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About Moach

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  1. Moach


    i know... dumb question... but i´ve been looking for the GLOBAL SCRIPTS FOLDER for a while and can´t seem to find it anywhere... so i´m stuck with having to copying my scripts into the folders of every mission i intend to use them in... thre´s gotta be a better way, no? thanx in advance
  2. Moach

    Suggestion-list for the final arma patch

    ... ok, just thought of something else! it happened to me twice yesterday in SP missions Commander and Rats Nest (included in the RHS Hind pack) the bug is the following: sometimes when i board a vehicle and instead of driving it myself i order one of my men to do it for me, it seems that i partially loose control of my squad after disembarking from such vehicle, i am no longer to keep my units in formation, for when i try to tell ´em to, i hear my character say "All, follow all" or "all follow 2" or whoever it was that was driving the vehicle.... in the Hind mission i cannot get the other chopper to hold formation with me because of the same reason.... i can only have him move by specifically telling him where to go! it´s annoying, unrealistic and more than once got my squad killed, please fix it BIS, for it is a bug thank you
  3. Moach

    Alligator mission

    this is not a hard mission... for me it wasn´t at least... the trick is: take out the vulcan BEFORE anyone has a chance to use it! fly it like this: 1. take off and head to the waypoint 2. eliminate the convoy using missiles 3. use rockets blast the damn vulcan to a crater (this process also kills everyone standing near it) 4. proceed to mashing the parked armour (use rockets ot whatever) 5.return home unharmed worked for me!
  4. Moach

    Suggestion-list for the final arma patch

    my only suggestion is to add maybe a difficulty setting for DIRECT throttle control in aircraft, i´ve explained it all in this post. it would make flying more challenging and interesting.
  5. we all know that the aicraft throttle control in Arma is NOT straightforward. instead of the Flight Simulator like throttle movement from 0 to 100%, ArmA gives us a "Cruise Control" like behavior for all aircraft. currently if i want my plane to fly at 400kmh i just have to push the throttle forward, wait for the correct airspeed and return it to the center, where the plane automatically adjusts it´s power to maintain airspeed. Same thing goes for decellerating... it´s easy, but it´s not realistic at all... i´d very much like to see (maybe in next patch ) an option added to the difficulty settings menu which would switch the "cruise control" like behaviour by a more realistic direct and linear throttle control. would make flying more challenging and interesting i believe all who agree say aye!
  6. Moach

    Weapon animation

    and maybe we could have some recoil this time... specially on MGs
  7. i know it's too early to ask for specific vehicles, but what types of vehicles would you like to see? i'm sure there will be tanks and choppers, but no-one has mentioned anything further... personally, i would like to have big ships such as destroyers, battleships and even ac carriers with walkable decks, like those in Battlefield 1942 of course,such heavy ships would a more apropriate handling system than WSAD (big problem in Bf42)... wouldn't it be neat having your mission start with you on a ship, and being deployed into shore? or maybe having open sea battles   that would surely give us many more mission design options
  8. Moach

    What kind of Sound would you prefer?

    i really hope this time they make the guns and explosions sound exciting and powerful. sound was never the strong point n OFP1, the MG's sounded like knocking on wood ...some addons had good sounds though