions long (the last one is the floods mission isn't it ?)
  11. Hello everyone, I bought retail version of ArmaX. First I installed Arma 2 dvd and the only available languages were english and czech.Then I installed Arrowhead dvd (with BAF and PMC) and there is english only. I wonder if maybe I should install Arrowhead before Arma2, because the pdf manual of Arrowhead is in italian!! And the ColdWar Assault dvd is in italian too! (as it was in the glorious 2001)
  12. Michele


    I see in the Arrowhead manual that there are german and czech special forces in Takistan. But they aren't in the campaign, are they ?
  13. Michele

    505 Collector's edition

    Maybe I'll be wrong but the only special thing made by 505 is a steel box sold in about 30.000 copies...Just thinking about the ammo box sold in Germany with all the stuff inside and I become crazy. What about all the requests you guys did in the thread ?
  14. Michele

    505 Collector's edition

    I think that for this reason has been snobbed by the onlineshops catalogues
  15. Michele

    505 Collector's edition

    The steel box
  16. Michele

    505 Collector's edition

    I think that the only special content is software...the game is just patched with the upcoming new things from bis and an extra mission, If I understood well.
  17. Michele

    Confirmed release dates and countries.

    Did someone spot an onlineshop listing the "special" (I didn't understand how much) edition ?
  18. Michele

    Confirmed release dates and countries.

    I saw on the italian distributor website the metal case edition due on the 16th, if i remember, but it's not listed in any online shop... Does anyone have more info about this edition?
  19. Michele

    ArmA languages

    Hi there, If I buy the english version of ArmA, in an english online store, will i find the italian language in there? I remember that OFP was multilanguage or maybe not...