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mr reality

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Everything posted by mr reality

  1. mr reality

    BWMod Gepard v 1.1

    @ any BWMod member. This is a dumb question but i'd like an answer anyway. When the radar is not operational wasn't it possible to also remove the BIS radar from the HUD. As it would of been a neat touch to inisilize the radar and actually see the HUD radar appear. Now i know you obviously already thought of that and couldn't get it to work, so you can shoot me down in flames now.. . Also to go with your Puma i hope your considering the Boxer. Mainly because when Armed Assault is released your units will then be upto date and fit in to the improved OFP game engine. I'll shut up now as i'm waffling..... Ps; I'm actually grovelling as i find your vehicles to be of the highest quality and want more of them......
  2. mr reality

    Player Marker visible on Map

    @Sgt_sid Heres a neat little script that's also simple to use. Place this script in your mission folder; name it "marker" Place this trigger; Place markers in remote area on map; name markers; red1, red2 and red3. Place three soldiers on map and name them red1, red2 and red3...you should now see three little red dots..
  3. mr reality

    Player Marker visible on Map

    I thought there was a green/red circle marker on the map when you have the game on cadet mode.
  4. mr reality

    Briefing Issues

    When you saved the mission, did you 'export to single missions' via the editor. If your playing the mission from the editor it will go straight to the mission.
  5. mr reality

    BWMod Gepard v 1.1

    Well it's been a while since you guys posted any news on your web site but this is a nice supprise. I also noticed your new project is a Puma . BWMod never fails to impress me I'm just waiting for your new soldiers and G36 pack to come out of hiding.
  6. So what your saying is. You want the player to be able to choose between three vehicles to get to there destination. If the destination of the player is the same for each vehicle choice, then you will only need one waypoint. You could also try using the playername commandmove getpos "markername" in the activation of the vehicle trigger. This does away with waypoints but i'm not sure if the yellow box will be visible. I personally hate the yellow box and i much prefer as little as possible on my HUD. You can only attach waypoints to "crewed" vehicles and soldier units. your best bet is to read these forums. They have provided me and countless others with valued info...
  7. I would use a trigger, set it to switch. And set in the condition field of the triggers. {player in vehiclename} count units player == count units player .then sync the trigger to the waypoint. If you name your triggers you can also delete the two triggers you don't use by typing in the activation field deletevehicle trigname1; deletevehicle trigname2. You could do this with as many triggers you want depending on how many vehicles you have to choose from. When you use triggers don't forget to name the vehicles as this is what you write in the condition field. I'm not entirley sure if the yellow box will always show though. I think you may have to have the game set on "cadet". You can post your finnished missions here or here both of these sites are excellent. I will admit though that it's easier to make a SP mission where the player has NO waypoints. That way he has to find his own way around the map. Obviously you can tell him where to go in the briefing, but idealy he should make his own way on the map. Especially if hes the leader of a squad or a special forces operative. But that's just my way of thinking..That's whats great about OFP. The fact that there are countless ways of finnishing a mission.
  8. Like nominesine said, you give the waypoint to the unit you want to get in the vehicle. If YOU command that unit then you won't have to give any waypoints. But also as previously mentioned it's best to ask this in "Mission editing and scripting". Good luck and happy editing  If it's the player your giving the choice of vehicles for then again you won't have to give any waypoints as the player can decide which vehicle to mount..
  9. mr reality

    DMA nextGen anims updated to 1.1

    I'm pretty sure this is a normal fault with the game and has nothing to do with any animations. Why don't you switch back your original anims.pbo and check to see if the problem still occurs. But like i said, i think you'll find it's the same result. On very steep increments the AI can be a bit dumb, as i found this out on Catshit Afghanistan. @456820; Â I also noticed this but i'm assuming sanctuary has done this so as to not hinder the player or AI soldier in the heat of battle. The last thing i would want is a slow "standing to prone" animation when the bullets start to fly in my direction. But maybe i'm wrong....The reload animation however does seem a tad too fast.
  10. mr reality

    Invasion 1944 Info Thread

    I think he must belong to that group as i've only just noticed his post count. Joined Dec 2005 posts 1712 Â thats like 60 posts a day. ontopic: Oh and i'm one of those silent fans. I've been looking forward to this mod for a loooong time and my enthusiasim hasn't dwindled at all.
  11. mr reality

    Who Likes Balance In Games Then?

    I'm in favor of not having balanced weapons, mainly because ArmAs will be played out as a US soldier (afaik) and we all know how they operate. Bomb the shit out of the place then send in the helicopter gunships and then when it's all clear send in the Marines. They will nodoubt fire off a few of there javelins for good measure and hey presto "area is clear sir".
  12. mr reality

    Carrying abilities

    Also on that note, the medic only carries four mags, while the machine gunner has about five 100rnd boxes and a pistol. I would like to see a "medic bag" as an item which you could give to any of your squad and they would have the ability to heal one squad member but not themselves. As in real life every soldier is trained in basic first aid.
  13. mr reality

    New moves and animation.

    The pictures a bit small but prone is a reliable firing poistion. I would like to see the reload times of an AT weapon made realistic but what i don't like is the way you pop out of cover fire your weapon at a tank and before you either reload or pop back into cover, because of the animation sequence, you get sniped in the cranium by the tanks machine gun  . An AT gunner on the OFP battlefield has a very short life span as when he's told to engage a tank he runs towards it like a freakin maniac, goes through the animation sequence to place weapon on shoulder then gets shot in the bonce...
  14. mr reality

    Polish GROM Update

    I agree with that statement. I would just love to see BWmods, OFrPs, PUKForces and Lasers soldier models done in this way. Then we would have the game i've often dreamt about. But these are deffinatly a step in the right direction. Infact i'd bet these will be better than the units that we get in Armed Assault.....Quality wise....
  15. mr reality

    Reskinned RHS Motorized Infantry

    Just a noob question here. I've checked the list of soldiers but i can't see any armed with the RPG22. Do i have to add that myself to the soldiers int line. Oh and a big thankyou for updating these soldiers. As you stated earlier in this thread, llaumas heads will indeed add to this already excellent addon. But will you be making your own face textures for that pack. Also i was wondering if you've ever considered adding Russian voices to your soldiers as it's a bit wierd hearing a western accent coming from these guys. Or is it that my OFP sound file is f***ed up...
  16. mr reality

    Polish GROM Update

    Your texturing is fantastic. These units are getting better all the time. I only have one problem with your soldier addons, they make most other addons look like shit. I only wish you would help out BWmod with there soldier models. You have raised the bar somewhat and it'll be hard to reach this level of perfection for other addon makers. I just hope you get loads of Pms of the main mod teams asking you how you did it. From now on for me every soldier model will have to look this good. Â Â Edit:On a selfish note, please refrain from posting images on these forums or the VBS1 Devs will ask you to work for them.
  17. mr reality

    LLW presents...

    Correct me if i'm wrong, but i'm pretty sure it was only British pilots who didn't wear parachutes.
  18. mr reality

    ADF mod needs help

    That isn't a list, that's an order form for an African dictator. If your team pulls this off it will be one hell of an achievment. I wouldn't worry about the time frame though as your obviously gearing this for Armed Assault if not Game2. If i could make one comment it would be to cut down on the aircraft and naval side as we all know OFP and probably armed assault isn't the best simulation for these types of addons. I would just make Australian versions of the addons that are already ingame. then you will have you beloved OFP the way YOU want to play it, and of course many others  read this article on the bushmaster quite interesting
  19. mr reality

    LLW presents...

    Like Advocaat Well eitherway they'll be a new addition to this great game.
  20. mr reality

    Body Armor

    I don't know how far they've advanced in body armour but when i wore mine when i was posted to Northern Ireland i had to place two hardened plates in it. One front and one back. Each about the size of a Game case but twice times as thick. These were placed in pockets in front and back of the heart area. These plates can stop a direct hit but the rest of the body armour as far as i remember was just a thin metal surrounded in padding covered in cloth which was designed to stop pistol rounds and small shrapnel. The idea of body armour is to not stop you from getting hit but to stop you from dying. If you've seen the film Blackhawk down there's a scene where a US Ranger decides not to put his plates in and suffers the consiquenses. They make the armour more heavy but it could be the differance between life and death.
  21. mr reality

    ADF mod needs help

    It's bloody cold and wet here in the UK. You Aussies don't know how lucky you are. I'll never understand why all your soap and music stars move over here  . Ontopic: The bushmaster is looking good RicoADF. I read up on it a while back and it was stated that it was a failure but the Australian government cut it's losses and went ahead with the contract anyhow. How near completion is that model as i would think the textures maybe need a tweek here and there. I'd like to see your soldier models though and maybe a list of what your planning to make. I hope i'm not being a cheeky bastard Â
  22. mr reality

    LLW presents...

    Well you learn something everyday. I was seeing the Fokker plane from a British perspective, in that German pilots fought British pilots in these planes. Plus the fact it has a German cross on the plane
  23. mr reality

    Silver Kelpie Studios

    All of a sudden where getting Gromed. You Polish guys are making a bit of a name for yourself with all these great looking addons. I don't know if you guys all get on (operation carrot, Offtime to name a few) but it surely would be more beneficial if you all joined forces and made one superb polish mod instead of two good ones. keep up the great work though
  24. mr reality

    ADF mod needs help

    I've always kept a close watch on your Aussie mod because i didn't know your armed forces where that well equipped. I'm just glad i've got VBS1 because the Australian addons are some of the finnest soldier and vehicle models and texturing i've seen. I have to admit though that you guys running this mod must be very determined as i personally would of just bought VBS1 and your need for aussie troops would be more than sattisfied. I would however like it if you gave your soldiers the Aussie accent as the American voice.pbo is getting real boring.
  25. mr reality

    LLW presents...

    I've never downloaded the sopworth camel but when you release these stunning looking aircraft i'll have too. I must admit though i'm slightly dissapointed as when i read the thread title i thought you were releaseing your new island . But it's still good news. Some of your team must have a lot of spare time on there hands. If i was your mod leader i would wip there asses back into shape and get them to finnish up your Dutch stuff first