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Everything posted by Milkman

  1. Milkman

    Paradrop script

    negative, the squad commander tells everyone to disembark and as soon as everyone is on the ground he goes "2, board UH60" "3, Board UH60" and so on
  2. Milkman

    Paradrop script

    okay so i should have: [Mygrp,heli1] exec "groupeject.sqs"; "unassignVehicle_x" foreach units mygrp mygrp being the group heli1 being the vehicle
  3. Milkman

    Why so weak?

    I cant understand how a BMP with its 33mm of armor and PETROLIUM filled doors can survive a direct hit from a HEAT shell from an M60a2, but the M2A2 Bradley with its spaced, composite-layered steel cant survive a HEAT shell from a T55!!! Why is the Bradley made so weak in this game??
  4. I want a music track to end after 15 seconds of play, how do i do that? I forgot
  5. Milkman

    Bmp-3 anyone?

    I was just wondering if anyone was working on a BMP-3 model. If your interested in creating one, go to http://www.army-technology.com/projects/bmp-3/ Overview of the BMP-3: The main armament of the BMP-3 is a 100mm 2A70 semi-automatic rifled gun/missile launcher, which is stabilised in two axes and can fire either 3UOF HE-FRAG (High Explosive-Fragmentation) rounds or 3UBK10 anti-tank guided missiles. Effective range for the HE-FRAG round is 4,000m. Muzzle velocity is 250m/s. 22 HE-FRAG rounds can be carried in the automatic loader, total ammunition load being 40 rounds. Rate of fire is 10 rounds per minute. Respond to me if you know anything about a BMP-3 addon. Thanks
  6. Milkman

    Bmp-3 anyone?

    hmmm the BMD-3 I saw had different weaponry.
  7. Milkman

    We need a flame thrower

    I want to see some new Death Animation with the Flamethrower!! Like in Grand Theft Auto, where they run around screaming bloody murder and finally fall to the ground and are fried to a crisp!!!
  8. Milkman

    This shows what i know

    How to you put pictures in your signature?? Also, how do you put text above your avatar. I know these are stupid questions, but i gotta know!!
  9. Milkman

    This shows what i know

    I cant put text in the signature, but i am not sure how to put a picture in there
  10. Milkman

    Need help with wrp edit

    oh and Gomez? LMAO!!!
  11. Milkman

    Need help with wrp edit

    You know sniper, we appreaciate what your doing, but i dont think it is possible to implement what you are doing using Flashpoint. Besides, BIS is working on somthing new and when that comes out, you should try using it, maybe it will have better buidings, AI, and all that good stuff that will make this mod possable. And Rockstar North, the company that produces the Grand Theft Auto series will release Vice City on computer soon.
  12. Milkman

    This shows what i know

    How to you put pictures in your signature?? Also, how do you put text above your avatar. I know these are stupid questions, but i gotta know!!
  13. Milkman

    We need a flame thrower

    sounds like a plan!
  14. Milkman

    Bmp-3 anyone?

    I saw the BMD-3 model, but a BMD-3 is basically a BMP-2 that has been shrunk down to be paradropped off of airplanes.
  15. Milkman

    We need a flame thrower

    well if is possible then i must agree with you, someone should have made it by now.
  16. Milkman

    We need a flame thrower

    i dont think it is possable to implement a flamethrower in OFP. The game engine dosnt support it i think.
  17. Milkman

    Bmp-3 anyone?

    If there is any mod maker listening, PLEASE make us a BMP-3 it would be a real kick-ass addon!!
  18. I have always wondered about this. Arent they suppose to have a Dshk gun or something?
  19. Milkman

    God this has been bugging me

    Ever since i bought this game, i have been wondering, when you are away from a squad member and you are the commanding officer, the squad member will say "Where are You?" and i dont know how to answer. Also, if i am injured but then i am healed, my icon on the bottom still shows my unit red, and i cant say "Ready" or anything to clear it with. Can sombody tell me what to do? P.S to admin:I didnt know where to post this, sorry
  20. Milkman


    Would anybody mind giving me a few links to some addon websites?? It would be appreciated.
  21. Milkman

    Error installing redhammer update v1.90

    oh and i just now realized that my WHOLE Red Hammer Campaign is MISSING!!!
  22. Milkman

    This sucks

    I always noticed somthing on the MI17, the nose cannon isnt workable. In the helo books i have, its lissted as a weapon on that helicopter and there is even a nose turret on MI17 model but it is not workable! Why cant you use it?
  23. Milkman

    Unknown operator

    thankyou guys
  24. I am trying to give a Spenz Naz a Pk so in the init field i put: this removeallweapons; this removeallmagazines; this addweapon "PK"; this addmagazine "PK"; this addmagazine "PK"; this addmagazine "PK"; this addmagazine "PK";this addweapon "Tokarev"; this addmagazine "Tokarev"; this addmagazine "Tokarev" When i press enter to exit the UNIT EDIT screen, a window pops up that says UNKNOWN OPERATOR and places the cursur infront of removeallweapons. I seem to have no problems with anyother commands other than removeallweapons and removeallmagazines commands. Are these commands valid??? Where am i screwing up???