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mr reality

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Everything posted by mr reality

  1. mr reality

    UK pre-order

    Thanks for the heads-up. I've just pre-ordered my copy from play.com as i've used them countless times and i'm more than happy with there service. But as Messiah said it's a shame about the estimated release date, Due for release on 16/02/2007
  2. mr reality

    ArmA Photography

    Thanks Forrestal, thoses screenshots are very much appreciated for those of us who still have a few months to wait. I was quite supprised at a few missing vehicles like a Hind, and more importantly a larger gunboat for the east side. I was also supprised to see the south side have the AH6 helos but no MBT. There's only about 6 differant civis which is a shame as more t-shirts could of been applied instead of giving the same shirt to three guys. I know that sounds like i'm going too far but i'm thinking of the editor list drop down menu. This is also my own opinion but i would of prefered the US to have the newer trucks instead of the old but fun to drive 5 tonners. Also is it just me or does the US officers cap look like a marines. Or do all US soldiers caps look like that.
  3. mr reality

    How Far Will You Go?

    I'm a patient guy so i'm waiting for my regions release. Albeit in Q1 2007 but i believe the waiting is part of the good feeling of a new game on the horizon. Plus i've got a few 360 games to get thru first
  4. mr reality

    Operation Frenchpoint Release #6

    I've had that sound file in my Frenchpoint mod folder for ages and it adds so much more to these already fantastic addons. I'm just hopeing the frenchpoint guys are planning something for ArmA as these units will look even better, if that's at all possible. Yes i'm a big fan and i'm a Brit Â
  5. mr reality

    Latest screenshots available

    This is the very reason why soooo many people post pointless replies on threads as it ups there post count thus giving them "stars"...Infact i've just posted one myself Â
  6. mr reality

    What will you do?

    I remember when i completed CWC campaign and there was that mission where you had to get to the south of the island by any means possible and you came across other characters from the campaign, i remember thinking it would be cool to just roam on the islands without having to do the mission. I then completed the other two campaigns (red hammer + resistance) only then did i find out there was an editor . Unfortunalty i now know this game pretty much inside out so it'll be hard not to have a go in the editor first. So i guess i'll start the SP campaign so i get used to all the new features. Plus i don't want to know what the NS soldiers look like untill i see them from afar and have to shoot them
  7. mr reality

    ArmA Progress Updates

    I read one of the recent interviews here and it was stated that the smoke IS finnished, but knowing BIS they'll probably improve it still further. I just hope it's not the same explosion on differant ground textures, as i can see the same smoke effect on one of the videos where boats are destroyed which looks a little odd.
  8. mr reality

    ArmA Progress Updates

    I'd like to know if you drive your tank continuously into other vehicles you will get damage as if i remember in OFP you could hit another tank at full speed and inflict no damage on your tank. Then again with the way the AI drive those things i would assume BIS would not impliment that feature. "alpha 2 repair vehicle at 456432" or words to that effect Â
  9. mr reality

    ArmA Progress Updates

    The only problem with what yor saying xnodunitx is that if BIS are working on the framerate issue then ArmA will be like Flashpoint in that even on todays PCs your unable to run the game with all options on full. I do hope that i will be able to have ALL settings on full when i upgrade my Pc, which i'm doing solely for this game. @whisper, yeah i know what your saying i also don't want the explosion to be the same on a hard and soft surface.
  10. mr reality

    ArmA Progress Updates

    Yes but work in progress doesn't mean it WILL be implemented into the final release. It means there working to fix it. One thing that has me worried was a statement that read "The next steps are to improve framerate" (read here). Well as we all know if the framerate can't be improved sacrifices have to be made elsewhere in the game. Oblivion springs to mind where they couldn't improve the frame rate so they axed real time shadows, thined out the forest, had pop-up at a short distance and the graphics where tuned down.
  11. mr reality

    Latest screenshots available

    I think you may be right as i've just watched this video posted by spook and it's of the schene in your sceenshots. The tracer appears to come from the barrel  . @ simba I've got a feeling that we'll still have that problem in ArmA. So which is it? I can't come from the barrel and still show the positioning problem. Ok,Ok calm down mate . I forgot to add "fireing while moveing" tracer problem as i was refering the the helo comment. As you know there is a delay in the tracer when you fire from a fast moveing vehice which i think will still be present in ArmA.
  12. mr reality

    Latest screenshots available

    I think you may be right as i've just watched this video posted by spook and it's of the schene in your sceenshots. The tracer appears to come from the barrel  . @ simba I've got a feeling that we'll still have the tracer while fireing on the move problem in ArmA.
  13. mr reality

    ArmA Progress Updates

    The smoke/explosion is good but it seems to be the same everytime even if the target is hit or missed. I hope it's more randomized. Also by watching the video spoock posted i'm getting the feeling your AI squad mates wont be able to fire over the sandbags or any other type of cover as they'll just lie down when in danger as in OFP. The tanks still "bounce" when there hit which is dissapointing. Overall i'm just happy that were getting an updated Flashpoint but i'm not holding my breath for any major changes in ballistic damage values or damage models. The two guns on a helo is fine but the AI in Flashpoint had difficulty useing one, as the helo would never turn to allow the gunner to target the enemy. (Just make yourself a test mission where your the gunner and AI is the pilot and you'll have a hard time getting a shot at the enemy as the helo just flys around.) The added MG on the tank is nice but i can't see what the excitment is to have it as you'll undoubtably get "sniped" if you try fireing from it. To me this seems like a MOD for flashpoint rather than a new game, which is great don't get me wrong, but it'll still have most of the flaws flashpoint had. PS;I'm still buying it as it's still the best game (imho) out there to-date......
  14. mr reality

    Latest screenshots available

    I'm not happy with the tracer position as it's exactly the same as OFP. This leads me to believe that when firing a vehicle mounted MG the tracer will be to the right of the barrel like it was in flashpoint. Tracers are one of the things i'd love ArmA to get right.
  15. mr reality

    ArmA Progress Updates

    Very impressive trailer therefore my only moan would be the two Abrams fireing at the end, the tank moves instead of just the turret,ala OFP. But apart from that and the other minor probs it's looking sexellent....
  16. mr reality

    ArmA Progress Updates

    This town name gave me a bit of a laugh as it's a very British word.. and i love that chaingun sound Â
  17. mr reality

    Latest screenshots available

    Maybe a helo has targeted them as two of the soldiers seem to be aiming upwards, including the sniper and also that would account for the facing in opposite directions. I'm not trying to kid myself, honest
  18. mr reality

    Latest screenshots available

    Or how about "Oh no, we're surrounded!" Were surrounded but we'll just stand here and hope they don't see us..... That would also be a vey bad tactical mistake as you would just end up firing at friendly forces opposite. So i highly doubt there surrounded Â
  19. mr reality

    Latest screenshots available

    I'm more concerned by the two soldiers facing in opposite directions looking like headless chickens I can just imagine the schene, "Where did that shot come from", "what shot".
  20. mr reality

    Latest screenshots available

    I never noticed how good ArmA smoke is until d034rk posted thoses screenshots. It is impressive compared to what we were used to and because of that i'm happy with it.
  21. mr reality

    Nogovan Light Infantry

    I found this quite interesting click me   and me One interesting fact is that Trinidad & Tobago spend over $66 million on defence and only have a force of 2,700. Calculate the income of Nogova and your left with two men armed with spanners...
  22. mr reality

    Little Help

    This should also work... crwgrp=group this; "_x moveincargo M131" foreach units group this;
  23. mr reality

    Mines+different missions in ArmA

    Read this They work pretty well but you can get the same effects with a simple scipt PS; How long has Offtime been a member of the team..Good one Offtime, at last his talents are being put to good use
  24. mr reality

    Wildlife & Civilians

    If i made a mission including any of the VBS1 wildlife i would have them deleted when the players squad was past them so the FPS were kept down. I made a mission for myself which had kangaroos moving around in groups using there inbuilt scripts and it was quite hazardous while driving along a road as they could suddenly run out infront. It didn't damage the vehicle in anyway as similar to mowing down a civi but the immersion was great. I also had to clear an airstrip of wandering kangaroos which was fun as i hunted them down in this  In MP it would be great if your squad were lying in a field and one of your team was pre-occupied by seeing a snake slither past him. Now if the snake could bite, that soldier would have to move and maybe give your position away. That was the main problem with VBS animals in that they don't react to any sudden nosies and the dog and fox especially has no Ai to speak of as they just follows the waypoints you give them. One of my missions had a fox run across a field at night where the player had to cross but wether the player actually saw it or not is irrelivent as it was still there. Knowing there could be something in the bush or grass up ahead is what gives you the immersion of a living island. Oblivion has butterflies flying around but they also fly at night which ruins the immersion for me personally so i hope ArmAs has atleast addressed some issues of no birds flying around the hours of 12am - 4 am. It seems a little too realistic but thats the way i am folks........
  25. mr reality

    Operation Northstar WIP

    Thoses models look superb but does anyone know if ArmAs will degrade the final model ingame as much as OFP. Also i know i'm gonna sound like a complete idiot, but how does the driver get in the mamba ?