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Posts posted by Mr_Tea

  1. On the other hand, real NVGs has:

    Quite limited resolution, "TV lines", way below most peoples screen displays.

    Noisy as hell.

    Often very low contrast, when there is little to no stray light.

    Much less "reach" than in Arma2.

    Much worse washout effects than you see in Arma2.

    No way of using regular daylight sights with a monocular NVG.

    I´d be fine with the limitations.

    The way they are limited know makes them useless, well at least once the sky is clear and the stars coming out. As long it`s cloudy everything is fine, but that`s about it.

  2. Unfortunately this works only until i save an mission, and once i load it the NVG are useless again.

    Activation on mission start does not work, and it does not shows up in the action menu.

    BIS should fix their fucking NVG`s themselves. They where useless in Armed Assault, and it`s still the same shit.:protest:

  3. It should not be lost on your that Arhamedinejad was not the Ayatollahs prefered candidate in the election before this.

    All candidates that can be voted for in Iran are preferred candidates of the Ayatollahs. After all there is not a bit of democracy in the Iranian System.

  4. As nearly all young man in Germany back in 91 i served. In my case 12 month within the Tank Artillery.

    I really hate the M109, and the other old equipment we had, the stuff the guys get this days is much better. The only usable toys we had, where the G3 and the MG3.:rolleyes:
