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Everything posted by Munk

  1. Munk

    UEFA Euro 2004

    Someones had a bit too much to drink me thinks...
  2. Munk


    For a sissy! I find it much more fun sneaky through unnnoticed, stealing the docs then sneaking back out without having to shoot a thing. But then again its nice to blow everything insight back to hell once and a while
  3. Munk

    East Coast Incursion

    Is it possible to remove VITAPC from the mission or does it play too big a part? Could be used by my squad but we dont use that addon
  4. Munk


    Just walk through the front gate, piece of piss
  5. Munk


    Couldnt you do another version using stuff from winter nogojev? Theres a big difference between 33mb and 464mb Anyway, island looks good, should be done by the time I've finished downloading fdf 1.3
  6. Munk

    UEFA Euro 2004

    *Loads shotgun and attaches pitchfork Take the piss out of another Chelsea player and your in for some serious ass-forking!
  7. Munk

    UEFA Euro 2004

    Good old Lampard, makes us Chelsea boys proud
  8. Munk

    UEFA Euro 2004

  9. Munk

    UEFA Euro 2004

    Paul Scholes - The only ginger person I like
  10. Munk

    Nogova 2004

    Embassy type buildings (a few) that are walled in, have guard post and large gardens, garages, store rooms, seperate living areas from the main embassy. The one thing most islands lack. Could we get atleast one military base on the damn island?
  11. Munk

    Your most embarrassing moments in of

    Havent done it since, im extra careful when it comes to talking + satchels
  12. Munk

    Your most embarrassing moments in of

    Playing Lost Squad I decided I'd satchel the town to hell to take out the infantry while everyone else mined. By the time to move into our ambush position came I was still putting satchels around the place and tried to tell everyone to wait a minute. Pressed return and boom! Everyone was blown half way across the island
  13. Munk

    Flashpoint celebrities

    And for the FAQ...
  14. Munk

    UEFA Euro 2004

  15. Munk

    Ofp re-playability factor

    Thats one of the main reasons Im still playing ofp. Most of my contacts on msn are friends made in the community (could just be because im a sad bastard though). As soon as I got ofp I fired up the editor and was hooked on it straight away. Took me awhile to get involved in the community (I lost my cd-key and uninstalled ofp to make room for some other crappy game that was gone in 2 seconds) but when I did I found out about scripting and all the possibilitys ofp has to offer and the fact every man and his dog would jump at a chance to teach me how to do something I couldnt. After a while I was hooked on addons and tried to download everything I could find. That was when I started to notice the horrible lack of Brit kit, was stuck using crappy old VIA_SAS for way too long I've been in a squad(couldnt resist ) for 6-7 months now and have progressed quite far up the chain of command, thats kept me playing the game for a while and will continue to do so.
  16. Munk

    What addon's are made to hell

    I'd like to see a good ol' boomstick Crazy farmers on a rampage anyone?
  17. Munk

    What addon's are made to hell

    SA80's, only 3 or 4 I can remember and the only decent ones the latest UKF one. Stick that in your fife and smoke it! Edit: I'd like to see a few more cargo planes like Scuds SC7
  18. Munk

    Need missons

    I think you should, then I can play it
  19. Munk

    Venus transit 2004

    Dear God, thats crazy talk!
  20. Munk

    Venus transit 2004

    Finally, something good comes out of living in this hell hole! Now I just need tools and beer
  21. Munk

    Problem with craptop

    Basically everytime I turn on my laptop I get an error saying 'Invalid system disk Replace the disk, and then press any key' Well there aint no disk in the drive and everything looks fine inside. Anyone know wtfs going on and know how to sort it out?
  22. Munk

    Problem with craptop

    Anyone want to buy a slightly crazy laptop? My PC's screwed aswell but in a good way. Was playing on making a mission for my squad (ahhh, shameless promotion), turned on my pc and went to the toilet. When I got back not only had flashpoint loaded itself but the correct mod folder aswell
  23. Been there, said that... You forgot the trusty winchester though...
  24. Munk

    Problem with craptop

    *throws laptop out the window Nothing works with this pos! Looks like I'll have to send it back to PC world so people who know what the fuck they're doin can fix it (for another 3 years)