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miles teg

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Everything posted by miles teg

  1. miles teg

    1st Infantry Division

    I noticed that as well that only Humvee gunners seemed to use them. However as you were there, did you hear any reports regarding effectiveness as far as reducing injury to that area of the body? Stuff like that is improtant. Aside from that if I were still in the Army, I probably would still like some of those DAP's even dismounted as they just make ya look a hell of alot more intimidating. Now if I had to run a few thousand meters with them, I might change my mind. lol! However I should note that the great thing about this mod is that you have a CHOICE of units with and without the DAP's. ThANK YOU FOR THAT!!! Many addon makers do not give you a choice between such things. So as long as I have a choice, I am VERY VERY happy with this addon pack. Freedom of choice is a beautiful thing! Wigon
  2. miles teg

    1st Infantry Division

    Well I learned something new today... the US Army conventional forces indeed do not use the MICH but the ACH. I had no idea what an ACH was until now. With that siad, they look almost identical so please forgive me or anyone else who calls the hemet a MICH helmet because it is indeed based on the MICH helmet. Anyhoo.... minor detail. What counts is that these addons look amazing. I agree with others that yeah the uniform could use some dirtying up a bit. But I am super happy that the shoulder armor pads were included. I had been looking for a US Army with that for a long time. Does anybody know what those shoulder pads are called? I've been looking on the internet for information on those, but it is VERY scarce. Aside from protection I believe they serve a definite psychological value as they make the soldiers look a lot more "buff" and more like an ancient Roman legionnaire. All we need now is the horse hair along the top of the helmet and side facial protection. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  3. miles teg

    31st Normandy mod -WW2

    You guys need to chill out... and put the egos aside. 1. AI is limited in Arma. Â It is up to a mission maker to make the missions as realistic as possible to script the AI to do certain things that give an illusion of realism. 2. All this arguing about uniforms is stupid when the current ones shown in the in-game screenshots look just fine to me. Â You can go insane with historical detail and get into massive arguements over the tiniest details. Â Personally I just want to see at least ONE WWII mod of some type to be finished in ArmA. Â Once that's done, the details and different varieties of units and uniforms can be worked out. 3. Â WHY THE HELL ARE THE WWII MODS NOT WORKING TOGETHER? Â I didn't even know the Inv1944 mod (my favorite OFP WWII mod) was still alive. Â If you guys all worked together we'd have the most amazing WWII mod ever made! Â Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  4. miles teg

    Sukhoi Su-33 and Kuznetsov CV

    My apologies. I didn't know you had released a tutorial for dammage textures or info on making afterburners working. Those are two things that I actually need to learn. Thanks again for the awesome work and I will definitely check out the tutorials (and I'll try not drinking vodka and then posting forum responses). LOL Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  5. miles teg

    1st Infantry Division

    They're not?? Then what kind of helmet are they wearing? They definitely aren't PASGT helmets. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  6. Yeah the mission has a bug as noted earlier in this thread. Its easy to fix also if you dePBO it and just delete that entry from the addons list in your mission.sqm file. At any rate I will fix this bug and release the fixed version as part of a mission pack soon. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  7. miles teg


    I'm a bit lost... for those of us who haven't been following this whole project, Badger, can you edit your first post to explain what exactly this is what is in this pack? There are so many T72, T90, and BTR addons that I'm confused about who is doing what and what each pack features as I haven't closely followed these addons. Thanks, Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  8. Ok... I put in all of the YAMAM police SF and then added a group of regular BIS US soldiers and could not replicate that bug. Did this bug happen while playing multiplayer? Are you using something like the SLX mod (or any other mods/addons) with the LoBo stuff? Most likely it is an addon conflict somewhere related to the A1 Simmons entry tools that we use. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  9. Wow!  I've never seen that bug.  I'll  check out the YAMAM guys better (I'm assuming you're talking about YAMAM when you refer to Police SF). The config for those guys is identical to all our others except that they are equipped with the A1 Simmons ballstics shields. So it maybe something in the A1 Simmons Entry tools that is causing that bug. As for groups...I started making groups and could never get them to work so I got frustrated and deleted that stuff... eventually I'll try again to add in the groups to the config once I find a good template to use as an example. As for the weapons, I never heard of the laser mod.  For sure none of the weapons are from that OFP mod.   Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  10. miles teg

    MODUL Animations Pack v2

    Just read the readme files and they'l tell you how to use the animations once you install them. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  11. miles teg

    Sukhoi Su-33 and Kuznetsov CV

    My 8800GT has this problem. Â But I have it on less the optimum vallue (set to 800x600). Â I think indeed that it's something else. Â Hell, maybe experiment with some versions using a different type of texture or just removing any RVMAT's in the cockpit. Â Quite honestly I don't think you need RVMAT textures in the cockpit. Â But I know your stuff is really high end, so maybe you do need it. Â I'm just suggesting maybe simplying it a little bit back to the original Footmunch texturs for the cockpit. Â Anyways, whatever is causing it, I hope you find a good solution because other then that your addons are great. Â I would just recommend the carrier not fire missiles from the take-off ramp as that looks a bit wierd. Â Other then that and the odd cockpit textures, I think the addons are great. Also Gnat, I would sincerely hope that you will share your knowledge with different mods as you are one of the few who have successfully implemented many advanced features into your mod. Â To share with community equals overall better quality for the entire mod community. It also will create a lot more assistance for any such problems that your own mod may encounter. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD> Team Leader of the Lost Brothers Mod
  12. Thanks we appreciate it if you do enjoy the addons. Don't worry we will try to improve them as best we can. We're just limited in our abilities. I just ran across a bug that I had no idea about on the Ch-53...I think it happened during binarizing. I apologize for the error that pops up when the cargo door opens. That bug never occured before, but I will try to fix that and a few other bugs (like the tracer bug) in an update. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  13. As I said earlier, that ain't gonna change until we get a dedicated professional texture artist (and dedicated model makers) this won't change other then minor updates that might improve things a little bit. Â All of our mod is made up of students and people with jobs or other priorities. Â So I apologize if its not professional. Â We're not getting paid so we've done the best we could. Â I'm proud of what we have and even if others hate it, I have a blast with our addons so I'm quite happy with them. For me that's what matters the most. Â If I have fun with them, then its good enough for me. Â If other mod team members want to do better, then I'm always open to improvements and I'm always open to new members helping us improve our mod. Â But until then...sorry you didn't like it. Â I recommend you try other mods who have elite addon modellers and texture artists. Honestly what I worry about most is that slowy the modding scene will become so complicated and difficult that it will remain the domain of either people with tons of extra time on their hands (like high school students) and those are getting paid to do this type of work. Â Seriously alot of you out there have no clue how difficult this stuff is for a typical person who is not a scripting genious or graphic artist. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  14. Yeah I was in such a rush to put out the pack that I didn't test the mission I had made earlier. It unfortunatly has that stupid error from something that was removed. I will fix it and release it again as part of a mission pack that will include several other missions that I almost have finished including a C130 airborne assault mission. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  15. Hmm... Â Yeah we didn't test it using any of the 3rd party FX mods. Â The only mod I use is the FFAMM FX mod (by Fromz). However on that I noticed that tracers weren't working either, but were working on the BIS based weapons like the Hezbollah UAZ-MG vehicle. Â So yeah, I need to figure out what's going on there as most of the weapons are using BIS magazines and the soundFX from 3rd party FX mods seem to work fine. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  16. Well as the Merkava Mk4 is our only modern tank that we had working, to delay the Mk4 would be to delay the entire mod. Â It could take months to find help to fix up the Merkava Mk4. As for "ArmA quality" our mod's philosophy is different then other mods/addonmakers. We are not competing for quality. We are only trying to make addons that look "good enough" which we then try to improve over time. If we tried to make all of our addons top quality, it would take us at least two years to get everything to that standard or perhaps never if we never found addon makers capable of helping us make that standard. Â I do understand however that this philosophy goes against what most in the Mod/addon making community believe. We are not against making good addons. Â We simply believe in making it our priority to release addons that are playable while we slowly improve the quality. If we had more skilled addon makers/texture artists on our team however, we would certainly place emphasis on quality first if we could still release addons every 6 months at a minimum. Â That is why we must rely on the generosity of other addon makers for our top quality addons. Â So far the community has been excellent in working with our mod and don't worry, for sure the quality will continue to improve. Â Oh by the way we also SERIOUSLY need mission makers. Â So anyone who's good at mission making, please contact me. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  17. Yes that is The Zohan... "He is the Greatest Israeli Soldier that the World has Ever Known! Â His Training is Lethal and His Skills are Legandary..." He is always a rock hard soldier! Â LOL!!! For those who have never heard of "The Zohan" here is a trailer to the movie from which we got the idea to make this character. Oh thanks for the bug report... I never noticed that smoke was missing. Wierd... I'll have to see if a memory point is missing or something. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  18. Yeah you can swap them out. Â It shouldn't hurt anything. Â I just found out about version 1.10. Â However the main difference is that 1.10 is binarized. Â Other then there shouldn't be any other differences that effects anything. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  19. If you're judging from the screenshot, it was photoshopped so the color is a bit different in the game. If we find a texture artist who can do a better job we will. Currently we do not have any official Lobo members who are skilled texture artists. We've done a little texture remapping and some work experimenting with specular/normal maps. But our only total retextures have been by EddyD who was kind enough to do a few aircraft reskins for us. So until someone volunteers to fix her up, the mk4 will remain as it is. The only update that I might do is perhaps attempt some normal/specular mapping and add in the Lahat ATGM system. Â That would be for a future update (addon pack #4). At any rate, right now I think the Mk4 does NOT look crappy. Can it look better? Sure, but only if it was reskinned by an extremely skilled texture artist. I also should add that most likely you will find a few bugs here and there and a few things that could have been done better. The reason we released this pack now is because almost all of our members are starting school again and will have little time to work on addons. Overall everything works and we just wanted to get one comprehensive addon pack out there for people to start making missions with. We also really want to take a break from these set of addons and work on some new addons such as Egyptian and Iranian units as well as historic IDF and Arab military forces. We'll still provide updates however for this pack as we know that many of the addons need improving. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  20. Not right now. Rocket artillery requires a tremendous amount of scripting knowledge and right now we don't have anyone on our mod team or know of anyone who could make such a thing. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  21. Yup there is a C130 in the pack, however it is still a bit buggy. I need to make a demo airborne mission for it. Oh..that reminds me...yeah, THE ZOHAN is in the pack as well. Â Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  22. miles teg

    Vilas' addons

    OMG!!! Are those Galils or the Finnish or South Africa Ak47 variants??? They look absolutely stunning!!!! Vilas, did you get my last message I sent you? The sooner my mod can make historic IDF units, the sooner we can start using your amazing Galil rifles!!!! PM me if you didn't get my message as I know the forum has been all screwed up the past few weeks. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  23. miles teg

    Sukhoi Su-33 and Kuznetsov CV

    If Southy has already converted this particular plane, a quick fix would just be to stick in his pilot LOD as I know generally he always gets the HUD to work. That's just one recommendation. Like others I get that white covering over the cockpit controls. It's very wierd. But things like that are not uncommon in ArmA. I'm wrestling with my own share of bizarre bugs working with my mod's addons. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  24. We prefer not to have multiple copies of our addons floating around in other mods and quite honestly, the tanks are a bit useless for mission makers without Israeli infantry and crew unless mission realism is not a priority and you just want to blast T-90's with a cool looking tank. We haven't converted the Mk2 yet, however we do intend on converting it. Â If you know how to convert tanks, you are more then welcome to help us convert the Mk2 as tanks are a pain in the ass to convert. Â The Mk2 Merkava was made by one of our mod team founders and improved by Calm Terror and myself. Â As for the Mk4, I have no idea where the original permission is as it was I believe granted on one of our OFP threads. Â Â You might be able to get permission and you are totally free to do that, however again, for realistic missions its not really of much use without a IDF infantry and other supporting IDF addons. Â That is why we would prefer help with the Mk2. Â Also the original brown color it was in was a color scheme never used by the IDF. Â Only tan and green paint schemes have been used. Edit- The laison with Bizaroid was a guy called "The Wolf" who worked with the French OFrP Mod. Unfortunately I can't find his email address and he's been long gone from this forum with no posts since 2004. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  25. Bizaroid was only possible to contact through a third party on the OFP forums who said that he gave us permission to do develop his addons for our mod in OFP and I'm assuming in ArmA as we're the only mod that can use the addon in ArmA. Â From what I understood, he does not speak English which is why he did not reply to all my requests. Â At any rate, we did convert the Merkava Mk4 already and it will be in this upcoming release. By the way here are a couple more screenshots I just made using ICP animations. The first is of our IDF Nahal recon units (note the M4A1 DMS rifle carried by the lead scout with cheekpad, harris biopod, ACOG, and double magazine holder: And second, we have our newer Hezbollah units: Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>