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Everything posted by Munk

  1. Munk

    U.s. army special forces

    *waits for Pathy to show...
  2. Munk

    Bayonet animation on a rifle

    OFP's had British stuff for ages, its just been shite
  3. Munk

    Roc mod 3.0 now available!

    Quick fix for the Aibourne mission, exit the campaign and revert to that mission
  4. Munk

    Roc mod 3.0 now available!

    Thats got fuck all to do with it, I was dropped over the ocean so no matter when I pulled I'd still end up in it. Plus the fact if you pull to early you fail the mission and dont even get to drown.
  5. Search 'UserMissions' for Doomsday
  6. Munk

    Roc mod 3.0 now available!

    Just came to bitch about that one I was enjoying the campaign upto that point, guess I'll have to do bloody SF crap now
  7. Munk

    Roc mod 3.0 now available!

    Played the first mission quickly, bastards run over 4 so I blew them to hell
  8. Munk

    Roc mod 3.0 now available!

    Yeah, I'll get it going when I get up for work, what kind of crazy assholes up @ 3:30am? (except postmen )
  9. Munk

    True crime: streets of l.a.

    I'll need a bus and beer
  10. Munk

    Roc mod 3.0 now available!

    Ill go back to bed for a few more hours and wait for a mirror
  11. Munk

    Wish me luck, eh?

    All those starbucks type places do my nut. All I wants a freakin coffee n I end up savin some stupidly long name for 3 hours After a few hours of tryin to get the name right I give up, go up McDonalds and order a 20 box and a god damn litre of cola!
  12. Munk

    Martins helo

    Look at the pic again... If this has an M4 on it Martin screwed it up
  13. What exactly doesnt work for you?
  14. Munk

    Operation dragon horn

    Well the guys at OFPEC are lazy bastards who could do with the exercise I'd expect to have a chopper come in low and fast, pick them up from close by and fly off. Would look great if done right
  15. Munk

    True crime: streets of l.a.

    You have to fight some crazy assed dragon thing and some flying heads. Most realistic game ever As for that 'never play the same mission twice' thing, you have to if you want the so called 'good ending'. Waste of money if you ask me
  16. Munk

    Operation dragon horn

    Just completed it aswell. Was easy when I dropped all the sneaky bastard shit and went straight for the objectives. I was a bit pissed that I was able to just jump into a truck and drive to extraction, I was hoping to be ambushed on the road or something.
  17. Munk

    True crime: streets of l.a.

    Got this on PS2 and what a huge piece of shit it is. Its the same old crap everytime: drive there, sneak in, get rumbled, beat up some dudes, have a shootout, fight big boss man and repeat Bored the fuck out of me and I couldnt even get my money back
  18. Munk

    Retaliation campaign now available in English

    Make a nice little stash of AT weapons in the headquaters and just pop up every now and again to shoot a tank. Worked for me
  19. Munk

    Zombie campaigns

    Try UnPboing this mission. Grab UnPbo from gamezone, in the utilities section. Could help
  20. Munk

    Wish me luck, eh?

    So do I, at 4:30am Then a few hours later Im walking around for 2 hours with a few heavy bags (normally in the area with the most uneven ground) My first proper job and I love it
  21. Munk

    Operation dragon horn

    Just had a quick blast and I enjoyed the mission quite a bit. We'll get the bad stuff out the way first Lack of SD weapons = bad. Silence pistols would do me (even though I love the SigP226 ) The people joining my group automatically is annoying, I was going to leave the guard where he was and find the officer. The Medipack thing in the action menu gets in the way, Delta's can heal temselves anyway so I dont really see the point of it anyway Mission ending when the guard/ officer dies, couldnt you have multiple endings for different circumstances eg. Both survived, 1 survived etc. That would also make it replayable so people can find out what the other endings are Im guessing extraction is by chopper (didnt get that far ). If it is, it would be better in the middle of a field or something, not at a cross road. If its by other means ignore this crap Good shit - You made me use the new deltas Skip time - I liked to be able to choose when I started I like the whole radio man thing aswell All the fields place around life more easy when I was doing recce's and made me shit myself when I walked out right behind a patrol
  22. Munk

    Operation dragon horn

    Thanks Avon, checks in the post
  23. Munk

    Shooting-range 1.0

  24. Munk

    Shooting-range 1.0

    Thanks but apparenly the site doesnt exsist
  25. Munk

    Operation dragon horn

    Damn, It would be better if they did I think but thats J-Mans choice. Anyone got a link for the terrorists, OFPEC and my computer dont get on