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Everything posted by MilitiaSniper

  1. MilitiaSniper

    addon request: navy seals

    "Navy Seals?" Is this what the, OFP Community wants? For me, I honestly have to say, "I did." But when BAS decided to stop. I really don't know now. But I will say this. We have so many different S.F. units from different countries. That "I..." don't know what to do with. I would like to see a, "New Sunrise." A new break in OFP imagination. Something that relights the fire that we all once had. For me, It seems that the imagination is running out. But when I see addons like, "Tales of War's: CH-34 Choctaw" released. It recaptures my OFP imagination. I'm sick of seeing addons being released. Example: (New AK-74 SU, M4, or new BMP" We have these already. Yes some are better than others. But why not just retexture the ones we have? So our addon folders aren't filling up with .pbo's we really already have. We are all subject to this in the OFP Community... That we expect to much demand on quality and the makers that make the addons. It seems that we forget sometimes that the makers do this with passion... for us. In "THEIR" spare time. Then we complain to much about an addon that has a bug in it. Or it doesn't look as good as someone's elses. But, "I" want to thank ALL addon makers in the OFP Community. Vets or Newbie's. "Thank You!" I hope I opened some eyes. And I'm not trying to be, "Holier than Thou." Sincerely, MilitiaSniper
  2. MilitiaSniper


    Thank you so much! Sincerely, MilitiaSniper
  3. MilitiaSniper


    I'm sorry to ask this. But I can't seem to get an AI to crouch. And If I do. He stands right back up. How do I do this simple move? Sincerely, [email protected]
  4. How can I kill off a soldier if they exit a vehicle. Ex: A T-80 is hit hard but doesn't explode. And the crew jumps out. HOW??? Can I kill them off so a "not present," trigger can still be activated? I need it for the, "OFP Mission" contest! Sincerely, MilitiaSniper
  5. MilitiaSniper

    Beacon Script?

    I saw a script that allows you to search for down pilots and aircraft. This script beeps louder and faster the closer you get to it. I found it at @WARS. But my IGN log in wont work anymore.
  6. MilitiaSniper

    "super heroes" mod

    Anyone interested in a, "Super Heroes Mod?" I thought that we could have, "Super Heroes" representing different countries. Ex: "A hero that could fly and shoot lasers from the eyes. Or have a rocket come from his hand?" Â Â This has never been done. Anyone that is interested let me know : [email protected] Sincerely, MilitiaSniper
  7. MilitiaSniper

    Super heroes

    Anyone interested in a, "Super Heroes Mod?" I thought that we could have, "Super Heroes" representing different countries. Ex: "A hero that could fly and shoot lasers from the eyes. Or have a rocket come from his hand?" This is just an idea. That may allow creativity of addon makers and scripters. Some may say this is a Military Sim. Game. But other mods have came out of OFP. Ex: StarShip Troopers, StarGate, StarWars, and etc. That's whats great about OFP. Imagination isthe only true thing stopping us. I get tired of downloading an, AK-47, M4 Carbine, or a new BMP. I like different things out there. And I'm sure others out there do too. This is just an idea, that I though would be interesting. If you don't like this idea. Tell me. But don't cuss me out or rag on me over an idea. Because I would not show you disrespect over an idea you may have. This has never been done. Anyone that is interested let me know : [email protected] Sincerely, MilitiaSniper
  8. MilitiaSniper

    Super heroes

    Â Sorry for multi posting on this topic. I accidently posted this idea in the wrong area. I just wanted to put this idea in the correct forum area. So forgive me all if I ticked anyone off ok? Sincerely, MilitiaSniper
  9. MilitiaSniper

    "super heroes" mod

    Anyone interested in a, "Super Heroes Mod?" I thought that we could have, "Super Heroes" representing different countries. Ex: "A hero that could fly and shoot lasers from the eyes. Or have a rocket come from his hand?" Â Â This has never been done. Anyone that is interested let me know : [email protected] Sincerely, MilitiaSniper