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Everything posted by maddogx

  1. maddogx

    Addons at ease

    Exactly and in my opinion that would be unnessessary just for AAE. I thought KEG's idea was alright.
  2. Hey all! I have started a new mod for OFP called World War III - 'Worst case scenario'. I have some technical consultants that will be helping me with technologies that will be used by 2013/2014 (the time setting for the story) but I am still the only modeller, texturer, configer etc. First here's some pics of my first addon: the F-35 It is of course not finished yet... I need some help with the textures and the model isn't quite complete yet. I also want some people that can help making more addons, such as weapons and maps. If you're interested in joining the team eMail me at LukeMadDogX@aol.com and/or reply to this post. THX in advance!
  3. maddogx

    Will you buy ofp 2?

    I will definitely get OFP2! And if the system reqs. are too high I will just have to upgrade my bloody comp! Anyone who has stuck with OFP for this long will surely agree with me. It's simply a must! OFP2 will surely rock. And will it be called 'Between the Lines' or not? And BIS, please, please, please release the editing tools sooner this time! That is if we can't use the existing ones...
  4. maddogx

    Will you buy ofp 2?

    I will definitely get OFP2! And if the system reqs. are too high I will just have to upgrade my bloody comp! Anyone who has stuck with OFP for this long will surely agree with me. It's simply a must! OFP2 will surely rock. And will it be called 'Between the Lines' or not? And BIS, please, please, please release the editing tools sooner this time! That is if we can't use the existing ones...
  5. maddogx


    There are some properties used for models that are to be used on maps (such as rocks, trees, houses, bushes etc.). For instance: PROPERTY VALUE map bush/rock/tree dammage none/building/tree and some others but I can't remember them at the mo. There are some more on some of the old models but I can neither remember them nor do I know what they do.
  6. maddogx

    Transparency prob

    I am having a problem with transparent textures. Not that I can't make them - it's only that some objects disappear when you look through them. This is especially annoying when I make glass windows on houses or on vehicles and you can only see the landscape through the glass but no vehicles! Please help!
  7. maddogx

    Transparency prob

    No, I was having texture problems. And it helped! Thanks Brsseb.
  8. This morning I started work on my F-35 JSF and then went out and left my computer and Oxygen running. Later when I came back I noticed the weather and time of day had changed! Now it's evening... see screeny: Why does the External Viewer do that? It's about as pointless as this post.
  9. maddogx

    Lol, what the hell ?!?!?!

    I am currently only doing a USAF F-35A which is the one that can't do vertical take-off and landing. When I have finished the model it would be nice if someone could texture it for me as I am not too good at that. I have the fighter ingame and working and I am currently working on the cockpit (View Pilot LOD). Once that is done I will do a few lower LODs and then it will be ready for texturing. Once that is done we can think about variants like other textures, the VTOL F-35B for the US Navy and Royal Navy. By the way their won't be special variants for other countries - the US will be using all three (F-35A, B and C) and the UK will only be using the F-35B. I'm not sure about other countries.
  10. maddogx

    New p3d models?

    Hey there. Most people know that we can use the MLOD models from the OFP demo as references for making our own stuff - and that's a good thing. But I have noticed that these models are old and often look different than the newer stuff (soldiers, jeeps etc.). Would it be possible for you guys at BIS to make a kind of web-based MLOD model resource, so that us MOD makers can look into some of your newer stuff? I think this would greatly increase the quality of some addons.
  11. maddogx

    Lol, what the hell ?!?!?!

    This morning I started work on my F-35 JSF and then went out and left my computer and Oxygen running. Later when I came back I noticed the weather and time of day had changed! Now it's evening... see screeny: Why does the External Viewer do that? It's about as pointless as this post.
  12. maddogx

    Lol, what the hell ?!?!?!

    Yeah, yeah I know: AOL sucks. I hat it too but it's the cheapest 56k flatrate here in Germany. I have no money so I'll have to live with it.
  13. maddogx

    Lol, what the hell ?!?!?!

    Yeah, yeah I know: AOL sucks. I hat it too but it's the cheapest 56k flatrate here in Germany. I have no money so I'll have to live with it.
  14. maddogx

    Why i'd hate to be a sniper

    I can understand the_unknown_one in a way. Of course OFP is just a game but when you play a realistic mission with custom sounds, radio chatter etc the game can be really immersive. It's not about WHAT you're shooting (ie. pixels and polygons), it's about the concept of shooting innocent civilians. It's a bit like playing Resident Evil in a totally dark room: it's only a game, but when a zombie suddenly jumps out of a dark corner it still scares the shit out of you for a second or two.
  15. maddogx

    Codemasters promises surprising e3 lineup

    Operation Flashpoint II: 'Between the Lines'. Sounds cool. The name may give us a hint as to the new theme. But then again that's not necessarily the final name. Cold War Crisis used to be called 'Status Quo'...
  16. maddogx

    Codemasters promises surprising e3 lineup

    Operation Flashpoint II: 'Between the Lines'. Sounds cool. The name may give us a hint as to the new theme. But then again that's not necessarily the final name. Cold War Crisis used to be called 'Status Quo'...
  17. maddogx

    Problem with binarize!

    Hey guys, I 'm having a slight problem and I'm hoping you can help me out here: I am making weapons for OFP:R version 1.91 and I am fully aware that I must make a cfgModels entry for new weapon models in order to get rid of the muzzle flash bug. This works fine as long as my P3D models are in MLOD format. BUT sometimes when I binarize them I suddenly get the muzzle flash bug even though I didn't change anything else!!! I have noticed that this has something to do with the model name as I made a Russian AN94 rifle called MDXAN94_proxy and I got the muzzle flash bug. But then when I renamed the model (and the corresponding cfgModels entry) to MDXAWP the muzzle flash bug disappeared! WHY?!?!?! MDX
  18. maddogx

    Problem with binarize!

    Ahhhhhhh.... now I've got it! Thanks!
  19. maddogx

    Addons at ease

    I think AAE is a great idea and I totally support it, as long as the MSI installer will allow addon makers some flexibility concerning install paths (mod folders, etc.). There's just one issue I'm concerned with: Will there be limitations for addons like on OFPEC, such as realism? There are many high quality sci-fi mod and addon makers out there that create their own weapons and vehicles. Will these addons be excluded from AAE? MDX
  20. maddogx

    Addons at ease!

    I think AAE is a great idea and I totally support it, as long as the MSI installer will allow addon makers some flexibility concerning install paths (mod folders, etc.). There's just one issue I'm concerned with: Will there be limitations for addons like on OFPEC, such as realism? There are many high quality sci-fi mod and addon makers out there that create their own weapons and vehicles. Will these addons be excluded from AAE? MDX
  21. maddogx

    Street lights

    Yes the svetlo.p3d model is hardcoded to lights. Sadly you can't change it. Why do you want to do that anyway? The one that's there looks OK to me.
  22. maddogx

    Nogova textures...

    Or you save yourself some trouble by using unPBO.
  23. maddogx

    More horsepower

    Perhaps you could add a script to the addon... like the driver has a 'Turbo' option in the action menu. Then when he presses that, you can use the setVelocity command to make the boat go faster. I could do that for you if you want.
  24. maddogx

    Possible attack on heathrow

    Nevertheless, the gov should be doing that kind of stuff itself and not using documents from the internet.