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I have zero modeling XP and the highest respect for those whom do........... I've been trying to build missions where Combat Engineers spearhead an armored Cavalry division offensive and must breech obstacles (triple standard concertina and minefields) allowing armor units to advance. The problem..... In OFP concertina wire fence, barbwire etc, cannot be "breeched" with satchel charges. More frustrating than that; mines cannot be destroyed or neutralized allowing friendly units to pass over them. Is anyone out there working to address this? or has no one else given it a thought. Perhaps someone could design a Bangalore torpedo with more damage potential than a satchel charge? and rewrite some code to allow the destruction of mines and other barriers?
Dionysos, Your idea sounds awsome! However I think a better engine choice for such a mod would be the "Serious Engine" ala Serious Sam. That engine could easily support scores of melee fighters across massive environments with much better visceral effect.
The only illegal munitions I'm aware of which are so specified by the Genevea Convention are Hollow Point and frangible bullets. You can shoot at and kill the enemy on the battlefield; just make sure you do it with authorized bullets. How civilized
Who would carry all those conversion kits? According to Time Life's "Special Forces and Missions" Green Beret teams in Vietnam carried and deployed the HK11A1 which is an earlier model of the HK21. The gunner supposedly had to only change the barrel, feed mechanism and bolt. The Hk21 is a full 5lbs. lighter than the M-60 at eighteen pounds in weight. Run out of ammo on an extended patrol and simply lift AK magazines off the enemy, make the conversion and slap in a clip; no belt required. I think the M-60 soldier in OFP looks out of place with a Black Op team. Just a suggestion to spice the gameplay up a bit.
The Black Op teams in OPF are loads of fun to play but lack I think the sufficient firepower for extended missions. In open land battle away from villages the Black Op stands precious little hope against rifle squads who posses much greater effective range with their Ak-74s/M-16s vs. MP-5/Bizon. One possible weapon solution to even the odds could be found in the HK21. The HK21 is a general purpose squad machine gun capable of on the fly conversion to several different calibers; 7.62x51 NATO, 5.56mm NATO and 7.62x39mm Soviet. Meaning it is possible to use ammo from M-16s, Aks and M-60. I know the Ak-74 is chambered for 5.56x45 but for gameplay purposes the HK21 could be converted to fire it instead of realistic 7.62x39.
I've been hard at work on a new campain as well named for the moment "Guerilla Hop". The story is also played from the prospective of the Soviets and simulates small unit tactics while operating exclusively behind enemy lines. The gameplay will mainly consist of hit and run operations on a wide variety of enemy targets without the possibility of extraction until a sufficient amout of damage has been inflicted on the enemy infrastructure. Release date????
Pistols yes!...... Along with MLRS, Artillery, Combat Engineer Vehicles, Patriot Missiles, SAM Sites, Sappers, Fox NBC vehicles, Cupolas on vehicles such as 5 ton trucks and perfectley square camo netting so I can cover more units in the mission editor.
I've read a about a few of the military applications of the heavy caliber sniping rifles often designated anti-materiel. Against Warsaw Pact armored vehicles which lacked night vision sights the .50 was used to "knock out" the infra red search lights mounted above the barrels of T-72 and T-80 Tanks and APCs. The .50 was also used for detonating fuel barrels on enemy bases and disabling aircraft on the ground. There are several anti-materiel sniping rifles chambered for rounds much more destructive than the .50. Steyr manufactures the IWS2000 which is 15.2mm in caliber and fires Fin Stabilized Discarding Sabot Tungsten Alloy Darts at a velocity of 4757 ft./sec supposedly penetrating 40mm of steel armor. The Hungarian Military has a 14.5mm anti-material rifle rated to penetrate 25mm of steel armor. Personally I'd like to see one or both of these weapons added on to OPF instead of another .50 of any make or model.
Wasn't PPsh-41 featured as a resistance weapon in the H&D Expansion pack "Devil's Bridge"? If so that was an excellent SMG for use at short to medium range. I say add it to OPF we've already a few weapons out of place chonologically; HK-G36 to name one.
An RPK would be cool but should'nt the Soviets have them as well? The Resistance does seem to be partially composed of breakaway militia types (they have cool camo fatigues). It does seem though that at the outbreak of hostilities on the islands that the guerilla forces should have to scrounge for whatever hardware they can find; from sporting goods shops and farmers with hunting rifles.
Amazing as it sounds the M3 Grease Gun which began it's military service in 1942 was still in U.S. Army armouries fifty plus years later. To add to the topic though........ Handguns for N.A.T.O : Steyr Pi18 9mm, Browning Hi Power For the Guerillas : Some model of Revolver?
I'm for handguns in OFP. U.S. : M1911 .45 or Beretta M92 9mm U.S.S.R. : Stetchkin w/ silencer for Spetsnaz Tokarev for officers Circa 1990 M60 gunners carried the M1911A1 in leather shoulder holsters. Officers carried the same and later the Berreta M92. This is true for mechanized Infantry squads at the time anyway. I'm unsure of other U.S. Army units. Besides handguns, I was issued an M3 "Grease Gun" when I drove a M113 APC in the 1st Cav. Division during the late 1980's early 90's. I'd like to see the M3 in future weapons upgrades.