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Everything posted by mcnools

  1. mcnools

    UN Troops

    The best thing would be if all the units were avaible both with and without the vests, but the filesize would unfortunatly be very big. Edit: also, I made some white M113-textures for myself, if you're going to do some vehicles you could add me on messenger (McNools@gmail.com) and I could send you the textures and see what you think.
  2. mcnools

    Sniper scopes

    I don't really know if this is a bug, or if it's realistic, but when using the M107 or M24 I have to aim LOWER to hit things, wich means the bullet hits the target in the head if I aim at his belly, wich seems a little bit odd. Is anyone else having this? it was present both in 1.04 and still in 1.05.
  3. well, I'm thinking about doing a little mission where your'e stuck behind enemy lines, and I would like to do it so that when your'e discovered, lots of enemy units move to your position and engage you. Is there any way to do this? It would be best if notall of the enemies engage you, just those within a 1000 metres or something, is this possible?
  4. This is a bit embarrasing, but how do I define a groupname?
  5. mcnools

    Mouse Movement Too Gooey

    Use ironsights or scope when aiming instead, much much better.
  6. Thanks I'll try that later. is it possible to just type something in a trigger to get a certain group to move to a specific unit?
  7. It's true that some missions is bugged to that you win even though you shouldn't, but like Frederf said, this is a military sim, it's "many good troops saved the day", not: "a lone private took care of everything by himself".
  8. mcnools

    1.05 Slight Delay - Read News

    This sort of reminds me when the Invasion 1944 demo was going to be released, and it was slightly delayed due to uploading problems, their forums where spammed by people writing things like "u said it was goin' to be relesed today but then noo, u dont relese it, i hate you i44!!!11". It was quite funny. I managed to get the demo from an insider contact though ;D But woah, I can't wait for this patch, it'll be awesome.
  9. I actually think there's a pretty simple command for this, read about it somewhere, but can't find it now >_<
  10. mcnools

    FN F2000

    Might be cool, but then again, you could just play the splinter cell-games instead, Sam would just get his butt kicked in ArmA He'd play just like any other specops, only maybe being more stealthy. I don't think he would... but I was joking, I didn't mean to start a superman vs. godzilla argument. He wouldn't be able to hang from ralings and strange people and stuff though.
  11. mcnools

    FN F2000

    Might be cool, but then again, you could just play the splinter cell-games instead, Sam would just get his butt kicked in ArmA
  12. mcnools

    random crashes

    Well, this has probably been posted before, but I can't really find any topic that suits my problem. I used to have the german version of ArmA (but used a language patch), but now when the 505 version was released I bought it, however, I'm experiencing some random crashes that I didn't have with the german version. Any time when I'm playing a mission the screen flashes to black and then the game quits with the usual "ArmA has encountered a problem and needs to be closed"-error. My specs: Intel core2duo 2.4 ghz 1024mb DDR RAM Radeon X1900 graphics card ..and a crappy internal soundcard And I'm running the 1.04 patch.
  13. mcnools

    unit health/armour

    oh, thanks man
  14. Well, in ofp you could configure units armour values, and I'm thinking of doing a "super"-unit that can take lots of bullets etc. just for playing around with some, and I was wondering if anyone knows if it can be done in ArmA? (and if your'e going to post something in the lines of "it's supposed to be realistic you noob" you can just be quiet instead). Edit: I mean soldiers, not tanks etc.
  15. mcnools

    unit health/armour

    Actually I just found out how to do it thanks to NEM's zombies-config. you just put armor=40; armorhead=4; armorbody=9; armorhands=15; armorlegs=15; (and change the values to what you want) somewhere under where you put the weapons the unit should have etc. (can't explain it properly, damn language barriers)
  16. mcnools

    unit health/armour

    oh, also, I can't remember how you do that ^^
  17. ehm.. where can I get this? on the page for the editorupgrade it says it's been made a part of the 6thsense.eu mod, but on the 6thsense.eu mod-page it says it's no longer a part of it. and is it compatible with the latest ArmA version?
  18. mcnools

    UK Weapons

    in other words, there seem to be a lot of complete pricks here. If someone could improve those weapons a bit they would be awesome, just getting them ingame seems to be a bit of a problem.
  19. mcnools

    Delta Force Units for ArmA

    Something like this could be enough until real tools are released. made some delta-styled units in several different camos, just waiting for permission from some people before I release it.
  20. mcnools


    Eureka! it worked man, thank you so much!
  21. mcnools


    Yeah, I'm getting the out of memory-error too, but I'm not even changing the texture names, just the directory, (like changing *old pbo name*/data/*texture name* to *my pbo name*/data/*same texture name*
  22. Well, I've been spending the day working on making som Delta Force-styled units in urban camo (planning to do desert and wood too). I used the VX Flecktarn troops as basis, but changed all textures and the config, however.. the new textures aren't showing up ingame when I use my own config file, when using the old one for the Flecktarn troops the textures show up perfectly, but not with my config. What I really did was just changing the classnames and display names ingame etc. I think I made some mistake when changing the classnames and where the models are, but I don't know. I guess I could just change the display names and weapons loadouts, but I want to be able to use the Flecktarn troops too. I guess I'll just post the two config files here and if someone with some experience could check it out and figure out what I did wrong and how I should fix this, I'd be grateful. The original Flecktarn Config: My changed Config file (yeah I haven't edited the groups yet):
  23. Ah! thank you, I'll try that. Gah, Okay, Now it tells me I haven't got enough virtual memory (wich I have)when I try to load a mission with the units (I used the same texture-names as before, I just changed the directory to my pbo instead of the flecktarn one) >_< EDIT: PROBLEM SOLVED! http://www.flashpoint1985.com/cgi-bin....t=57353
  24. mcnools

    NightVision problem?

    I reduced gamma and brightness to 1.2 and it did the trick, thanks mate!