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Everything posted by Master85

  1. Master85

    Passing name into addAction

  2. I used a for-loop and "nearestobject ID", so I managed to destroy trees and walls, but this method isn't really accurate. Master85
  3. userDisableInput => disableUserInput
  4. Master85

    how to tilt a object

    I didn't talked about the command "setvectorup" or "setvectordir", I talked about the script (link posted by UNN) whose startup-parameter you had posted.
  5. Master85

    how to tilt a object

    hi nux, I think [_Ox,_Oy,_Oz] is the vector of the direction you want to set the object. Master85
  6. PSD has a limit of 2 GB, so use PSB or TIFF. Master85 link Edit: it's depending on the version of photoshop, too.
  7. Master85

    Never logged in accounts

    Perhaps because: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">If you have previously filed a bug under the Wiki, an account under the same name will have been created already.BIKI - BTS Master85
  8. There is a command which does something like this. But I don't know what the command does exactly and what's the origin usage of it (deleteCollection). Master85
  9. Master85


    Check the path of the External Viewer in options of O2PE. Should look like <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">X:\...\ArmA.exe -window -buldozer -noland
  10. Master85

    Cannot export to 3ds, Oxygen 2

    Same reason like here (3rd post) Add the dlls of the O2 light and export works with textures, too. Master85
  11. Master85

    Cannot export to 3ds, Oxygen 2

    don't export the textures, and it'll work - but don't ask why
  12. Master85

    Need formula - wind direction

    ... and with full 360° ... <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">_wind = wind; hint str((((_wind select 0) atan2 (_wind select 1)) + 360) mod 360);
  13. Master85

    Buldozer without having OFP installed...

    I am not at home at my PC, but as far as I can remember you have to unpack 2 PBOs and take these new folders into the arma-root-folder. Both PBOs are located in the dta-folder (I am not sure, but I think it was bin.pbo and core.pbo). My O2-config I don't know at the moment but in the evening I'll edit my posting. Master85
  14. Master85

    Buldozer without having OFP installed...

    You don't need to use the old O2-Viewer. You can use the Buldozer included in Arma. Master85
  15. Master85


    "arma.exe -buldozer" is working all the time (since german release - I think so). I'm using it with the old O2 for some modeling.
  16. In Arma the syntax is "call compile format[...]" Master85
  17. Master85

    Config in missionfile

    thx KyleSarnik Missions in addons are good - addons in missions would be better Master85
  18. Master85

    Config in missionfile

    ...would be really nice. Any possibility to download the MPMissions.pbo without downloading the whole demo? Master85
  19. Master85

    Looking for a mission

    Hello, I'm looking for an older multiplayer-mission (I think in german). The isle was Malden or Everon, I think. In the mission there are a commander and a HQ for each side. You can build factorys and barracks where you can build (buy) vehicles and soldiers. Each player builds his own group. You have to take towns. For each town you will earn money. The game ends when your commander is dead and (or?) the HQ is destroyed. Thanks for all
  20. Master85

    Looking for a mission

    Thank you, SEAL84