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Everything posted by MATRA

  1. Amazing Job as always! ps. waiting for you at ArmA
  2. MATRA

    FFUR/SLX 2007

    Great Job as ever guys, Only one thing, I cant get the Extra Pack working on FFUR, but it works fine on a normal OPF session. EDIT SOLVED
  3. MATRA

    505 Collector's edition

    gentlemen, we have a premiere here: the first special edition that isn't... Â Priceless
  4. MATRA

    ArmA photography - Questions&Comments

    yep the Master is back, great SS Parvus.
  5. MATRA

    English version?

    Hi, check this topic please. edit.. Sick was faster
  6. MATRA

    Your ideal PC to play ARMA?

    Hi, The if you dont change the X1300 ill give you 5.
  7. MATRA

    Plans to launch AA on Xbox 360?

    I really... really hope not.
  8. MATRA

    should you be able to move and shoot in ARMA?

    The word "campers" doesnt apply to a tactical war shooter. Go play CS.
  9. MATRA

    Goodbye Placebo

    Bye Placebo good luck on ur next adventure. PS. Adeus Placebo até a próxima, boa sorte
  10. MATRA

    European Armed Assault To Feature Exclusive Conten

    Hehe Amen to that. Great news.
  11. MATRA

    Finnish Defence Forces Mod

    really nice guys, looking froward to see FDF in ArmA.
  12. MATRA

    Convoy Ambush SP mission

    I did it with the standard ammo. I ambush them at the woods to the right, placed a charge and cross the van in the road, when the 1st BMP hited my van I RPG him, and trigger the charge in the troops truck, then I RPG the 2 BMP , and killed the drivers on the other trucks with M4
  13. MATRA

    official complaint to BIS

    You are right on what AI should be in a game like ArmA and OFP, but Stealth3 had a point on this "make their AI act inteligent in a campaign" , Campaign doesnt need super AI that knows how to move in the hole Island, its all about triggers, I dont like being in a mission where you have to kill all enemy's, and one or more of them run away and the trigger is never activated. Campaign its all about gameplay and rhythm and if they only "Act smart" and things work, like they did in Retaliation, in my opinion gameplay wins. In SP missions and Coop, I totally agree with you, " we have with OFP and ArmA is a pretty dynamic, self-governing AI, which will follow waypoint types under thier own "influence" in order to create action" And YES, ArmA is far better then OFP, need some polish etc, but CWC campaign could be played till the end even in ver 1.00 like I did.
  14. MATRA

    Marpat soldiers WIP

    Grats on your first addon it looks great, testing it now.
  15. MATRA

    Marpat soldiers WIP

    Grats on your first addon it looks great, testing it now.
  16. MATRA

    An Odd mix of Realism and Arcade…

    I wont be so sure. , when I manage to see the hole island in my boat I believe in anything
  17. MATRA

    Arma bugs

    Hum I can board damage AI tanks, and repair them, just cant make the damn crew to get in it again
  18. MATRA

    German Patch 1.01 released

    If AI have improved after this patch... I cant imagine how it were before
  19. MATRA

    Arma bugs

    Yes I saw all that, and one strange thing too, After tank "is status red" they disembark but they never mount a perfect A1 again. Besides enemy AI AT specialist have super skill, one shot one kill.
  20. MATRA

    Your ideal PC to play ARMA?

    I only had change the x1959XTX to a 8800GTS , and thats a very nice config.
  21. MATRA

    German Patch 1.01 released

    yes its patched if you check some posts above you ll see that And yes the Download is only 2 files, one setup and one bin.
  22. MATRA

    German Patch 1.01 released

    About 2.4Gb, and yes you can use getright and maybe other download managers.
  23. MATRA

    Bring back driving and cursor as in OFP

    I miss the free look, but the sense of weith and the drive of ArmA for me is far better then OFP. Now feals like you driving something heavy.