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mr reality

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Everything posted by mr reality

  1. mr reality

    Crosshair issue

    It's to counter-balance the fact the AI can see you at long distances so you should be able to see them or it's there as an alternative to a hard stare/concentrate. Â
  2. mr reality


    Yeah i know they do collide but they would collapse, not join together. It used to irritate me when i would see two or three joined parachutes coming down .
  3. mr reality

    Please let us lock our vehicles!!!

    I'm fairly sure you can't. you have to stop the tank then change to gunner position. it was like this in flashpoint i'm sure...
  4. mr reality

    Please let us lock our vehicles!!!

    But that's the beauty of Flashpoint/ArmA. You don't nessecerily need that truck. Â You can always do what i did when i serverd in the British Army, walk it..... or tabbing as it was known to us grunts...
  5. mr reality


    I've not got the game yet but i'd like to know if that annoying bug is still there from flashpoint. The problem you have when one parachute touches another causing them to join.
  6. mr reality

    Confirmed release dates and countries.

    I know the supposed release date for the 505 version is february 27th or thereabouts but i'd like to know how long the special edition usually takes to be released after the standard version. Any Germans,Czech or Polish players want to enlighten me....
  7. mr reality

    horible memory usage

    This often happens, i don't think the point of impact makes any differance where the blood texture shows up. I've often been shot while prone in the head or body and thoses blood textures show up along with the legs. It all depends how hurt your character is. If you set a soldier in the mission editor and make him dead from the start, you'll see blood textures all over his body. The burnt tires and in general the damage model has always been a shitty part of flashpoint/ArmA. It's a shame a game that is supposed to be a simulation of combat has one of the worst damage models for vehicles and soldiers. I'm not technically minded so i can't comment on the memory usage problem.
  8. mr reality

    HDR problem?

    I get the same issues also. I was thinking it was something to do with the direction your facing either looking at or away from the sun. I'm not sure though. I also get strange light affects when i'm using NV goggles. Sometimes it's bright and sometimes it's darker.
  9. mr reality

    To the people who are playing ArmA, how is it?

    As i don't play online i've not experianced the gameplay. But i do agree 100% with your quote above. I'm only playing the demo and i feel like i'm getting killed because of a delayed action from a keystroke or an animation. What you said about the jerky movement is also spot on as i've tried to near a corner only to find with a slight tap on my direction key sends the guy four feet furtrher than i wanted. There's just something not right about the controls and even compared to flashpoint they feel heavy and as you said jerky. I'm not enjoying the demo one bit and that's a shame as i still love flashpoint and i'm trying my damed hardest to like ArmA. I will add though that my demo has a serious flaw in that when i try to use my optics i can't see a thing as the textures are f***ed up. This happens near some trees and buildings. Maybe if it wasn't for that i could enjoy it more. What worries me though is that if a gamer who's new to ArmA has the same problems as i'm having with shitty textures he'll uninstall it and forget about it.
  10. mr reality

    Please fix the AI

    I've quoted this post but there are quite a few which are similar and what i mean by that is that they refer to the opfor AI. I'm happy with the opfor AI and how it flanks but what i'm not happy about is MY squads AI. This is where the problems lie. I only play singleplayer, so for all those multiplayer gamers who don't even touch on the singleplayer aspect of ArmA Â then i advise you to give it a go to see how bad your AI squad mates react. I've just had yet another disasterous attempt at the demo coop game as a sinleplayer. My squads AI is a freakin joke. I got so mad i had to turn the game off. I had squad members being shot from behind but not one turned around. My squad was being hit from 2 sides but i had no idea where the opfor were because not 1 of my team reported seeing anybody (this could be down to the fact that the opfor shooting is near perfect at all ranges and my squad is getting shot at long distances). I don't know if the demo build is missing something, like maybe a commonsense script because being a squad leader in ArmA is absolute crap. I've noticed many times in flashpoint when the AI is leading a squad they give orders to individual soldiers very quickly, well there is noway i can give individual orders like that, and i'm thinking this is the problem because each soldier needs to be told what to do every step of the way. But like it was mentioned 1 page back in this thread the underlying problem with friendly AI is there inability to move out of danger. If my squad is in an intense firefight why should i stop fireing to tell someone to move. This is when i die most of the time. No wonder BIS increased the squad size, with the freindly AI as it is you'll need every man. Also i now know why they implemented the change soldier upon death, it's because your gonna get killed a lot. Why is there only 1 option to have a close formation (column close). Wouldn't it be better if the close formation was the 10th formation. So whichever formation your squad is in, if you then choose formation/close they would. I want a close/line formation for ambushes, because at present the current line formation is crap because the majority of times the last 3 members on the right or left don't engage because there behind cover. Â Please sort this out. 1 last thing before my head explodes. After watching the film Blackhawk down for the tenth time i wondered if i could simulate that kind of battle in ArmA. Guess what, it took me less than a millisecond to come to the conclusion that there is noway in hell the friendly AI in ArmA could even get into there Hummvees without being totally wiped out. I'm finding ArmA to be totally UNrealistic as a military sim because of the casualtys even on squad level. I've watched alot of documentries on the history channel about Iraq and Vietnam and it got me thinking about the casualty level in ArmA. Soldier survivability is at its highest with the added protection and even basic first aid trained too ALL soldiers. So why do ArmA soldiers die all the time when there hit. In ArmA how does the enemy know when to stop fireing at a target. When does it know it has killed its target especially when the target is concealed the opfor just keeps fireing until your hit and killed(this could be put down to the opfor AIs ability to see through grass and behind trees). To sum it up i'm thinking ArmA is first and foremost a multiplayer game, this way the freindly AI flaws will not be noticed too much. Chances of me buying ArmA 85%
  11. mr reality

    To the people who are playing ArmA, how is it?

    I had no problems reading it, then again i never would think too put someone down because of bad grammar. @MexicanMercenary Unfortunatly the majority of those problems were in Flashpoint so we might be stuck with them..I was atleast expecting Flashpoint bugs to be ironed out by now..
  12. mr reality

    Please fix the AI

    After another few disasterous attempts in the demo 8 man coop, myself as the leader and the other 7 AI controlled i have come to the conclusion that the main AI problems/bugs are LOS and inability to move into a safe zone away from enemy fire. Â The LOS issue has been mentioned umteen times already and i'm getting pretty fed up being shot from around 200 metres by a prone soldier with an AK while i'm in grass and atleast 20 metres behind the tree line. Cover means nothing in this version of ArmA. I was killed by a grenade while i was behind a high wall, just because the grenade landed close by on the opposite side. Â I was also spotted by a BRDM which was 150 metres away who came looking for me, i hid in a sandbag barricade which he could not see me enter, but when he came within 30 metres he immediatly knew where i was and put 2 rounds in my face. The above quote imho has to be what nags me the most about ArmA AI. There just too dumb to get out of danger. I had my squad on danger and keep low but to my utter amazment i noticed 1 of my squad was standing up in the safe mode with weapon down....This was while we were under fire and had already lost 3 men. I'm finding i have to micro-manage my squad at times, when i should be firing off some rounds. This makes my weapon innefective as i can't use it and manage my squad in intense situations. Â The majority of my deaths are when i'm giving orders, and sometimes there because my AI squad is doing something bloody stupid. To be fair i'm not the best when it comes to issuing orders on the fly with ArmA controls, but games like brothers in arms was a piece of cake compared to Arma. I'm only having a moan because i expected an inprovement over flashpoint AI, but i'm left with a feeling these AI moments are never going to be fixed. In my defence i can't be total crap when it comes to issueing orders as i have completed the original 3 campaigns.
  13. mr reality

    Peanut Addon Projects

    I've seen the recent screenshots you've posted and i know your still in the early stages, what i'd like to know is, what BIS model is the African UN soldier based on as it looks like a Northern soldier. I'd prefer the African soldier to be a neutral/resistance based soldier and without the blue helmet as i'm not sure Africa is part of the UN. I'd much prefer the guerilla/opfor solider to be based on a northern unit. I'm pretty sure the community are making a UN based pack for Arma but i've not heard anything for a while...check here Or am i getting way ahead of myself and your only planning on a few reskins Â
  14. mr reality

    ArmA photography - Questions&Comments

    Ditto. I'm just glad to see an African themed option for ArmA as i'm tired of the eastern units we've been presented with. Great work Peanut... Heatseeker said it all two posts up.....
  15. mr reality

    ArmA Custom Faces For Free

    Doh!!! I should of remembered that. I just proves i don't play much MP..Thanks for the quick reply Talyn, it's much appreciated. It works fine now
  16. mr reality

    ArmA Custom Faces For Free

    Is it possible to use a custom face in the demo version as i've placed my face.jpg in My documents/ArmA Demo, the custom face option is present, and i can see it fine, but when i enter a MP session my face and arms are white. I just wanted to be able to create my user face before i get the full game in february.
  17. mr reality

    ArmA photography - Questions&Comments

    Do you know i completey forgot about that....It would be nice to see some DPM retexturing of a unifom though, just to see how good it will look, especially desert combats. Hey guys how about some pictures of South Sahrani special forces or for thoses of us who are still to visit Sahrani, some cool locations. I'm counting on you guys to keep me happy until february. Ingram Nice pics, shame about the resolution as i can't use them for my desktop as it blurs to much when i stretch it... Lets see which of you guys have widescreens cause i'd love a few new wallpapapers...
  18. mr reality

    ArmA photography - Questions&Comments

    This game must be way better than whats being said in the other threads as there's not much being posted in the photography thread. ontopic- BD, what the hell kinda shots are those man. Parvus, less candy more action. Peanut, very nice looking units, just what is need instead of the now boring eastern type units. -=UOE.Txalo=- By looking at your countries uniform it wont take much of a retexture as they look exactly like the south sahrani troops. That being said it's a sad state of affairs when spanish, norwegion, danish, french and greek retextures are being seen before British. I only wish i was semi-good at retexturing as i would love to be the first to post Brit soldiers reskins on here. Oh how could i forget, german units have been released already. Now every major nato country has been represented except the UK . This happend in flashpoint aswell, is it going to continue with ArmA. (i know UKForces released there Dpm pack 1 but that was years after initial release)
  19. mr reality

    An open letter to the ArmA community.

    When i think about what you wrote i will be honest and say i wouldn't even consider buying ArmA. But Flashpoint does excist and we know it turned out pretty dam good. My only complaint would be about the type of bugs that are present in ArmA that should never have been. These bugs were fixed in flashpoint and to get them in ArmA is woefull IMHO. It's like BIS have tried to reinvent the wheel when they already had one working pretty much perfectly. Updated graphics, engine optimizations and a few teaks is all ArmA needed but if that's all Arma is then something went wrong somewhere and screwed up more things than it fixed. I will admit that this "it will turn out fine in time" line is beginning to sound tedious as the majority of reported bugs should never have been there in the first place. But all that said i'm staying for the ride, whatever that may turn up is anybodys guess...
  20. mr reality

    An open letter to the ArmA community.

    I'll add my opinion to this problem. I own VBS1 and have encountered similar "bugs" with the AI as you've mentioned here. I assumed it was AI path finding in urban areas but it could also be that in VBS1 the road textures were two lanes wide, We all know that the AI will not drive on opposite sides of the road so the roads could of been part of the problem. In OFP i could use one waypoint that streched maybe 3Kms and if it was set on safe the vehicle would get there. In VBS1 for the same distance i would have to use one waypoint for every junction, sometimes two, as the vehicle would try to cut the corner. I'm not like minded as the game developers are so i can't say what the problem is, but my assumption is that if VBS1 works in multiplayer that's good enough for them. We all know ArmA is very similar to VBS1 so maybe some of the coding was just ported over. I've not seen the complexity that the campaign offers in missions so i can't judge on AI behaviour, but what i've seen in the demo leaves me thinking the AI is just as stupid as flashpoint. Two examples; 1) squad member getting stuck in urban areas, 2) squad members being fired on and not moving, This reminds me of an early piece of info we recieved which said something on these lines "In the campaign you can keep back and let your squads AI do the job for you." Somehow i highly doubt this as even on the coop demo (just me and 7 AI) my whole squad gets wasted within 10 minutes. They are set on a search and destroy waypoint and they just go straight towards the town, no flanking no crawling, just straight to there deaths. I'm glad my countries release date is set for february, as by then we should be on version 1.6. Joking aside i do hope the two months will have been spent fixing bugs, as i'm also one who believes this games potential can be unlimited. I don't want to find the exact same problems the early releases have had. Mainly because i don't want to wait four years for the game to run as it should, like it was with flashpoint. With some of the implementations the devs have added to ArmA to attract a more wider consumer target, these casual gamers will be the ones who will be turned off if the game needs 5 or 6 patches to get it running. I'm not a BIS fanboy even though fashpoint IMHO was and is the best game i've ever played. I will give them time to sort out this mess, and it will be considerably more than the two months before my release date. Happy new year to you all.......
  21. mr reality

    Do you like this look?

    Greece, Spain, African nations and Australia are just a sunny and i don't see there military wearing them as standard headgear. I'm not too sure on the kneepads either. I don't know how many nations actually have them as standard gear and i hate to see them on poor quality troops like the South Sahrani are (they must be slightly inferior if they need training from another nation, plus if you need training you'd choose the UK as South Sahrani couldn't possibly fight in the tactics the US use as it would be far too costly). I actually like the 6 colour BDUs that BIS have chosen and think it fits well. I was bored so i thought i'd post my thoughts, even though you only wanted a yes or no answer. Â
  22. mr reality

    things to change

    Very nice retextures Vilas It's difficult to decide what colour scheme is best as now i seem to like the full camo version now that i've seen it, were as before i would of thought the khaki version would of suited. Heatseeker sumed it up for me when he mentioned the crappy shovels and bed roll on the models (I know you can't remodel these yet). There's just some thing not right about the khaki model because of the bed roll. It's a very basic BDU, but with the bed roll and shovel it don't seem right. That's just my personal opinion. Maybe i'm getting tired of the west Vs east settings and that's why i'm looking forward to Ebuds african retextures. For me the island of Sahrani is crying out for african, arab or even south american style opfor.  I know i'm getting way ahead of myself here but that's my opinion. Maybe it's because i'm yet to get the full game  I'm not sure how the M1 tank looks in game but maybe you could turn your hand to retexturing that, as i don't like the camo scheme BIS have given it. Just a thought.
  23. mr reality

    things to change

    Very nice retextures Vilas It's difficult to decide what colour scheme is best as now i seem to like the full camo version now that i've seen it, were as before i would of thought the khaki version would of suited. Heatseeker sumed it up for me when he mentioned the crappy shovels and bed roll on the models (I know you can't remodel these yet). There's just some thing not right about the khaki model because of the bed roll. It's a very basic BDU, but with the bed roll and shovel it don't seem right. That's just my personal opinion. Maybe i'm getting tired of the west Vs east settings and that's why i'm looking forward to Ebuds african retextures. For me the island of Sahrani is crying out for african, arab or even south american style opfor.  I know i'm getting way ahead of myself here but that's my opinion. Maybe it's because i'm yet to get the full game  I'm not sure how the M1 tank looks in game but maybe you could turn your hand to retexturing that, as i don't like the camo scheme BIS have given it. Just a thought.
  24. mr reality

    To the people who are playing ArmA, how is it?

    I was playing the demo and i checked out the swaying trees, only to see the whole trunk is swaying not just the branches. There must be some strong winds on Sahrani . I will admit im very pleased with ArmA so far even with the graphical glitches and i've only got the demo, i can't wait for the full game in february...I'm running the game on the highest settings with 3000 view distance and it's as smooth as silk so far. I wont tell you what my system specs are, but believe me, there pretty dam good .
  25. mr reality

    AH-6 not engaging anything

    Oh i hope i'm wrong but it could have the same problem the VBS1 aussie M1 tank has. Which is, it dosn't engage enemy units. It's only usable for multiplayer. I'm sure it's just an incorrect line in the config somewhere but i'm no expert when it comes to configs.