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Everything posted by MilitiaSniper

  1. MilitiaSniper

    Need A Great Island

    Is there a REALLY..! good island to use for great fire-fights, armor battles, and air combat? But little or nothing to download of addons for it? Sincerely MilitiaSniper
  2. MilitiaSniper

    FFUR/SLX 2007

    Mine plays fine for a few minutes. Then all the sudden the screens turns black and comes up with the, "Sorry for any inconvience.., but it must shut down." Click, "Send Report or Don't Send." I'm about to dump the darn thing. Sincerely, MilitiaSniper
  3. MilitiaSniper

    ArmA Disappointing

    So.., Is OFP better than AA? It seems to be a mixed view on that one. Sincerely, MilitiaSniper
  4. MilitiaSniper

    Music Instruments?

    Are there any music instruments addons? I swear I saw some. But my search on Ofp.info is coming up short. Any help will be great! Sincerely, MilitiaSniper
  5. MilitiaSniper

    Music Instruments?

    Thanks.., I just wish I could understand the readme file. Sincerely, MilitiaSniper
  6. MilitiaSniper

    Musical instruments

    Can someone traslate the readme file to english? So I can see how to make the addons work? Sincerely, MilitiaSniper
  7. MilitiaSniper

    ArmA Disappointing

    To me.., I was trying to find out if the SP game version was even worth it. Cause, the demo missions really was lousy. Only in MY opinion. Sincerely, MilitiaSniper
  8. MilitiaSniper

    ArmA Disappointing

    Maybe with the screenshots and all the years of high expectation I had for ArmA. It couldn't live up to it. Anyways.., I will stick with the original OFP and play it with all the great addons and mods created for it. Sincerely, MilitiaSniper
  9. MilitiaSniper

    Kegs DXDLL

    I have, Kegs DXDLL file. The reflections worked. But since I installed the new BAS Tonal ReDux. The reflections are no longer working. Maybe it is something not related to the New Tonal Redux. But can someone help me on this? Sincerely, MilitiaSniper
  10. MilitiaSniper


    I think any addon can find it's purpose in OFP! It all depends on the mission makers imagination. Sincerely, MilitiaSniper
  11. MilitiaSniper

    Tonal Redux

    woohoo! Will they have ears this time? Â edit: Mirror @ofpc.de Tonal Redux LOL! I never new that! Shows how much I pay attention to things. BAS was one of my "ALL" time Mods ever! It's good to play it again. But..! This time it's even better. I got it to work in FFUR 2006 as well. Better enhanced wise in FFUR! Can someone release those Mig planes. As an addon with the roundels already on them? Just to make it easy for us lazy and dumb people. ( ) Anyways.., "Thanks to everyone involved. And Special Thanks to BAS!" Sincerely, MilitiaSniper
  12. MilitiaSniper

    Bullet Cam

    Thank You Very Much! Sincerely, MilitiaSniper
  13. MilitiaSniper

    Bullet Cam

    Hey.., I remember an old script or addon. That allow you to watch the bullet from a sniper fly through the air. I did a word search here. "Bullet Cam." And got 10 pages of nothing. LOL! Anyone know where I can find this? Sincerely, MilitiaSniper
  14. MilitiaSniper


    I think.., They quit. But I wish they had finished it up! They always did good work! Sincerely, MilitiaSniper
  15. MilitiaSniper

    Bullet Cam

    There's gotta be someone out there, knows what I'm talking about! Sincerely, MilitiaSniper
  16. MilitiaSniper

    Winter Addons

    Hey guys.., I was wondering if we could comprise a list of Winter addons. Not any Mods. But a pack or single addons. Old or not! Please leave a link! Sincerely, MilitiaSniper
  17. MilitiaSniper

    Winter Addons

    Does the Winter FFUR work with the FFUR 2006 2.0? Sincerely, MilitiaSniper
  18. MilitiaSniper

    Nogovan Light Infantry Pack 1

    How about making these awesome guys in a winter uniform too? Sincerely, MilitiaSniper
  19. MilitiaSniper

    Vietnam: The Experience v0.3

    Will this work with FFUR 2006? Sincerely, MilitiaSniper
  20. MilitiaSniper

    Full Length OFP Movie

    Hey all.., I've been wanting to make a full length, OFP movie. Or a bi-weekly download series. Kinda like a tv series. Then maybe at the end of the series. It can be all combined into one movie. The idea that I'm playing with is, about the American that was a spec ops guy. Who helped the FIA beat back the Gen. Guba and the Russians off the islands. He gets out of the service after the war. And he and his wife moves to the island of Nogova. And buy a farm. He and his wife later have a son. And wife dies 17 years later. Well.., forgetting the past. The American gets a visit from his old commander. Trying to keep the past behind him. He finds out that the ghosts from the past has come back. Left with a decision to learn the truth. Or carry on with the life he already is living. The farm is barely making money. The son is gonna be going to college in the fall. And the Amercian can't truly get rid of the ghosts.., until he finds the truth. This is sorta what I'm going for. I'll do the filming, editing, some voices. But What I need is voices. Anyone who wants to record some voices or help in some way let me know. (Send me a PM.) If you help then.., I will use you and your name as a character. As long as you got an OFP name that is useable. Or.., we could use a fictious name if you like? Sincerely, MilitiaSniper PS. I'm even gonna try to make a movie poster for it! But if someone else that is good in doing something like that. Please PM me. and Ill give you the details.
  21. MilitiaSniper

    Most Popular

    What are the most popular conversion or mod that the OFP Community is using? I'm thinking of changing my FFUR 2006. For something else. Need your help! Sincerely, MilitiaSniper PS. I wanna make my OFP Gaming, Better than ever!
  22. MilitiaSniper

    Full Length OFP Movie

    Yea that's the name! I thought about replaying it. If I can find some time. But.., I'm having a problem with the mouth movement without using a script. Sincerely, MilitiaSniper You cant fint the time to replay it but you have the time to make a movie about it? Unusual....but good luck. It sounds like an interesting idea. Yea.., Between my wife and kids, work, and other things. I only have a few hours during my days off to spend in front of the computer. I like to get things done. Anyone want to help. And to save it for ArmA..? I think, I may do that. But still like to get alittle team together. So..? Any takers? Sincerely, MilitiaSniper
  23. MilitiaSniper

    Most Popular

    I got, WGL to work finally. But I like the looks effect the most. ECP seems to be a pain in the butt to get to work. But like some of the last comments. Why not merge all 3 into 1..? It probably would be a pain in the neck to do. But someone or team would become, "HERO/S!" I just want to make my, OFP look good and playout better. What about, Y2K thing? Is that a conversion? And is it good? Sincerely, MilitiaSniper
  24. MilitiaSniper

    Full Length OFP Movie

    Yea that's the name! I thought about replaying it. If I can find some time. But.., I'm having a problem with the mouth movement without using a script. Sincerely, MilitiaSniper
  25. MilitiaSniper

    Most Popular

    I guess.., I'm staying with the FFUR 2006. Sincerely, MilitiaSniper