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About MattE

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  1. I'm trying t construct a cutscene where a major oil refinery in the Soviet Union is destroyed by islamic terrorist in the middle of the night. 1. What does a realistic and large refinery look like? Going by memory I think I'm trying to use the industrial pack to construct it. 2. How could I get a series of explosions to complement such a facility? All that oil and all I can get is a wimpy little pop almost. The explosion must be able to be seen from a long way away, in the night. After the explosion I want the screen to go black and then open up inside a top-security U.S. Air Force post (inside the Static Radar Blockhouse addon). Two men; one sitting, one standing will see the explosion, destruction and resulting fires from a satellite image. From here the senior will telephone NORAD of the situation. 1. What unit(s) would best suit U.S. Air Force personel? Now I know this sounds way too big and complicated for the ofp engine but all I want is something simple but effective. Unfortunately there is a lot of dialog and different angles. Any help would be appreciated. Cheers