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mr reality

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Everything posted by mr reality

  1. mr reality

    What made OPF better?

    From the perspective of single player. OFP was new and fresh when it was released way back in 2001, Arma is the exact same game except for better grahics (if you think differantly your kidding yourself). I think a a few of us are just a tiny bit bored of the exact same feel to a game we've been playing for six years, with no real advance in any of the aspects of this so called simulation. We have the exact same squad controls, vehicle hit damage and soldier hit damage and IMHO they should of been priority changes. It's not realy about why OFP was better because it isn't, it's just that Arma was and is a real let down for a lot of people. Don't get me wrong, i still very much enjoy the community and i hope to see it grow and produce some awsome mods but after six years, we still depend on the community to make this game better. I would love to be able to buy a game from BIS that only required one or maybe two patches and that i would be satisfied with the original content, but even with the oncoming of ArmA2 i doubt this would be the case. I personaly would of been happier if Arma had of just been what the cold war rearmed mod is going to be, and it was released as a kind of paid for update. At least i would of known what i was getting and wouldnt of been letdown by the end result.
  2. mr reality

    ArmA is just ... disappointing

    I have to admit that this really annoys me. When i'm looking through my sight for enemy movement i get distracted by bushes and trees changing shapes because i zoom in and out. I would much rather have fewer choices done very well instead of what we have in Arma, which is a lot of choices (driving, flying etc) done pretty poorly.
  3. mr reality

    Movement precision

    I reported something similar in the bug tracker here. Basically they said its by design, so we wont be seeing any improvements. Call me melodramatic, buts it's this very thing that's stopped me making missions. If the squad wont go where i want it to why should i spend more time trying to find a suitable location that might work.
  4. mr reality

    New interview with Maruk

    This was the point i was trying to make in my previous post. If BIS are aiming at 4-5 man teams, then the control system wont be more advanced in terms of splitting the team up and controlling four sections/squads.. So basically from the quote (which was actually by Maruk himself) we probably wont see platoon size control structures. @El nino Foxhound, what would be the point in controling a 5 man squad in a huge battle. You would atleast expect to command a standard 8 man section/squad. Unless of course your acting as a team leader and not a squad leader. But then you would have to answer to the squad leader..
  5. mr reality

    New interview with Maruk

    I dont like the sound of that. It tells me two things. 1) Â The missions will be special forces orientated. Thats not exactly a bad thing but i do like my grunt battles with combined elements. 2) The crappy squad control system isnt getting improved, which it surely needs.
  6. mr reality

    Queen's Gambit owner statistics

    What he said...
  7. Regarding the tanks. I installed NWD ballistics and dispersion and this true range mod and either i never noticed it before or it's something to do with these mods. The gunner of the tank fires the MG at a steady constant slow rate. I'm wondering if its possible to change that to a 3 or 5 round burst mode as this would seem more realistic and it wouldnt be so annoying. Also i didnt notice the comanders MG firing, just the gunners. Superb mods though ,and it's mods like this that bring me back to ArmA.
  8. mr reality

    Landscape Almost Real

    This is one of my main gripes about ArmA forrests. The AI have an advantage when your fighting in wooded areas. The fact you could be lying behind a bush 15 foot behind the tree line and still get shot at by an AI unit. What irks me though is that the devs are always striving to get more realistic looking trees. What about the ground, this is where an average grunt has to find cover when he hits the dirt. I don't know of many battles that took place in heavily wooded areas (bastoigne springs to mind but it wasnt so much a battle, more of a stategic defence). BIS are certainly going in the right direction with regards to terra firma but for the love of all that is holy, please lay of the pine trees. Oh and can someone tell BIS that grass doesnt always grow the exact same length everywhere. Why havn't we heard about lakes, rivers or terrain destruction. This is what i'm waiting for in ArmA 2. Not some pretty pine trees all lined up in a neat little row. I hope BIS make two versions of the new island and not just the autumn version. This way the campaign could be seen to run over a much longer period.
  9. mr reality

    Queen's Gambit goes gold!!!

    Nice video, but is it just me who thinks the majority of the units are actually player controlled. The AI in ArmA just wouldnt be able to do some of the scenes in that video. From my experiances with editing in ArmA the Ai is dumer than in that vid. I didnt see any real AI behaviour, it was just a scripted cutscene? Â This is my point exactly. For those that havn't played flashpoint or arma, that teaser vid shows ingame footage of units healing on street corners while being covered and fighting in buildings. This just doesnt happen in SP. Ontopic; If i'm ever to get QG i'll wait until the stores are giving it away. Even though 14 quid is a low price QG isnt worth anywhere near that IMHO. This is a 6.99 expansion at best.
  10. mr reality

    ArmA is just ... disappointing

    If you don't mind me picking up on this rather odd little complaint, how did this ruin your mission? I think i can answer that, by saying it ruins any imersion when the squad starts to act odd by not being able to walk in formation without getting left behind and having to catch up to the leader. The 'safe' mode in ArmA is not the same as it was in flashpoint IMHO. My personal dislike is the 'aware' mode, as its realy more like the flashpoint 'danger' mode. It's tiny details like these that ruin any decent attempt at making an atmospheric mission. ArmAs fine for the gunfights and so on, but when you try and get the squad to move realistically in patrol formation it becomes too much of a chore trying to get it right.
  11. mr reality

    Queen's Gambit goes gold!!!

    Nice video, but is it just me who thinks the majority of the units are actually player controlled. The AI in ArmA just wouldnt be able to do some of the scenes in that video. From my experiances with editing in ArmA the Ai is dumer than in that vid.
  12. mr reality

    ArmA is just ... disappointing

    My thoughts exactly. ArmA for me is a bit of a dissapointment and i'm not enjoying it that much (i havn't fired it up in about a month now). I originally thought it was because it was too similar to the now six year old Flashpoint and that i was just tired of it all. Even with new graphics it still looks dated because of the squad control system and terrible damage modeling. I stopped trying to make missions for ArmA as the AI was just a nightmare at times. For some strange reason i just can't get the AI to do the things i had the Flashpoint AI do. Simple things like a squad not walking in a straight line, the staggered column formation not working (the normal column formation looks terrible as they line up too perfectly)and when the AI is set to aware they just can't seem to move very far without bringing there weapons to there shoulders. These may seem trivial, but when your trying to make an immersive mission involving patroling to the target area it becomes a labour intensive struggle that i just havent got the patience for anymore.
  13. mr reality

    ArmA is just ... disappointing

    I couldn't agree more. Infact i posted, some time ago, about this on the bug tracker. I think the eventual repy doesn't make me think things will improve. In Flashpoint this problem was noway near as bad as it is in ArmA. Here it is click me
  14. mr reality

    ArmA2 Discount

    Yeah and you end up pissing it away down the toilet. So who's the fool in the end..... .Why dont you just flush your money straight down the toilet and it would save you the hassle of buying new clothes, getting a taxi and a new hair cut.... I spent 6 years pissing money away, so i take care what i spend my money on now...
  15. mr reality

    ArmA 2 on Xbox 360

    Also wasn't mission making on the Xbox a bit of a crappy affair. I can't see that changing with the 360. Downloads via live will never be free as it's controlled by microsoft. Although there are some freebies on live BIS couldn't tell microsoft to give them away. I can't see how the mod scene would work. And one final point. I thought BIS wanted to keep the rights to ArmA. Surley making a 360 version would be handing some rights over to microsoft. Knowing how microsoft do there business.
  16. mr reality

    ArmA2 Discount

    Well al i can say to that is version 2 has got be a lot better than version 1. Or why else would we wanna part from our money. It's got to have a lot more features than ArmA had thats for sure. Because dont forget, you guys keep saying ArmA is really flashpoint 1.5.
  17. mr reality

    Expansion: Arma: Queen's Gambit

    Yeah great pathfinding with that technical.. I thought the whole idea of BISs games was the massive enviroments, SP and MP. Now with that pathetic excuse for an island being solely for MP, it kinda makes me wonder why they had to do this. was it because the larger islands are just too big. The town on that island wasnt all that big either. It was no city thats for sure. Also will the new sahrani have this better urban pathfinding. On a sour note. Those buildings look very similar to the VBS1 terrain pack 3 islands. I paid good money for that pack and if i was to buy this expansion i would be buying the same thing twice...
  18. mr reality

    ArmA2 Discount

    Er let me think....oh yes, ArmA2..... If ArmA had never of been released we would all still be playing Flashpoint. Then when we heard about ArmA2 (which would of just been ArmA) we would of been ecstatic.. Having released ArmA in the state it was just soured the whole experiance for me. Then hearing of ArmA2 less than a year from the release of ArmA was kinda jarring. I understand BIS needed the money, but it wasnt for ArmA, it was for ArmA2. We just bought a half assed game not knowing that ArmA2 would make ArmA obsolete only 18 months after purchase. I suppose i expected ArmA to last a little longer. Not as long as Flashpoint, but atleast until the Cold War Rearmed mod was finnished. And for those who think 40 bucks isnt all that much money. You have to look at the bigger picture here my friends, 40 bucks x by the number of purchases = a hell of a lot of money wasted.
  19. mr reality

    ArmA Queens Gambit Packshot Winner ????

    @ stegman Your missing the point of this thread. The discussion isnt about the crap cover for Queens Gambit, its about why the hell was this cover chosen as the winner of the cover competiton. It just seems that with this cover the whole competion wasnt very well judged and they must of just picked a winner by random.
  20. mr reality

    ArmA 2

    About bloody time. I'm actually looking forward to ArmA2, and i'll tell you why. It's because ArmA is a load of bollocks, thats why. The sooner we get this new game, the sooner we can forget the crap fest that was ArmA. And the fact there making it for the consoles adds to my joy. No more PC frustration, even on my quad SLI dual core setup i was having problems playing the game. I wonder what will happen to the Cold War Rearmed mod. I think it was dead before it got started to be honest. Now for the negative. I hope this isn't just an upgraded ArmA. I'm thinking along the lines of OFP made into Elite for the consoles. I wish they wouldn't show any screenshots of placeholder units. It just looks bad and makes me think this game will be an ArmA sequal. Infact I'm sure this game will be nothing more than a ArmA sequal. Even if this game is released in 2 years it couldn't be that much different from the current ArmA. The story line is f***ing laughable. For the love of god, no more US units please. Do you devs think this is the only way you will sell games in the states, by including US forces. Have some f***ing respect of other nations armies. Have some respect of other fan based countries. Show us, the loyal community some f***ing support for once. I think after the ArmA fiasco we bloody deserve it. Oh and before i forget, whats with this communist shit. Pre, post i dont give a shit, just leave the commies out of this game. How about an insurgent enemy. Or would the urban enviroment not be a good place for the ArmA2 AI.... Two thumbs up for getting rid of the shit ArmA. As many thumbs an octopus has, down for the crappy way you handled this shit and the story line. You guys have gotta start thinking out of the box......
  21. mr reality

    ArmA 2

    About bloody time. I'm actually looking forward to ArmA2, and i'll tell you why. It's because ArmA is a load of bollocks, thats why. The sooner we get this new game, the sooner we can forget the crap fest that was ArmA. And the fact there making it for the consoles adds to my joy. No more PC frustration, even on my quad SLI dual core setup i was having problems playing the game. I wonder what will happen to the Cold War Rearmed mod. I think it was dead before it got started to be honest. Now for the negative. I hope this isn't just an upgraded ArmA. I'm thinking along the lines of OFP made into Elite for the consoles. I wish they wouldn't show any screenshots of placeholder units. It just looks bad and makes me think this game will be an ArmA sequal. Infact I'm sure this game will be nothing more than a ArmA sequal. Even if this game is released in 2 years it couldn't be that much different from the current ArmA. The story line is f***ing laughable. For the love of god, no more US units please. Do you devs think this is the only way you will sell games in the states, by including US forces. Have some f***ing respect of other nations armies. Have some respect of other fan based countries. Show us, the loyal community some f***ing support for once. I think after the ArmA fiasco we bloody deserve it. Oh and before i forget, whats with this communist shit. Pre, post i dont give a shit, just leave the commies out of this game. How about an insurgent enemy. Or would the urban enviroment not be a good place for the ArmA2 AI.... Two thumbs up for getting rid of the shit ArmA. As many thumbs an octopus has, down for the crappy way you handled this shit and the story line. You guys have gotta start thinking out of the box......
  22. mr reality

    ArmA is just ... awesome!

    Mr Reality This is still the wrong thread for complaining about ArmA. After 3 years around in these forums you should know better. Â For complaints etc. please use this thread. I was just doing what they do in the ArmA is disappointing thread. Answering the poster with my view on the subject. If it's ok to tell people how awsome ArmA is in the ArmA is dissappointing thread, then it should be ok to tell people it isnt in the ArmA is aswome thread. Or do you have double standards. I also wrote why i was writing my post in this thread at the bottom of my post. Or did you not get that far before you decided to chastise me. However i do apologize for my seemingly lack of understandintg in this instance.
  23. mr reality

    Expansion: Arma: Queen's Gambit

    That is exactly why they chose to do it. I still can't understand why there stating that the expansion comes with patch 1.08, and this patch was released two months ago. I personally think Queens Gambit is nothing more than a way to get a quick buck out of the fans. I may be out of line saying that as it's not yet released, but i feel it will be a total con. Two tiny campaigns, six or so new units and a couple of new vehicles. I don't care if is just over 10 quid, it still looks like a f***ing rip off.
  24. mr reality

    ArmA is just ... awesome!

    Well unfortunatly thats not how i see it. I dont want to go offtopic or get into a debate with you ofpforum as you often see ArmA through rose tinted glasses. But the below screenshot says it all for me. Now bear in mind this was on flat featureless terrain in the southern part of Sahrani. This may seem quite trivial, but the mission i was making had vehicles traveling along that road. Now this turned to chaos when the squad refused to go in a straight line.
  25. mr reality


    Ah shit, i was looking forward to this mod. But some mod teams do take on way too much. Maybe its just a case of the fun being taken out of the game for these members. Or the fact that ArmA isn't that much different to flashpoint and now the excitment of it all has dwindled somewhat. It has for me  .