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Everything posted by Munk

  1. Munk

    Hostages in resistance, impossible ?

    Yes I think I could do that if it weren't for the tanks. RPG's? Use a shoot and scoot method. Fire one RPG, leg it, come back. Also use the two moron AI's as walking ammo crates and load them up with RPG's too. Or if you have mines/satchels you can set a little trap for the reinforcements
  2. Munk

    What are you think about campaign "street"

    @Alex I cant edit the strings myself (due to my pc being so shit) but I can send you a file with the new text and you can do it. I'll re-write the briefings though... @Everyone You want me to keep the 'dont boil' (so it sounds like a local phrase used by Nogovans) or replace it with 'chill' or something like that? I've kinda forgot about this to tell the truth but I'll get started on it now Edit: I dont know what I did but the stringtables.csv's wont even open anymore I knew trying to fix problems would make more 10x worse
  3. Munk

    Hostages in resistance, impossible ?

    Take out the reinforcements before attacking the village then Or try my sneaky bugger way
  4. Caught the end of collateral damage last night (seen it before but I was too pissed to remember it) and now Im even more interested in this mod. I'll try and get (half decent) somethings done before I bugger off instead of just giving up completely
  5. Munk

    Bad equipment

    That reminds m of Erik 'the eel' from the last olympics On-Topic... I think I'd be ok training in those conditions, im one of those people who 'are never cold'. I could be incased in ice and I wouldnt be cold
  6. Munk

    Bad equipment

    Judging by the MOD's current idea of top of the range equipment it was probably a potato sack between 10 men Brgnorway, if you see a big built short ass with no hair fall on his ass, I wouldnt laugh Â
  7. Munk

    Official Stupid Quiz Thread

    I only knew 1 answer...
  8. Munk

    The most realistic ofp experience ever!!!

    Yep Nice little story there, this is without a doubt the best mission I've played since I played the OFP demo Did you try calling a rally? I think people can hear you shouting within 100 meters or something? If only your RTO shows up but nothing happens there's still people around somewhere...
  9. Munk

    Official Stupid Quiz Thread

    Sounds like the bloke who owns the chinese round the corner (who knows exactly what I want when I walk in the door ) ONLY 80 FUCKING PERCENT!?!?!?!? lol I always thought I was more like Stimpy damn straight! Thats crap, I should be atleast 80% Im an idiot... A reputation with guys? WTF!!!!!
  10. Munk

    Marine missions

    So far we've only played Coop's and CTF but then again we've only played 3-4 games Safety's working on getting a server sorted, should be sorted by the 28th was the last I heard
  11. Munk

    Marine missions

    Lol, forgot the .uk at the end Now try it!
  12. Munk

    Hostages in resistance, impossible ?

    If this is the mission I think it is... Before the mission make sure your men have got silenced weapons (if you've got any) and you have an RPG then as soon as you start get down in the dirt and have you men hold fire. A UAZ should pass pretty soon (which is what always spotted me). When its buggered off leave your men where they are (they always crawl right out infront of the enemy!) and crawl to some bushes near the village. I recommend the savegame cheat for this bit. There are a few two man patrols walking around, when you think they're in a place they wont be found, drop them. Before you do SAVE! and wait a few minutes after each one incase the bodies are found. Repeat, whilest moving further into the village, take out the BMP, kill the remaining dudes. Avoid going near civies until the towns empty or they leg it and normally end up being shot. If you need and help you've got your two dudes with you. Try to move quickly but take your time
  13. I had problems with the graphics (everything was made of crazy assed multicoloured lines) but managed to sort of fix it two days ago. The problem was something to do with the fonts.pbo, when deleted it all went back to normal but now the menu's just a white block. I can still use it with some good guess work but is there a way I can fix this without restoring the fonts.pbo and screwing up the graphics again?(replacing it with the BIS one didnt work)
  14. Seach ofp.info's news for zombies...
  15. Munk

    Official Stupid Quiz Thread

    They must have different standards up north than they do down here in the south, they hire ugly lazy bastards who can't afford a hair cut After this week off I'll offically be a jobless bum Anyway... Thats ones a load of BS... Shove Pimpin' in there n thats me fo' sho'! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! Kinda looks like me I guess... My cats breath smells like cat food Im the complete opposite of that
  16. Munk

    Chill 'em all - fdf

    I cant sign in on my PC but it works on my laptop. I'll have to shove it on a floppy (or if its too big, shove it on my digital camera ) I hate my fecking shite PC
  17. Munk

    Marine missions

    Play a few games with us and then check your MPMissionCache folder Or you can make your own? Take your pick...
  18. Munk

    Chill 'em all - fdf

    Can you check if I've already signed up? I think I did when I downloaded BridgeFight but I cant remember all my log in crap. This is the first time I haven't been able to get in a pub Edit: Removed phantom quote
  19. Munk

    Marine missions

    Why would I tell you to sign up for an MP squad when you want SP missions?
  20. Munk

    Official Stupid Quiz Thread

    No, Munk was also Sudan. Only me and placebo got Sudan We both work for the NHS (not for much bloody longer though!) Some sort of conspiracy or just a coincidence? Ah who gives a crap, footballs on... Where's my beer? Who stole my beer? 1-0 in the first 30 secs
  21. Munk

    Marine missions

    Click the link in my sig and sign up
  22. Munk

    Official Stupid Quiz Thread

    After a non-drunken attempt... You're France! Most people think you're snobby, but it's really just that you're better than everyone else. At least you're more loyal to the real language, the fine arts, and the fine wines than anyone else. You aren't worth beans in a fight, unless you're really short, but you're so good at other things that it usually doesn't matter. Some of your finest works were intended to be short-term projects. Me in a nutshell
  23. Munk

    Csla 2

    Dont know if this has been mentioned at all (You really expect me to check 31 pages of 'great, downloading now!'? ) but the .exe's that were created read 'clsa2' not 'csla2' Yeh, I know its not the end of the world, I just noticed it and wondered if anyone had
  24. Munk

    The most realistic ofp experience ever!!!

    Do the enemy use the same system? I was running through the jungle and kept hearing random shouts of 'ON ME!' It'll take a little getting use to but when I have it'll be great. Its a shame the AI still cant keep the pace, I find myself stopping every 2 minutes so the can catch up Is there away to get them to hold fire? I was going to have a look but forgot lol
  25. Munk

    Official Stupid Quiz Thread

    That could have been where I went wrongwith my second attempt