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Everything posted by MATRA

  1. MATRA

    SLI ? PLEASE do SOMETHING !!!...

    Because maybe money isnt issue and people can buy whatever they want, and then buy the next top card as soon as it gets out.
  2. MATRA

    Armed Assault videos

    The are other videos like this over the net.. mostly Anti-USA propaganda.
  3. MATRA

    Crysis Nukes

    Well.. I love ArmA but im not naive. Crysis and Bioshock are the most advanced grafics games that we will play in the next 6 months, we are talking about DX10 renders, with possibilities that only a huge DX10 patch could bring to ArmA engine. As for physics I wont even coment.
  4. MATRA

    Crysis Nukes

    Well.. I love ArmA but im not naive. Crysis and Bioshock are the most advanced grafics games that we will play in the next 6 months, we are talking about DX10 renders, with possibilities that only a huge DX10 patch could bring to ArmA engine. As for physics I wont even coment.
  5. MATRA

    Armed Assault videos

    This just bring a tear to my eye. Amazing job.
  6. MATRA

    What am I doing wrong?

    Dude 1,2,3 are rookies, if not they´ll know that AI flying to atack our base is to good to be true.
  7. MATRA

    Cant move while reloading

    /Sign We should be able to stop reloading if needed.
  8. MATRA

    Blood, Sweat and Tears

    Do you have the A10 or not?
  9. MATRA

    Approximate location of Sahrani

    Its near Madeira, Im from Azores and I can confirm that to W theres only sea, sperm whales, seaguls and NY a bit far
  10. MATRA

    Blood, Sweat and Tears

    Big hoaahh to you and your squad m8. Now I feel less raped.
  11. MATRA

    A trick to make arma dualcore ?

    nVIDIA, only releases profiles for some games, and BEFORE they do that ALL games I tested in SLI worked fairly well in default profiles. The dev team just didnt program the game to support SLI or multi cores. Period! PS: ArAs=Armed Assault ,first comunity designation for the game. old habits die hard
  12. MATRA

    A trick to make arma dualcore ?

    Yes indeed, I have SLI and compared with almost all the games Ive played, ArAs is one big headache, when ArAs gone pseudo gold in October, SLI was here for about 2 years, no excuses here.
  13. MATRA

    A trick to make arma dualcore ?

    I really hope that BIS give us support for dual core cpu´s. Its an irony that such demanding hardware game as ArAs is, lack in suport for High End gaming machines, such as Dual and Quad Core and SLI systems, In a matter of fact no proper support for SLI is major flaw in ArAS!
  14. MATRA

    Enemy AI too good, team AI too bad

    I couldnt agree more.
  15. MATRA


    One question, do they work with FDF sounds?
  16. MATRA

    Hold fire

    Me too, and they blow charges without any order too.
  17. MATRA

    Wacht am Rhein

    Sounds great. Good Luck, I will be patience as I was with inv44. P.S. Being an History Teacher, its always good to see that people can learn from the past. Too bad that some of the most important politicians and military leaders, skip history classes.
  18. MATRA

    Taking Cover

    I think any cover system should stick to first person to prevent seeing anything that you shouldn't be able to see. As long as you can turn it off or to 1st person in server options cant see any harm on it. You can play the hole SP game in 3rt person anyway. But I agree, the Vietong system seems more suitable for ArmA, dont ask me why . And yes I played Vegas.
  19. MATRA

    Taking Cover

    Good news, what game are they creating? Any info on that? Ontopic: The cover Idea isnt that bad, as long as we can choose 1st person view, and turn the 3rt person view server options. But now that we finaly( without community addons) have the lean I dont see much use for it.
  20. MATRA

    Camp Charlie

    Yep, great location, good balance, very fun to play. Good Job
  21. MATRA

    AAN - ArmA Navy

    One word! AMAZING!!
  22. MATRA

    PC Format review 88% and SP Demo disk

    nope - it came with pc gamer on the same day my full version of the game was released, so didnt really see the point  Still im curious, what kind of missions did BIS put in the Demo, can I recomend it to my friends? Oh cut the crap is it anything good?
  23. MATRA

    PC Format review 88% and SP Demo disk

    Anyone tryed the SP Demo yet? Im very curious about that.
  24. MATRA

    Skins Multicam

    In my opinion, the best camo patern for Sahrani. Great Job
  25. MATRA

    AMD or Intel?

    Thats a good point, Maybe ArmA was build on AMD systems, that could explain the lack of optmization some C2D, like myself, are experiencing.