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About Mugengasumi-FIS-

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  1. Mugengasumi-FIS-

    Uce/jam pack

    Thank you for your fixing Then... it is not a bug, but I have a question. Some weapons have Scope version and non-scope version(eg rpk74M) but opticsZoom is same between them (0.35). For example, MarineAssultPakc's 1p29 Scope's opticsZoom is 0.16. Next, VSS is very difficult to hit the target Aiming the center of scope, but Bullet goes upper than it. But recoil looks not so much as bullet goes.
  2. Mugengasumi-FIS-

    Uce/jam pack

    First, when I launch OFP with BAS_rangers and this, "no entry"error dosen't occur, but I get error when without BAS_rangers. It says "No_entry BAS_M4Mag" and I found it in "GAZ_pack.pbo"'s config.cpp AK-101 uses BAS_M4Mag & BAS_M4SMag. I want you to make this addon can be launched without BAS_Rangers. Next, I put "KEGRPG7vLauncherMag" in my ammobox (as you wrote here), but could't take it and launch. When I put "KEGRPG7Launcher" as mag in my ammobox(and in your weapon's config.cpp, there is "KEGRPG7Launcher" as magazines) ,I can use it. But in uce_jam_east_cpp 's config.cpp, there are some "KEGRPG7vLauncher" as magazines( eg:UCE_rustgrsRPG7V1985HD) I think it should be "KEGRPG7Launcher" And RPK-74M/Scope may be missing the scope. When I use "v" sight, there is no scope, but 3D-models has the scope. Thanks for your great work.