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Everything posted by Munk

  1. Munk

    Dynamic Afghanistan

    Its not an excuse anymore...
  2. Munk

    Dynamic Afghanistan

    Just need the new wound textures...
  3. Munk

    Everon Defence Force soldiers

    If Pathy is willing to donate the F350, this would be a very welcome addition You'll have to ask him, I just thought they'd go well together. You forgot to shove an AT bloke in btw
  4. Munk

    Everon Defence Force soldiers

    I reckon once Pathys got his F350 sorted it'd look pretty good with these blokes...
  5. Munk

    Dynamic Afghanistan

    Then how did I end up with a beta version? I have my squad (currently about 25 people if I include advisors and admin) at hand to beta test them along side DMA and some other select mission editors. Unfortunatly Im at work this weekend so havent had time to do much. Once some things are tweaked its just a fucking huge copy and paste job with some texture changes here and there. Might be helpful if Rabbit would get off his ass and send me the new wound textures aswell Hate to disapoint you Honco but Ive had to drop the armour for the BG, havent had time to fix it up and Carl hasnt got time to texture it Edit: Hows the UK conversion going? With BLEED and past+present UKF releases it shouldnt be far off, right?
  6. Munk

    UK Desert(ed) troops or BLEED

    Sorry for the delay... Mirror from RAAB
  7. Munk

    UK Desert(ed) troops or BLEED

    Aye, for the past 17 pages, thought someone would get the hint by now wouldnt you? Now you've got something other than bloody crapidshare available I'll have a mirror up soon
  8. Munk

    UK Desert(ed) troops or BLEED

    It would be better to send WIP M4s back to bloody Counter Strike so we dont get this in every fooking topic. Anyway... is there a working link for 1.0e patch or full?
  9. Munk

    UK Desert(ed) troops or BLEED

    Email the patch over again, I'll sort out a mirror.
  10. Munk

    British SAS Anti Terror Pack

    Was thinking the same thing
  11. Munk

    UK Desert(ed) troops or BLEED

    I could include 'em but don't expect to use it on the UK units tho. 'brejle' (glasses) has been removed cos of the inbuilt shades and goggles. Pretty ironic... Bugger, wanted em to look even more sexy while out on ops with RAAB. Thought they'd go well with my 'tache Think you might have just solved the problem with the next version of GMER
  12. Munk

    Dynamic Afghanistan

    Alright at a guess it'll be done.... when its done. Large problem as I need to replace all other models with the one that the faces are buggered on and obvious solutions havent worked. Edit: Faces = fixed Model names had to match class names. It means I'll have to change all class names so Im adding the GMER tag in this version. I'll PM everyone I can find who's using these in a mission the new classes so they can update it accordingly Edit2: Class names... all rebel class names are remaining unchanged. All new civilian units are being class as gmer_civie_01 - gmer_civie_11. Reason for leaving rebels is the random faces still work on them and it saves me a job, meaning I can release it all quicker
  13. Munk

    UK Desert(ed) troops or BLEED

    When trying to select your sunglasses via the player info screen (thingy mabobben) I get errors along the lines of... <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">Cannot find texture blb_uk\rayban4.paa Guess there'll be an E
  14. Munk

    UK Desert(ed) troops or BLEED

    Before I upload 1.0d are you 110% sure its the final version?
  15. Munk

    Dynamic Afghanistan

    Problem with model stopping the random faces from working, only thing holding it back really.
  16. Munk

    ECP 1.085 Released!

    1.085 Full Mirror from RAAB Been doing some training sessions with my squad, fooking amazing
  17. Munk

    WOOSAA, look what me find

    Maybe add a hotwire feature? If you havent got the keys its the only way
  18. Munk

    WOOSAA, look what me find

    When you do get it, load up the BIS Battlefields mission... Fooking amazing
  19. Munk

    Project UK Forces

    With mine and Rabbits rebels of course
  20. Munk

    New Iraqi Forces

    Thinking about implementing some arab faces? Im using Liquid Snakes (think thats the bloke) with the generic middle eastern rebels, I could send it all over if you want?
  21. Munk

    UK Desert(ed) troops or BLEED

    You want to email it to me again? I'll sort you out with a decent mirror Edit: Mirror from RAAB
  22. Munk

    UK Desert(ed) troops or BLEED

    What about spawning one during the mission?
  23. Munk

    UK Desert(ed) troops or BLEED

    Could he just use the eg Para Helmets All gamelogic with the condition set as a variable? Not sure if game logics have a condition field though
  24. Munk

    Ask a mod

    The 'UK Desert(ed) troops or BLEED' topic in A&D:C isnt working...