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miles teg

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Everything posted by miles teg

  1. miles teg

    Desert Bradley

    Awesome!!!!! Everything is kick ass on it now! The dirt issue....eh... that might be nice if that can be improved. But the bigger thing I think would be animating the TOW launchers like they were in OFP. If that could be done, then I think the addon would be be perfect. But as it is, I still think its absolutely fantastic. Time to make missions with this baby! Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  2. Yup, one of my all-time favorite movies. Totally different from any other movie with great acting, atmosphere (due to excellent sound track), and story that makes you really stretch your brain. Nice dark humor as well. hehe... I need to download the "Frank the Bunny" face from that facepack. I'm trying to get wipman to make some Arab faces. Hopefully he can. I need to see if I still have the old HK pack made by Vipersheart and see if I can convert the whole pack to ArmA. Some of those HK weapon models were superb and they had some rare HK weapons not found in ArmA. Then I just need to find someone who's better then I am at normal/specular mapping on weapons to make 'em look even better. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  3. Will it give your character "Frank the Bunny" faces also? That would be sweet! Good work on the bug fixing! Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  4. miles teg

    USAF F-16C Falcon

    WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW!!!!!! You Da Man EddyD!!!! Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  5. miles teg


    eh? These guys don't look funny to me. The glow in the dark red eyes are pretty creepy to me. Overall I think they look very serious. They just need more weaponry and maybe some custom sound FX on their voices. But the beautiful green rvmat textures on the green sections (to look like lizard skin) is amazing and overall they look very tough. Perhaps a heavy assault version could be made with extra armor, backpacks, and heavier weaponry. But overall no complains on the infantry model except for their lack of AI skillz. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  6. miles teg

    Vilas' addons

    For furthe clarification you mean NATO 7.62x51mm. The Russians and their allies also used 7.62 but in many forms. Mainly 7.62x39 (AK47, SKS, RPD, etc..) and 7.62x54 (PK, PKM, SVD sniper rifle). Many people get those confused with NATO 7.62mm ammunition. They are quite different. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  7. miles teg

    Modern Opfor Aerial Units?

    Actually there has, but nothing allowed on this forum or put forth on any major ArmA sight dude to strict rules about permissions. Within a few months however there should be an explosion of releases as once the requests for permissions have not been answered for many months, you will see many conversions released (with credit to the original authors). In addition, there are a few people making original aircraft addons. So, just be patient, and they will show up. the RACS mod has a Mig-21 for example, that will probably make its way to the SLA. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  8. I was curious if anyone knew of any maps that have snow? We're seriously in need of some good winter combat stuff. Does ArmA even have the crunching snow sound FX like they had in OFP when you walked around in it? Anyways, if anyone knows of any maps with snow, please let me know. Thanks, Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  9. miles teg

    Maps with snow???

    Thanks RockofSL! Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  10. miles teg

    Arma MechWarrior Project (AR-MW)

    I agree... don't go nuts on making the ultimate model before you know if you can get the thing to walk. I know there was at least one successful mech made in OFP with walking animations, but I can't remember what mod it was part of. Suffice to say, you're going to need to be one hell of a skilled script/code writer to get that thing walking or you will need to find someone who is and who is willing to work on this project. With that said, I also have always loved the Mech Warrior genre of sci-fi and would be thrilled if you get these beasts working. So make priority the animations of the mechs first. The rest after that will be easy and you'll find no lack of people willing to help you once you pass that big hurdle. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  11. miles teg

    V-22 Osprey Tilt Rotor

    Very nice! Didn't someone send you some USMC textures? If so, I hope you use 'em. At any rate, looking good and I'm glad to see that tail gunner. That'll come in handy. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  12. miles teg


    That other UFO mod has the shields on some of their aliens which is why I think both mods would make a great team with different types of aliens and ships. Â Both mods have strengths and weaknesses and thus could benefit from each other. The other solution is to get the Warhammer mod from OFP to join them in ArmA. The Warhammer mod in OFP had excellent hover-tanks and semi-visible "stealth" units that kicked ass. They also had large battle mechs and other very cool units and vehicles. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  13. miles teg


    Just finally got around to testing out the pack...Overall...amazing! Â However I noticed that the OPFOR SLA troops kicked the alien's asses. Â Â You might make their AI skills a little higher if that's possible. Â They engaged only at very short range an even then, often were running around really close to SLA who would chop them up with AK gunfire. But I guess its cool that they're not Uber storm troopers. Â But at the same time I assume that they would have better technology and thus be superior to human soldiers. Â So maybe enhanced body armor or something would be good. What is definitely lacking is that they have no anti-armor capability on the infantry. Â Some type of anti-armor rocket/laser would be good. Also some specialized units would be nice kinda like the Stealth units on the other aliens/UFO mod (which I stuck in the same mod sci-fi mod folder. Â I would suggest working with them to create a really kick ass mod as they have stuff like shields on their aliens and stealth units. Â Â Â Overall however, this mod kicks major ass. The infantry normative/specular mapping is outstanding. Â I love how the green alligator-leather looking parts shine and how the eyes glow red at night. Â It's brilliant work in rvmat texturing. Â Â Also, the ships are killer, the mother ship performs perfectly and is VERY ominous with that creepy sound from the laser gun that annihalates everything. Â Â It's very cool that the mother ship can carry troops.. Â But I would recommend thinking bigger.... perhaps developing a drop ship that a mission maker can position at high altitiude and that can trigger rockets at a certain altitude and land safely. Â That coupled with a shaking camera effect could simulate dropping down through the atmohsphere at high speed in a drop ship with several platoons of heavy infantry. Â Â If that is waaay too ambitious, then perhaps a nice APC troop transport would be cool that acts like a hover craft (easy to do on .p3d model) such as how the TAU beta mod did it in OFP. Â Personally I think BIS is missing out not developing a hybrid space simulator/ground combat simulator in a sci-fi format. Â They are SOO close yet so far. Â Likewise their inability to imagine historical combat simulators with better hand to hand combat engines so as to remake the Roman campaigns, Napolean's campaigns, Prussian Wars, American Civil War, etc... Â Â Hopefully your mod can help them realize the potential of them making a true Sci-Fi game that pushes the boundaries. Â So hats off to your mod for taking the first step towards pushing the boundaries. Â So far I'm loving it. Â Keep up the good work Space Invaders!!! Â Â Planet Earth Salutes you! Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  14. miles teg

    ArmA Custom Faces For Free

    Actually alot of Arabs look very white as they are mixed with European ancestory. Also like Jews, not all of them have big noses. lol. Many look more like Mexicans. In OFP we had some good Arab face packs, and they looked fine to me. In addition, the nose on the BIS head can be modified. I know because I've messed with it on a few models to make their nose bigger or shaped differently. But at any rate, it is up to you. These faces would not just be used for terrorist addons, but also on Arab army addons. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  15. There's another Rock'o? Do'h. Sorry I didn't know that. I just thought it sounded cool. How about Rocky? lol...just kidding. I'll try to remember to spell your title out fully. Like the rest I'm likewise fully enjoying this Hind pack. Absolutely amazing. If you all did a Syrian cammo pattern on it for my mod's Syrian pack, I'd be jumping up and down like a little kid after drinking too much Kool-Aid. If ya all got too much other things to do that's ok though. Anyhoo...back to looking for bugs...lets see if I can fly this baby upside down... lol Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  16. miles teg

    USAF F-16C Falcon

    Nah not really thin ice... just requires alot of patience. Personally I think 6 months is a bit long, but in this case, I'm quite certain Footmunch has not left the community. He's just a busy man in real life and making free addons shouldn't take priority in anyone's life. But a Yes/No answer to modifications would be good and several mod teams are waiting for permission to use his stuff from OFP (conversions). I'm actually kinda worried about him, because usually he's easy to contact and he's a super cool guy. I really hope everything is ok in Footmunch's life. Wherever you are brother Footmunch, I'll save a cold beer for you. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  17. miles teg

    F-22A Raptor

    Well best talk to Mr. SCARS about your modifications and see if he can include them in an update. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  18. miles teg

    F-22A Raptor

    Does the cannon not have different rates of fire? If you can only fire a few bursts, that would be pretty sad. Aside from that...all the stuff about data links and what not doesn't really matter in ArmA as that stuff would be rather difficult to simulate in the game without some uber genius scripters. If the small bugs are sorted out and handling issues are also sorted out (not easy) then I think most people would be quite happy. But definitely more air to ground weaponry would be nice. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  19. miles teg

    Vilas' addons

    I just tested yesterday the new RPG-7's (Tandem warhead and Thermobaric) on my mod's Hezbollah units and they are excellent models! My only suggestion is that the thermobaric rockets be given a new explosive effect if possible....something that makes a nice big fireball. That effect could later be used on other thermobarick rockets like those used on newer rockets designed for the SMAW and the old LAW rocket (thermobaric rockets are used in the LAW in Iraq now). Also perhaps an old RPO thermobaric rocket launcher could be made as well. The dammage radius of these should be a bit more than the standard HEAT RPG rounds. Another ideas is perhaps a anti-personel round for the RPG-7 with lower destructive power but greater dammage radius. Anyways, so far they are fantastic!! Keep up the awesome work Vilas and Company!!!! Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  20. miles teg

    USAF F-16C Falcon

    Footmunch has been extremely hard to get ahold of lately. But at the same time, I hope at least that Alexduke made every effort to get ahold of Footmunch and that nothing negative was done to the addon. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  21. miles teg

    ArmA Custom Faces For Free

    Excellent work Wipman. However one thing that is seriously missing is a good Arab face pack. My mod has just been modifying existing faces and making them darker. However it would be nice to see some dedicated Arab/Middle Eastern face packs like we had in OFP. So far, as far as I'm aware, nobody has made a good series of Middle Eastern faces. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  22. Awesome! Looking forward to launching those bad boys from an aircraft carrier. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  23. miles teg

    Mateck's M1A1 (HA)

    Its funny...I'm drunk too...and oddly enough, I could understand what you were rambling about! That's awesome! lol! Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  24. miles teg

    Desert Bradley

    Given that the GAU-8 fires 1,800 rounds per minute and in ArmA fires almost as fast, it would be a bit difficult to stand there and count how many rounds it took to destroy a BMP. As it was on the last version I worked on (with the ERA), it took around 5-7 rounds. The problem however was that for some wierd reason it took out a T-72 with one burst (2-3 rounds) but took much longer to take out a BMP. The rate of fire definitely needs slowing down a bit more and hopefully the dammage issue against T-72's and BMP's can be sorted out. If not, hopefully a compromise can be found on the dammage ability of the 25mm AP rounds. It's very hard to get perfectly realistic dammage capabilities with armor piercing/anti-tank weapons in ArmA. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  25. miles teg

    Mateck's M1A1 (HA)

    Why is the BIS T-72 not accurate? In the real life pics you posted I can't tell if it has more frontal turret armor because its covered in ERA blocks. If that is what you are talking about, then the BIS model doesn't need to be redone. It just needs to be modified like how the Vilas Mod did it on the Polish T-72 with ERA. The hard part is positioning all those stupid little ERA blocks. I am in the process of doing that right now for a Syrian T-72 with ERA that I am working on for my mod, and it is NOT easy to get the right angles and crap on all those little boxes especially when there are multiple versions depending on the specific model of T-72 and the specific type of ERA used. In some pictures often not all the ERA is applied as well which can be confusing. At any rate, I'd be happy to see an nice uparmored T-72 with ERA as part of this tank pack. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>