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Major Disaster

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About Major Disaster

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. Major Disaster

    Ejecting pilot seat

    Has anyone made a pilot's seat that actually ejects with the pilot from the aircraft? It would be an interesting mod to create however I am not that good at scrpit writing and I am concentrating on my 'The Operative' project at the moment.
  2. Major Disaster

    The operative

    The weapons I have mentioned are in addition to the normal Flash inventory. I also want to see new vehicules in this mod. A Huey and an 117-A are my idea as to what should be in the mod. Ideally i want them to be as realistic as the helos and planes in OFP as some of the version I have seen seem to be far too small and/or have random stuff written on it. The idea behind "the Killing House" is that there will be a special forces-type camp.
  3. Major Disaster

    The operative

    Training will be the first phase of this mod. the reason I want to use the CAR 15 and M16A1 is because the real world based levels will see u up against certain rebel and hunter forces who are armed with something more original than AKs,etc... the Multiplayer option is one I am interested to take but I also want to have singleplayer levels some which would resemble the level in flashpoint when everyone is after u.
  4. Major Disaster

    The operative

    Anyone want to help?
  5. Major Disaster

    The operative

    A new modefication is being made to flashpoint with missions concentrating on escape and evasion techniques, forward reconnaissance and sabotage. The campaign will start with training from weapons familiarisation(small arms) to Close Quarter Battle(CQB) training passing through Specialist training in such skills as markmanship, demolitions and assault tactics. The castle found in OFP:R will be used as a Killing House to simulate CQB. the following weapons will be used and/or created for this purpose. FN 57 pistol Steyr Aug A2 with integrated silencer Steyr Aug A2 with M203 grenade launcher G36 Commando G36 with silencer SPAS 12 assault shotgun SPAS 15 automatic assault shotgun AW Covert sniper rifle Colt CAR-15 Colt M16-A1 Colt M4A1 with M203 grenade launcher OICW Ultra 2 supressed Ruger 77/22 with 4x40 scope FN 2000 with its grenade launcher FN 2000 supressed AR-7 Survival Rifle AR-7 Survival Rifle supressed Spetznatz propelling blade knife. This Campaign will not be limited to infantry or special forces. I also intend to create helicopter and tank levels.
  6. How do you create the strike action?
  7. Major Disaster

    Where are the new weapons in resitance?

    where is the UZI, the revolver the mac-10 and the hunting rifle with a scope in ofp:r
  8. Major Disaster

    Steyr and other weapons

    Where can I find a steyr aug with a grenade launcher(A2 model preferred) I am trying to create a mod with advanced weapon systems(small arms), ie new weapons for flashpoint but I am not gun mad as I see them simply as tools to complete missions. However diversity makes the game more interesting. Also looking for FN five seven pistol and info on how to create a M203 grenade launcher, better quality NVGs and thermal imaging goggles(nothin 2 impresive better the same as the ones in Spec Ops 2, where everything was red but vehicules and people show up in White)
  9. Major Disaster

    Splinter cell weapons

    Thanks for the info. Any idea were I can find the FN five seven. I am trying to create a mod with advanced weapon systems, ie new weapons for flashpoint but I am not gun mad as Isee them simply as tools to complete missions. However diversity makes the game more interesting.
  10. Major Disaster

    Splinter cell weapons

    Are there any mods which give you an FN2000 or the handgun found in splinter cell?
  11. Major Disaster

    Splinter cell weapons

    Are there any mods which give you an FN2000 or the handgun found in splinter cell?