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miles teg

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Everything posted by miles teg

  1. Its been driving me nuts trying to find the maker of the AS ballistics shields, assault ladder, breaching explosives, and laser beacon. I only have the initials AS to go by at the front of each .pbo file and I can't find the original download anywhere. Does anyone know who made this pack? I need to contact them to get permission for using some of their stuff in the Lost Brothers Mod so that our YAMAM units and other counter-terrorist special units can uses some of these tools. The IDF is, as far as I know, the only military to use ballistics shields in non-police type combat so I thought it would be appropriate. The assault ladders would be perfect for counter-terrorism missions in order for snipers to access certain rooftops. At any rate, if anyone knows who made the pack and where the original download can be found, please let me know. Thanks, Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  2. miles teg

    IAF UH60 Pre-Release

    Yes you are correct, the rocket pods are rarely used on IAF blackhawks while the fuel tanks are often used. Â This version is just temporary until we get the skeleton.cfg working for the BIS UH-60 MLOD's that we want to modify with Negev MG's or M240's replacing the doorguns. Â We also want to remove the rocketpods and put a refueling probe on the long range versions with the fuel tanks. So far this is what we have ready to go: IDF infantry- Golani Givati Nahal paratroopers (Tzanhanim) YAMAM Police SF Sayeret MATKAL Sayeret Egoz S-13 Naval Commandos IDF Snipers IDF tank crew IDF helicopter pilot IDF jetfighter pilot Infantry Weapons- 1. Many M4 variants including DMS version. 2. CAR-15 (authentically modelled with correct rear sights and barrel). 3. Negev MG 4. Ruger 10/22 short-range sniper rifle 5. Vilas Weapons pack which will be included in the release due to the large numbers of weapons used from this pack and because we agreed with Vilas to not divide up his weapons pack. IDF Vehicles- 1. IDF up-armored humvees (Mk19, M2, and TOW) 2. Merkava Mk4 main battle tank 3. Magach 6 with ERA 4. Achzarit Heavy APC IAF Aircraft- 1. UH-60 blackhawks (as you see in this release). 2. CH-53 (updated by RockofSL) 3. AH-1S Cobra temporary crappy model until we get a new one. 4. And hopefully soon either some F-15's or the F-16I Sufa. After the upcoming release, we will continue to enhance the current addons while further developing new addons as we have some fresh help joining us. Â But right now we really just want to get something released quickly as our last pack left alot to be desired and we updated a tremendous amout of things. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  3. miles teg

    IAF UH60 Pre-Release

    ArmA websites, Please DO NOT mirror this addon as this was an unauthorized release that was going to be in our upcoming mod pack. Proper credits were not included in this release. Â They should have included EddyD for doing the custom texture work on both green and desert UH-60's. Â EDIT- At any rate, to our fans, enjoy the little teaser. BK was just a little overly enthusiastic about getting these things working. We're in the process of just trying to get at least one fighter plane fully working without dependencies on other addons. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD> The Lost Brothers Mod Team Leader
  4. I checked all over the place and couldn't find anything written about it, but is it possible to put flags on vehicles and infantry like you could in OFP? I always thought it was awesome seeing infantry charging forward with a standard bearer carrying a flag of the mission maker's choosing. It looked good on vehicles. I know on soldiers there is a flag proxy on the model but I don't remember seeing one on ArmA vehicle models. I suppose it could be added if there isn't any. At any rate, maybe there is one hidden in there somewhere. If it's possible, does anyone know the script to add the flags onto vehicles and infantry? Thanks, Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  5. miles teg

    F/A-18E/F Super Hornet

    The problem is whether they are standalone UH-1 addons or must you download the entire mod to use them? Most people won't bother downloading an entire mod just to use one addon unless those other addons are directly related to a US Army UH-1 like a Vietnam or 80's era American mod or to a RACS UH-1 like a RACS mod full of RACS vehicles and aircraft. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  6. Dave! You're alive! Thanks for the kind words. Man, you should really carry on the Operation Code Blue Mod. Alot of people still remember your mod very fondly. There is a USMC mod out there working with the Project '85 mod, but sadly they decided to stick to making 80's equipment rather then modern stuff. So yeah it would be great to see you back in action in ArmA as you were definitely one of the top modellers in OFP as this AAVP7 shows. All I did was just fix up a few things here and there and get the config stuff working. Anyhoo...I hope you enjoyed the mission I made for it and I REALLY REALLY hope you get a chance to work on some ArmA soldier models especially international models with PDF texture files as the community is suffering from a lack of new infantry models. Some nice MICH helmets would be good to as I've yet to see any really good ones unless I missed one somewhere. Anyhoo...welcome home Dave8! Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  7. Ok, I finally finished my mission for it: Operation Door Knocker The mission features a cutscene movie with custom music and I recorded with my own voice a bunch of voices talking and stuff. Oh make sure to read the Notes on the mission briefing The mission is fairly CPU intensive however as its a MASSIVE battle with hundreds of units. In the future I will make a leaner version with respawning units instead. Also the only addon need is the AAV7 addon and Queen's Gambit for the DC-3. It also uses ArmA version 1.14. Anyways here's the download: Operation Door Knocker Get Some! Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  8. Ah ok. Â Well at least until then my original version seems to be working fairly well in some very large missions that I'm doing. Â If it's going to be awhile, I may release one more version with a few updates to the interior and a flag proxy added to it as I found out that alot of vehicles in ArmA are missing that. Â I'm going to try and copy and paste the flag proxy from an infantryman to see if that works on vehicles without any wierd errors. Â Ah nevermind...I found the flag proxy on some of the wheeled vehicles. whoo hoo! Hopefully it'll work on tanks. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  9. miles teg

    Flags on Vehicles?

    Its been so long since I made a mission in OFP where they had carried flags that I had forgotten that they get them from the flagpoles. Thanks so much for the refresher Wolle. Much appreciated! I'm gonna try sticking a custom USMC flag on a AAV7 in a mission I'm making. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  10. T-bird's working on fixing the texture problem and hopefully should have that sorted out soon. Meanwhile I'm making a fairly decent mission for it with a massive battle that begins with AAVP7's hitting the beach with your Marines, linking up with RACS units, and a parachute drop by RACS commandos from a DC-3 as you retake the South Sahrani main airbase and begin the reconquest of Sahrani from the draconian SLA regime. Its a massive "Ooorah!" battle just like Marines like it with SLA flanking your forces in a long brutal battle. I'm just fine tuning it right now and working on a intro cutscene and finding music and recording some voice soundFX for the mission. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  11. miles teg

    Mateck's M1A1 (HA)

    Ah..righto. Didn't realize they removed the manual ability to fire the M2. Must be why in Iraq I see some commander's with their M4's at the ready as they stand in the hatch. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  12. miles teg

    Mateck's M1A1 (HA)

    Nah, you don't want to hang helmets on the outside of your backpacks on a tank...if they fall off you'd be liable for a few hundred bucks to Uncle Sam that would be docked out of your paycheck. But yeah, it would be good for the commander to have the same animation as the loader even if he can't reach the M2 as its up higher then the M240 that the loader is using. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  13. I"ve been having similar horrible problems with triggers...sometimes is extremely buggy with end triggers especially. Sometimes I have to select end#2 or #3 to get them to work...sometimes they never work. Really wierd indeed. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  14. miles teg

    Favoutire MODS/Addons

    Two Words: Space Invaders It's come a long ways since the Atari 800 days. Ironic that ArmA is distributed in America by Atari. Oh yeah...my mod (The Lost Brothers Mod) rocks...or will rock once we get our next pack released full of stuff. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD> The Lost Brothers Mod Team Leader
  15. Yeah that's not a Machbet in the screen shot. Â It's the Hovet without the Stingers. Â We still need to make a Machbet. The modelling part is easy. We just have to figure out how to configure it to fire Stingers (figuring out what memory points to use and how to stick that into the config.cpp). As for the wrong commander's station, that's because I used another M60 conversion of Sigma's M60 that our OFP version was based upon. Â At the time, I knew nothing about configuring a commander's MG and to be honest, I still suck badly at it. Â That's why I didn't want to replace it or convert our oirignal Magach 6 from OFP that had the proper commander's station. Â Eventually when I convert the Magach 7C, I will have to do this, but I am not looking forward to that. Â It's a major pain in the ass. Â Â There are still Magach 7C's in the reserves? Â I thought all Magach series including the latest versions were mothballed or scrapped. Â That would be good news as I really want to convert our Magach 7C to use in modern missions. Â I've always liked that tank. Â Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  16. Hmm... crap... textures on Thunderbird84's version are transparent on large sections. Â Â I'm not sure how to fix that. Â Hopefully T-bird can sort it out. Once that's sorted out, I'll update the original file with that one. Also ArmA websites, please don't mirror yet until this texture issue gets sorted out. Chris G aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  17. The download still works for me...but give me a minute and I'll update my download link with this new version. I just need to test it real quick. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  18. Thanks T-Bird. Â I just woke up so I haven't had a chance to test it out. Â Less textures should also greatly enhance performance so that is much appreciated, not to mention, as you said, that it'll make things easier for it to be improved upon. By the way, the reason there are two .pbo's is because for the life of me, I couldn't get the second 80's version to work in the main config, so I just thought, "screw it, I'll make a second little config pbo for it". Â Â Not a big deal, but thats why its there if anyone wonders. Â hrgiger: Â By chains do you mean treads? Â If they are reflective that's easy to fix. Â Whoever updates it with desert textures just needs to remove the rvmat files from it. Â Also if someone makes a binarized version please sign as it as CB Â (for Code Blue). Â Mr.Burns: Â Unfortunately this isn't a revival of Operation Code Blue. Dave8, over 2 (maybe its been 3) years ago had asked me to finish this addon in OFP or to find someone to finish it up. Â So I'm just making good on a promise, but just in ArmA. Â Plus I REALLY wanted to see this beautiful model in-game. But yeah, his infantry also really kicked ass. Â Those however would be a bit tougher to convert to ArmA. Â He also released those infantry to the public by the way (in his last release). Alot of mods actually have this model, but I was getting sick and tired of waiting and waiting and waiting for them to release some version of it. Â For all I know it was abadoned or lost by those mods. Â So thats why I released this version. Â If any USMC mods are going to use this version I just ask that you give proper credit first and foremost to Dave8 of Operation Code Blue, me for converting it (not easy as I'm a noob at this and it lots of stuff that needed fixing), and now Thunderbird84 for the texture updates. Â Anyone who makes additional updates should be given credit as well. Â Â Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  19. When I find a texture artist who can do it, then I'll have a desert version. But since I'm not a good texture artist, that'll have to wait until someone volunteers to make those textures. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  20. miles teg

    how to sign a addon?

    Call me stupid...but I can't figure out how to open a DOS window in Vista. I can't find an option to do that anywhere. Â I could perhaps try to smash a few keys during startup in order to get a screen asking if I want to boot in DOS, but that is a massive pain in the ass to do just to get a key. Â In XP I think there was still a little MSDOS icon you could click on to open a DOS window...but I can't find it on my Vista operating system. Â I also tried running it as an administrator and tried running it under the compatability settings under Win 95. I even tried downloading a program called DOSBOX and tried to use that but still nothing. Arrrg.... Â would be really nice if BIS made this tool a bit easier for non-computer geeks to use. Â Without this key, binarizing files is useless as everyone demands that they be signed otherwise they don't work for MP servers. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  21. I would fix it if I were a texture artist. Hopefully a texture artist will come along and help me fix it up, then we can do an update and I'll add him (or her) to the credits. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  22. miles teg


    I respectfully disagree. Â If you have OFP, listen to the SEB Nam2 pack or my mod's AH-1S (Lost Brothers Mod) and you'll hear what a two bladed rotor sounds like. Â Its a very distinctive sound. Â I also watched a UH-1 come in to pick up a buddy of mine in the Army at a EOD range in North Fort Hood, Texas. He had a heat stroke and to this day, I remember very clearly that sound as it was like an angel coming down to save my buddy. The AH-1Z sound in this mod sounds nothing like. The AH-1Z sound on this mod is I think PERFECT!!! Â I hope the AH-1Z sound stays the same as I think it sounds amazing when the AH-1Z passes overhead. Â One thing that could be tweaked however is the 20mm vulcan gun sound on the AH-1Z. Â I just checked it out and it sounds like a single barrel gun sound and not like a gattling. Â On the receiving end however the HUGE bass heavy thumps of the 20mm HEDP shells smacking into the ground is just AWESOME!!! Â Close air support from an AH-1Z never sounded so good! Â Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  23. miles teg


    The only thing about the gear shaking sound that I didn't like is an odd creaking sound when you move over certain terrain. Back in OFP, on Dave's Operation Code Blue soldiers (the very first demo) there was a good infantry gear sound that actually sound quite realistic as in real life your gear does make alot of noise when you're running around....but not as much with newer American gear that has less metal parts. I have no idea about Russian type gear. At any rate, by far this is my favorite sound mod. The great diversity of sounds at different distances is stunning and definitely feels realistic as they echo more at a distance and sound nice and intense when your close to the gunfire. Also the tracers effects are outstanding. I haven't tested all the gatling guns yet but the A-10's "elephant fart" sound is pretty good. Gattling guns all have a unique sound quite different from regular cannons. Oh and finally... I LOVE THE M4 GUNSHOT SOUNDS!!!! Finally one that is absolutely spot on. When firing the M4, I got memory flashbacks to firing the M16A2 in the Army. The sound was just perfect. That alone made me want to keep this sound pack. So overall, awesome job and I hope you keep developing it and getting feedback especially from former and current military members (not just from people who watch alot of You Tube). Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  24. miles teg

    F-22A Raptor

    same error here
  25. miles teg

    High Definition Tropic Island

    Outstanding cammo system. Well since he's a spec ops guy with fancy equipment, put the best possible on him. Maybe something futuristic like a SCARS spec ops rifle (if any have been made for ArmA or could be ported over from OFP), but if using just BIS weapons, then I would suggest a M4/M203 combo. But also I hope you make a squad and not just one character as soldiers don't normally operate on their own. A full squad with a good amount of equipment would be good. Also instead of a beret, a MICH helmet with the stealth cammo on it would be sweet along with ammo pouches and other gear with the stealth cammo. The Island also by the way is looking great! Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>