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Everything posted by Master85

  1. Master85

    Export my full PM Inbox

    If you use firefox you could use DownThemAll or ScrapBook. - with DownThemAll I was able to safe the plane html of the messages, but the embedded pictures, .css-files aren't saved (so if the forum-design is changed, the saved files look perhaps a little broken) - with ScrapBook I was able to save all my messages in my inbox including all embedded (and optional linked) files I started both in my inbox and used something like - for DownThemAll: *act=msv - for ScrapBook: act=msv for filtering. If needed I can give more information. Master85
  2. Master85

    Highway Roads & Fat Curves

    That's the problem. By only changing the X-position of all points you changed the angle of the road - so the angle of the road on your screenshots doesn't look like 10°.
  3. @ VictorFarbau I think the addvehicle-command only shows the ai-leader that he may/should use this vehicle (and I think there's no way to check for an added vehicle). An ai-leader will then automatically assign his units to the vehicle and let them board it (only if he thinks that's necessary). Master85
  4. I think the command is working correctly. Example: Build a group of soldiers, give the leader a move-waypoint to a place far away and place an empty truck near the group. ->The group will move by foot to the waypoint. Now the same scenario again - but add the truck by the addvehicle-command to the group. ->Now the group will use the truck to reach the waypoint. I think it depends on the distance to the following waypoint whether a added truck will be used or not - looks like the truck is used if the distance between leader and the next waypoint > 200 m. It's possible that an added truck isn't used at first because the next waypoint is too near; but after reaching the waypoint and realizing that the following waypoint is too far away (> 200m) the soldiers run back, board the vehicle and move to the waypoint. Master85 Edit:typo Â
  5. Master85

    Comparing two strings

    different ideas: 1) use "toArray", find the space (find 32) and rebuild the string by using a loop through the array from (find 32) to (count array)-1 and then toString or 2) toString((toArray (str _obj)) - toArray "0123456789: ") Â (or better the unicodes directly) but here all numbers and : and spaces in the name are gone (perhaps I say nonsense and there is an easier way (which I don't know) to do this )
  6. Master85

    Comparing two strings

    sure (you get a string like the one in the picture) normally I would use "typeof" but because the bushes and trees (not editor placed) are classless that's not possible.
  7. Master85

    Comparing two strings

    look at the picture  There is a number in front of the name which you have to cut off. Â
  8. Master85

    Problem wit Oxygen 2 Viewer

    that's the reason of the error - I had a similar error (on my system with Win XP - don't know if it happens on Vista, too). Somewhere you should have the BI's Tools Drive installed (normally "My Documents\ArmAWork\"). There should be a batch with the name mapdisk.bat (which use the command "subst" to map the folder to P:\ ). Normally the mapdisk.bat is started at the start of your system (autorun by registry) and maps the folder to P:\. To get the drive, find the folder and the mapdisk.bat and run it. (but only if you know, what you are doing ) [On my PC I had to install the BI Tools as admin - but I wanted to use it as a normal user. The problem is that the entry for autorun is stored in the "personal registry of the admin" which won't be executed for a normal user.] EDIT: looks like I was a little too slow...
  9. Master85

    Problem wit Oxygen 2 Viewer

    Is P:\ available?
  10. Master85

    Problem wit Oxygen 2 Viewer

    I'm not talking about the path of the "External Viewer" but about the path of the "DLL Folder".
  11. Master85

    Problem wit Oxygen 2 Viewer

    I think one of your paths in the config of O2PE isn't valid (DLL Folder ?). Perhaps the folder of your BI's Tools Drive isn't mapped to the right drive letter.
  12. Master85

    Scripts for Visitor3

    I only know this thread.
  13. Master85

    Visitor3 Scripting

    was looking for such a command for a longer time but no luck. The only thing  - I wondered about a little bit - was the type of the Object Template which is "Object Template,Matrix". For the most commands there are descriptions and examples in the comref included in the BI-Tools. But in visitor3 there are not all commands of the comref available and a few commands of Visitor3 aren't in the comref. A list of all available commands (I hope so) is here - but without description (if necessary I can write a few lines). Master85
  14. Array 0.1 (for Visitor3) This script is for map-makers to place lines, fields, cubes, ... of objects. USE: Save your work, select one object and run the script. Don't use "UNDO" after running the script - otherwise Visitor3 may crash and/or data loss! (To prevent use by mistake:"Clean undo/redo data"). Script: Example: This script is a beta, it may contain bugs; use it on your own risk - save your work to prevent data loss, don't use "UNDO" after using the script! Download: Array 0.1 (beta) Feedback, ideas, bug-reports . Master85 btw: sry for my English
  15. Master85

    problem with Geo Lod?

    Name the components in your Geo-LODs (->Geo-LODs).
  16. Master85

    BattlEye problems

    Can programs which use overlays (like TeamSpeak Overlay) cause problems with BE? That's bad for those players who didn't installed BattlEye; would be nice to have three options: Yes, No and Both.
  17. triggerAttachVehicle Master85
  18. Master85

    .Cfgworld error

    You'll get a .CfgWorld - Error if buldozer can't find the "config.bin" which should be located in the folder "bin" in your "BI's Tools Drive" (usually P:\). So check your "BI's Tools Drive" for this file and check the "Path for textures" in the options of O2: Path for textures: drive letter of your "BI's Tools Drive" (usually P:\) Master85
  19. Master85


    I tryed to use the "auto-road-placing" feature of Visitor3 but found (almost) nothing in the biki. Straight parts working well but sometimes strange things happen (crazy loops and so on). So I am looking for better "Auto-find parameters". Master85
  20. Master85

    Making a good sat mask

    A fast and dirty script for rotating one or more road nets: Use at your own risk. RoadRotator Master85
  21. Master85

    Making a good sat mask

    I was able to rotate road-nets (step size of 1°) by using "setdir". The roads were diplayed correctly in Visitor3 and Buldozer, too (but not tested ingame). So perhaps the limitation is only by the dialogue of Visitor3 (after setting a road to e.g. 15° I was able to rotate it in steps of 10° by using the dialogue : 25°, 35°, 45°, ...). Master85
  22. Master85

    Road placing in Visitor3

    Use the roads installed by BI Editing Tool Suite or included in sample models of all models used as part of the environment.
  23. Master85

    a script to maintain speed

    set a trigger with: condition: speed vehicle player > 50 on activation: player setCaptive false if player moves faster than 50 km/h the trigger will be activated.
  24. Master85


    1. select a road network or place a new road key part 2. Ctrl+Shift+ left-click somewhere on the map then the menu appears Master85
  25. Master85


    thx, but manual placing isn't the problem - working well. I'm talking about those parameters: Master85