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Monkey Lib Front

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Everything posted by Monkey Lib Front

  1. Monkey Lib Front


    Nope, the entire competition was worth a million dollars which included the prize of liscence of the UT24k engine and also other teams which won at certain points got money aswell so it worked out they won around 100,000-150,000 and the Engine (which is worth around 400,000 i thnk) so it's a bit misleading really.
  2. Monkey Lib Front

    War against terror

    But they couldn't actually find and proper evidence except the way they where flown out and that they where force fed.
  3. Monkey Lib Front

    The Iraq thread 4

    It's being reported at the moment that these particular guys where getting incoming rocks and homemade explosive devices and this was the same time when we were seeing scenes like these
  4. Monkey Lib Front

    The Iraq thread 4

    well if youths did it to riot police along with throwing homemade nades at them then i would not bat an eye lid at the police giving them a good hiding.
  5. Monkey Lib Front

    The Iraq thread 4

    Overreaction? Naaa....If they attacked the executive authority (that's what the forces are there) they earned the few sticks on their backsides they recieved. Problem is that (as usual) it is turned around 180° by some idiots in offices, who never had to stand infront of a mob  Non-leathal punishment is totaly conform with human rights as a method of riot-control or penalization in trouble areas... Have you ever watched riot-controls at football games??? If that is  torture what the squadies did, then you will see a lot of "torture" during the woldcup here in germany.  I can link a police video from a nuclear-transport which demonstrants tried to stop by force. There was more batting involved there...but this may offend s.o. or what? Wow, surprised this kind of talk is even allowed on the forum.  Think before you post maybe?  These kids were protesting with rocks against soldiers with body kit....  the only time the ycan be beaten somewhat is to dispurse them if they refuse or to arrest.  Neither is the case in the video. erm they where not just throwing rocks it also included homemade grenades and rocks don't bounce of you like say stones can these things can kill or cause serious harm to a soldier.
  6. Monkey Lib Front

    The Iraq thread 4

    Video seems authentic but i'm not sure about the voice over though.
  7. Monkey Lib Front

    CSLA 2 Update1

    Yea i hear that also but i see it 2 months later in VBS.
  8. Monkey Lib Front

    Marine Corps Boot Camp

    Did you take an pics of the training?
  9. Monkey Lib Front

    OFP photography - Questions & comments

    Do those ski's have actuall proper anims?
  10. Monkey Lib Front

    Explosion in UK

    According to Trevor, its more to do with the fact that the fire is so hot at the mo, making the clouds rise so high; apparently, as the fire gets fought more (and thus the vapours get colder) the cloud will end up "falling" onto houses etc. Whoever made the joke about the cloud going towards France - erm, some of us live in the South East mate, it ain't funny Indeed that is true but low ground winds (not literally on the ground ) allow the particles and crap to rise quicker instead of being dispersed at a lower level.
  11. Monkey Lib Front

    RHS Releases: T80 MBT Pack v.1

    I get an error pop up when using the arena and shora version of the tank, something to do with scripting when i'm engaged, i've got the misc file in their i dunno whats happening. I think it's effects because all i hear is the siren and then an explosion about 10m infront of me.
  12. Monkey Lib Front

    Explosion in UK

    Ground winds have been little thus allowing the dust to smoke to rise and dispearse alot easier.
  13. Monkey Lib Front

    Great Websites of the World

    SOMETHINGAWFUL DOT COM Do you have stairs in your house?
  14. Monkey Lib Front

    release over steam

    Because the majority hasn't any real information at all about steam... That is true, but the negativity far outweighs the positive side. A few more negative aspects of Steam(ingpileofshit): [*]Unable to play if a patch is available and you dont want to download that right now. [*]Because the patch is available to all at the same time, dl-speed suffers (downloading 50MB at 20KB/s is not my kind of fun) [*]Steam has to run and log-in in order for me to start a completely different program I believe Valve was onto something with this idea, its just that the idea was very poorly executed. You can play games without updating the game, you can install HL2 vanilla v1.0 log into steam stop the update and play. There are tons of servers all located around the world for content i've downloaded at 100kb before. Steam is built into the game due to it including the server browser and the friends list (which is being fixed) which allows you to log into servers/load up games your mates are playing. It's an extra 10 seconds max if your loading up the game and an extra 5-10 mb of memory used. Future games such as Red Orchestra Ost Front will use steam as content delivery but not to play it through.
  15. Monkey Lib Front

    release over steam

    I have the retail version, installed it and first thing that happened was that steam came up with a over 300 Meg´s update I had to download BEFORE I would have been able to fire my first shot. This would have taken me about 2-3 days of constant internet connection. This does not work from another computer as HL2 was installed on a different one and steam does recognize that. So before rushing to assumptions you should first check what steam really does and what that means for slow internet connection guys who don´t have an alternative. All you have to do is click on the don't update this game and walla it doesn't update the game and you can play 1.0 forever, i did this for cs i installed normal HL2 clicked don't update and updated cs. I also love the whole attached to account part of it as i don't need to keep carting my cd's around with me if i want to play. erm you don't need the cd to play HL2 either it was one of the 1st patches to be released for the game.
  16. Monkey Lib Front

    Usmc uh-1n

    Preparation H from the Preparation H OFP Addons Workshop has released his UH-1N. Screenshot 1 Screenshot 2 Screenshot 3 Screenshot 4 Download
  17. Monkey Lib Front

    Buying Next Gen? Launch or wait?

    i'll probally get 360 next september after my 2nd year student loan comes through, main selling point is that all X-Box games are compatible with a 360.
  18. Monkey Lib Front

    Pro evolution soccer 5 PCdemo is out

    that gamestar mirror had a backdoor trojan when i tried to download the demo, not happy but i'm glad that Norton caught it first.
  19. Monkey Lib Front

    Mi-8/17 Pack - Beta 2

    Did Vit claim it as his own work deadmeat or are you just jumping into this thread without reading? my understanding was that he acknowledged other works that he used but didn't give proper credits.
  20. Monkey Lib Front

    Another London Bombing

    Garcia he may not have even been SO19 or any other armed part of the Met http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/4707781.stm
  21. Monkey Lib Front

    Another London Bombing

    Will he? What I've heard was that the police was ordered to shoot to kill suspected bombers...so, obviously the police suspected him to be a bomber, and he did what he was ordered to Or are the norwegian news just writing loads of crap again? Well he may have been ordered to shoot if the threat was high say he was going for the detonate or a weapon but his first order is to arrest and apprihend and only use force as a last resort, from my limited knowledge of these he will be charged with manslaughter at a later time, usually those trials are fairly quick (compared to other manslaughter trials) in order to get him back on the streets or off depending on the trial.
  22. Monkey Lib Front

    Another London Bombing

    Why not put that in ask the mod thread? This thread is for discussion of the news that is comming from London, your post is not of that nature. But good job at having a dig at the events or suggesting some sort of inequality because we have a seperate thread, Please troll somehwere else.
  23. Monkey Lib Front

    Another London Bombing

    Well public safety + he was a supsected bomber. From what i have read and heard British armed police use subsonic ammunition (that the right term?) which go slower than usual ammunition so it would be wise to put a few more rounds downrange just incase. Also the officer who shot him will be charged with manslaughter and will have to prove what action he took was justified.
  24. Monkey Lib Front

    UKF WMIK - Milan Video Teaser

    Back of the net.
  25. Monkey Lib Front

    CSLA 2 Update1

    never mind re read the post Amazing work guys