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About Mystific

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  1. Hi! One thing i have always wanted to do as gamemaster to give my players a unique experience is to be able to point control units and vehicles. Is there possible to add such a function to the VTS? Like take control of the NPC that are going to be their contact or to jump into the body of their commanding officer when he is to explain the current mission. Other example is to control the helicopter which will insert them, to get it just like I want it. Do you think that would be complicated to accomplish? Best wishes! /Mats
  2. Mystific

    No Names in editor

    I can place all units but there is no class name when i put my mouse over them, i also noticed that in play i cannot see weapon names, all weapons are labeled "weapon". So to have a tank going after you and you carry a sidearm, rifle and a bazooka things can get pretty messy.
  3. Mystific

    No Names in editor

    Geez, same reault on all languages..
  4. Mystific

    No Names in editor

    Here is the screen
  5. Hi! I newly bought a copy of Armed Assault from Tradition and i fired it up, it works better than ofp i used to play but i'm dissapointed about a bug. I cannot seem to see any unit names in the editor insertion window, anyone know a solution for this?, someone more than i should have been through this...
  6. Mystific

    New bugs and errors in ofp

    I got a bug that makes ofp freeze when loading many times. In game bugs ive found is: when u run of a hill in full speed your body will stretch very much. then is the bug that if u sit in a tank(M2A2) nd watch a veichle driving towards you they suddently dissapear and u just see the smoke they make..after about 50 meters of driving they appear again. Another thing is that if u put a car in front of a building which u can walk into u can see right through the building through the car window if u stand outside the car and look through the window.