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Everything posted by Mr_Tea

  1. Mr_Tea

    Bad sigs

    They also had the chance to test the demo, and the right not buy, or return Arma. I totally agree with Bratty.
  2. Mr_Tea

    1.08 performance increase!

    It detects, and use the correct amount of vram, if it`s more than 512MB.
  3. Mr_Tea

    ArmA Graphics Problem

    The Vista drivers are still far from perfect. Because of that it can turn out bad, if you do something that would normally improve the game.
  4. Are you sure, that you`re unpacker didn`t created an "@Island" modfolder in the "@Mapfact\addons" folder? Edit: So looks my shortcut, and everything works normal. <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">"O:\Programme\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA\arma.exe" -mod=@FDF_Sounds;@map;@air;@islands;@CMCD_1ID_US_INF_REPLACEMENTS
  5. Mr_Tea

    1.08 Troubleshooting thread.

    Those are exactly that type of errors i had, until i changed the texture detail. Try that, it could help.
  6. Mr_Tea

    1.08 Troubleshooting thread.

    Sure, that does not mean it will not work for "older" cards with not more than 512MB VRAM. I wonder that this time someone read my post. This days no one read another page in an topic, than that on top.
  7. OMG. I did some testing of Arma patched to 1.08, and must say i`m impressed. Arma works better, smoother has many bugs fixed in version 1.08. What are you waiting for? A fix? To fix what? A problem that you will maybe never get, with you`re hardware and software? Take an advice from an "old" OFP player: Always install the latest patch, even when it`s called "beta patch".
  8. Mr_Tea

    1.08 Troubleshooting thread.

    @ All this time If you get texture errors with default texture settings, change the setting to "very high" (works for me), or test another setting. I use an 7600GS 512MB AGP Card.
  9. Strange thing is, when flying over this island i get more stutter and lag, than on full Sahrani with same settings. Besides that, nice look and "feel" of that island.
  10. Mr_Tea

    Evolution - Single Player

    Very good idea. This will be a hell of a mission, but that`s what i like. I will definitely play this mission, when it`s released. Edit: Forgot something.
  11. Mr_Tea

    1.08 Troubleshooting thread.

    @Törni Test different texture quality settings. I got stretching textures when texture quality was set to default, after set it back to very high the error was gone.
  12. Thank`s for that. Will test this Version South Sahrani this evening.
  13. Mr_Tea

    1.08 Troubleshooting thread.

    wtf? my problem doesn't warrent a reply? I'm the only one who had this error installing 1.08? I hit "Ignore" and the update finished fine, played a quick mission to test it and it's amazing! Load times are alot faster and I love the new nightvision look! You`re current Arma Version is 1.05? You can`t patch older versions directly up to 1.08
  14. Mr_Tea

    1.08 performance increase!

    There are still some driver related problems with the 8800 series. Nothing special, this cards are brand new DX10 hardware.
  15. Mr_Tea

    1.08 performance increase!

    Yes, the performance is better. Sys. Spec`s: AhtlonXP 3200+ 1GB Ram in Dual-Channel mode MSI GeForce 7600GS 512MB AGP Creative Labs Audigy2
  16. Mr_Tea

    1.08 performance increase!

    You meant 3Ghz for sure. Arma works better with patch 1.08 on every machine i think. A strong graphic card with much vram is recommended.
  17. Mr_Tea

    Patch 1.08 - Released!

    I got graphic errors(spikes) when i set the texture detail to "default". After changing the texture detail back to "very high" this errors are gone. Overall performance is better now, really great.
  18. Mr_Tea

    Patch 1.08 - Released!

    Finally it`s there. Get ~640kb/s
  19. Mr_Tea

    8500GT Stutter?

    You should think about investing a bit more money, and buy an 8600GTS. With that you`ll get the best performance, for the invested money. The 8600GT is cheaper, but weaker too. 8600GT GPU/DDR : 540/1.180 8600GTS GPU/DDR : 675/2.000
  20. Mr_Tea

    Info on upcoming 1.08 patch

    Call me a BIS Fanboy, but i love it.
  21. Mr_Tea

    8500GT Stutter?

    Don`t buy low end video cards, when you want performance. Investigate a little bit before you buy stuff, not every card of the 8000 series is really powerful.
  22. Mr_Tea

    PMC AEC islands released!

    The size of the "real islands" is not represented in OFP or Arma, we know that this islands have counterparts in the real world.
  23. Mr_Tea

    8500GT Stutter?

    That poor performance of the 8500GT did not surprised me. It`s the low end of the 8000 series, look at the specs of that card and look at the specs of an 8600GT for example.
  24. Mr_Tea

    Airplanes dont shoot?

    With 1.07beta the A10 engaging ground targets with the avenger, than hell breaks loose on the ground. Edit: I used an S&D Waypoint.
  25. As posted by someone in the youtube comments, you`ll find the M107 in a weapon box, that can be placed via the editor.