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Posts posted by Mr_Tea

  1. In ArmA, and OFP off course, it`s about fulfill the mission and survive it, not kill as many as you can.

    Therefore there is no need, to count how many enemy's were killed by the player. There were those entry's in the combat reports of OFP, but i don`t really took care about how many i´ve killed in an mission, because you don`t need to kill as many as you can.

    It may be interesting for online sessions, but there the kill counter is present.

  2. It looks like the texture problem is related to the quality setting in the video drivers, or control panel.

    The lower i set the quality of my card, the worse get this texture problems.

    On high quality the performance of ArmA is lower, as to be expected, but the texture problem is nearly gone. At least if the viewdistance is not set over 2000 meters.

    Higher in game settings help too, all at the cost of the performance of course.

  3. The end of the world is close. Just do some research on 2012 and the crystal skull. World War 3 is close.

    What crystal skulls?

    All of them are fakes, made to make money from it around 1920-1930, when you could make much money with such stuff.

    When a big rock falls from the sky, it`s all over too. That can happen every day, and i`m still not a bit worried. smile_o.gif

    After all we can`t do nothing when the end comes, so what?

    Stay cool, all the panic will help no one. wink_o.gif

  4. What sound hardware do you use, and what drivers?

    The plugged in speakers does not matter, if you have an sound card that supports hardware acceleration and EAX, and proper drivers are installed it should work.

  5. Snip.

    Vista is such a pain! banghead.gif  banghead.gif

    Vista can be a pain, for games that are not designed to work on that OS. Remember how old OFP is right now.

    We can be happy that OFP works at all on Vista, and that ArmA works that good with it. wink_o.gif

  6. You can enhance stereo sound, so that it comes from all speakers with CMSS3D.

    Set your speaker settings to 5.1, do not use stereo x2 or any other CMSS3D stereo enhancement.

    You want 5.1 sound, not an enhanced 2.1 sound.


    To say it clear.

    You don`t need CMSS3D for games that support 5.1 or 7.1 surround sound.

    You need CMSS3D if you want to use all speakers, but the game, or  another sound source, is stereo only.

    If the game supports 5.1 surround, what ArmA does, than all speakers will get used without, and only without, CMSS3D.

    At least on my Audigy2 surround sound works without CMSS3D, and should work on X-FI cards as well.

  7. You can enhance stereo sound, so that it comes from all speakers with CMSS3D.

    Set your speaker settings to 5.1, do not use stereo x2 or any other CMSS3D stereo enhancement.

    You want 5.1 sound, not an enhanced 2.1 sound.


    To say it clear.

    You don`t need CMSS3D for games that support 5.1 or 7.1 surround sound.

    You need CMSS3D if you want to use all speakers, but the game, or  another sound source, is stereo only.

    If the game supports 5.1 surround, what ArmA does, than all speakers will get used without, and only without, CMSS3D.

    At least on my Audigy2 surround sound works without CMSS3D, and should work on X-FI cards as well.

  8. An MBT can`t be lifted by any helicopter.

    We talking of wights from 35 tons to 55 tons per tank, and that weight is way to much for any helicopter. At least that ones we have in ArmA, but i doubt there is one heli at all, that could lift an M1A2.

    Besides that:

    This script rocks, now damaged vehicles can be delivered to an service point. inlove.gif
