miles teg
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I don't know if it's just because of the fallout from the anti-Americanism going on in Europe now, but it seems that now hardly anybody wants to make any U.S. forces unit addons anymore and generally only make U.S. weapons if European forces use them. I guess that's to be expected since most addon makers are European and want to make addons for their home country, but it sucks that initially there were a bunch of retextured American units like for the 82nd Airborne, Army Rangers, Green Berets, ect... but they were all (with the exception of the SEB Delta Force addon) kinda boring and not really anything new. Now I see a bunch of awesome new units like the glorious looking units in the HK pack and the BW mods, but sadly I can't use them because I know nothing about the German Army, their modern history, ect... and can't really use them in my missions, even sadder still I can't even use their weapons in missions with U.S. units because none of them (with the exception of the OICW and MP5's) are used by the U.S.. But sadly the HK pack is all one big .pbo file and I can't justify 20+megs of addon just for one or two weapons (plus OFP already has a MP5). I would really wish someone would make some really nice new U.S. units such as some Army Ranger units outfitted in the uniform used in Afghanistan and with the same equipment used over there. It would also be nice to see some with headset radios like seen on the units in the BW and HK mods, along with large ruck sacks or maybe U.S. Army Security forces like those that guard the President of Afghanistan. These units could also be slightly modified as well to simulate 82nd Airborne, & 10th Mnt. Division infantry. Then there are tons of other cool special ops units like Green Berets, Navy SEALs, Marines in desert fatigues (would be cool to have some with beanie caps, or some SF troops with arab style head scarves like some of the units in the HK mod). Hmm...Just thought of something. Some Afghan Northern Alliance & Taliban units would also be very cool, not to mention maybe some new Russian units. The big "egghead" helments used by the police forces in the HK Mod are actually very similar to those used in the past by Russian Spetsnaz and OMON troops. I hope someone makes a Russian addon based on those units (but without the face shield). Anyhoo... I can understand you all wanting to represent your countries and all, but it would be nice to be able to recreate alot of American battles such as Operation Anaconda, the Grenada invasion or the Beiruit invasion. So far the only addon like this has been Frandsen's U.S. Marine Corp addon which is an OUTSTANDING addon that I have been having tons of fun with and making missions for (just waiting for a finished CH-53 and a LAV). Anyhoo, I hope that at least someone makes a nice Army Ranger or 82nd Airborne addon (other then just retextured models) to use with Adammo's wonderful C130. Max Res to all you addon makers! Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (N.o.R.S.u @ Sep. 10 2002,16:24)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Actually T-64 was widely used in Chechnya . Anyway east vehicles that would be most used would probably be a high quality BTR-80 and a small chopper (tired of inserting small SpetzNaz team with a massive Mi-17 ).<span id='postcolor'> Really? Wow! I didn't know they were still using the T-64's. I thought they had all been replaced. Interesting. As for Spetsnaz I've actually only seen them deployed out of Mi-17's and Mi-24's. But I think for some missions that they'd probably use something a little smaller and more maneuverable like the Mi-2 Hoplite. However unfortunately I don't think that Russian Special Forces have any purpose built special ops helicopters equivalent to the U.S. Special Operations MH60 Pavehawks for example. The Hind is probably the closest thing, but when it carries troops it can't carry any external weapons and is very difficult to hover with. It does however provide superb protection against all manners small arms fire and has night flying instruments that aid in covert insertion during night assaults or in poor weather. But it might be interesting to do some research to see if anything new is on the drawing board (or being tested) for Russian Special Operations. One such helicopter that I found which has massive capabilities for Special Operations is the KA-60. You can find lots of information about it at: http://www.army-technology.com/projects/ka_60/ Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Col. Kurtz @ Sep. 10 2002,15:34)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Units. Now units are important. It is all well and dandy to have all these add ons, but we need units to man them. I reckon that maybe a big group of Mod makers should get together, and make units and weapons for everysingle large army in the world(well lets say large as in over 1,000 soldiers). With all the weapon add-ons we have, all that almost needs to done is making new skins for units. But their are stil gaps. There are many highly used weapon systems such as Mil-8 etc. and T-62/64 tanks and stuff that are still yet to be done.<span id='postcolor'> There were some great looking new Russian helicopters being worked on including one that was already in game but that was a long time ago...  and I've never anything of what became of them.  The T-62 on the other hand is I think less useful.  It is only slightly different looking then the T-55, only has moderate improvements, and really was not used very much by the Russians.  The T-62 was far more expensive then the T-55 to produce yet offered only limited improvements, which is why the T-55 stayed in production long after the T-62 production line halted. Same with the T64 tank which only was used for a very short time period afterwhich the Russians moved quickly to replace the T-64 and their older tanks with T-72's and T-80 tanks which themselves are now slowly being replaced by T-90 tanks with more even more modern tanks in the works. (The T90 is also currently a hot export tank). At any rate, the T-62 was not exported much (if at all) and the T-55 still remains as the most widely used main battle tank in the world. While I don't expect mod makers to make addons for every Army in the world (I mean come on, these guys have a life), I do hope that they do concentrate more on making units for various conflicts around the world as well as for past historical conflicts.  So far a great effort is being made by WWII MOD teams (Their WWII weapons, unit and armor addons rock!  Same with the SEB team and their Vietnam addons as well as the Falklands Conflict MOD team. But I hope to see more modern unit addons like Frandsen's USMC addon which is spectacular! Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Munger @ Sep. 10 2002,04:18)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Israeli equipment is fairly similar to US kit - M4's, M113's, M60 tanks etc. I believe there is a Merkava in development as well, although I haven't hard anything about it for a while. The Chinese military is large, but I guess because there aren't really any Chinese forum members or modmakers, plus the fact that China isn't involved in military action much (I may be wrong here), nothing gets developed. I think there is actually a Chinese weapons pack available somewhere though. As for Afghan stuff, most of it already exists in one form or another. They use AK rifles, BMP 1's and maybe the odd T55 tank and that's about it. Apart from reskinning some units to look appropriate, there isn't much to be done for them.<span id='postcolor'> Yeah I can't wait for that Merkava tank from the Lost Brothers MOD team. Also while the IDF uses alot of U.S. kit, most of it is highly modified by them like the M113 "Zelda". They've also put new Israeli designed turrets on their M60 tanks as well. There are a ton of Chinese addons (both Taiwanese and mainland Chinese forces) to be found at: http://otw.jmfoz.idv.tw/index.asp They also have links to Chinese forums. As far as Afghan forces go, they actually use the T-55 tanks quite a bit as it is the main type of armor found there along with old BMP-1's. The main weapons that are needed for a Afghan mod would be a stationary ZSU-23-2 double barreled towed 23mm cannon and a DSh-K heavy machine gun on a tripod. Other then that, just some Norther Alliance and Taliban addons are needed with guys wearing the traditional baggy pants, and vests along with the various types of turbans and other head gear. with the Taliban wearing their black turbans and the NA forces (or at least some of them) wearing a solid green fatigues similar to the Resistance forces but green. Then they'd just need some good Afghan looking bearded faces. There already are a few in OFP, but more would be needed. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (PFC_Mike @ Sep. 10 2002,03:56)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Let's look for a moment at which countries have (relatively) large armed services or were involved in post Vietnam conflicts: US Russia China UK Germany Israel Iraq Taliban Why so little Israeli, Chinese, or Afghan stuff? But in general, more addons, especially ones people might consider using, are good.<span id='postcolor'> Actually there is a whole ton of IDF addons out right now in various sites. There is also the Taiwan Workship crew who are making lots of Chinese addons. I only have their USMG pack however because I had nothing but problems with their other packs that often require other addons that aren't in the packs and unless you read chinese it's kinda hard to figure out which ones you are missing from which addon pack. As far as large armed forces go, don't forget Iran and South Africa. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (You_looking_at_me? @ Sep. 09 2002,23:33)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Most addon makers are European yet you yanks have Thousands of WW2 troops yet the brittish still have NO WW2 for dl apart from maybe the odd sten or lee enfield I missed but certainly no packs. There has been no Brittish army packs of real quality yet and no challenger tank. The Warrior was a reskinned Bradley. There is few RAF planes and I dont like the harriers as they have to handle like choppers to be made to hover. The game ships with well made US units. You have Nam units, WW2 units, modern units, all very nicely done. I dont believe you are really in any poistion to complain. And what anti-Americanism? Would you be talking about? Yes we have opposition to attacking Iraq, that isnt anti-Americanism<span id='postcolor'> The British WWII addons are in the works right now, and there is a British Spitfire. Also Bibmi has made some excellent British Marine and British Airborne forces and GFX-707 made a good SA-80 rifle addon. The Bibmi addons are currently being reworked for version 1.75 with brand new models that are looking great. However I do wish someone would reskin the Italian Tornado aircraft and turn it into a RAF Tornado. There also is a British Scorpion tank being created. So slowly but surely, British addons are coming out. I'd love to see some SAS troops in desert fatigues and arab-style head scarves like those German desert-fatigue clad commandoes in the HK MOD. Stick them on a heavily armed open-top land rover (with desert cammo) and you'd have a bitch'ing SAS addon. Also...there is the Falklands war addon that will be putting out more British weapons, vehicles, and aircraft soon. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (VipHeart @ Sep. 09 2002,16:04)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Hi folks.. I understand you guys with your problems on the HK pack... BUT: 1. If i would have made each weapon a seperate .pbo you would have 27 new pbo files in your addons directory - not to mind the dependencies between the weapons ( cause to save space several weapons use same basic textures - such as the G36, G3&G8 and MP5 series.. so if you would delete for example one weapon, other might now work aswell! 2. If I would have created the new units seperate you would have 9 seperate pbo files - same problem with the dependencies. Also same problem with the sound files Despite: has anyone even noticed that their bodies (especially their chest) is much more detailled/smoother then normal OFP soldiers?? 3. If I wouldn't have given those guys flags or "polizei" signs nobody would have recognized them as german units! 4. I don't get it why some of you don't check that.. THERE ARE ALSO UNITS FOR EAST IN THE HK PACK!!! 5. I know about the size.. BUT it's really small! The pbo is compressed with Amalfis new tool ( which is nto yet public) - else it the addon would be 50 MB!!! Don't forget that 27 weapons are included which all use HIGHRES textures!! Keygetys did a great job on those EAST weapon.. but how many weapons did he made?? 3?? 4? Or maybe 6?? Now this weapons have really high quality - but they're not as detailed as some of the HK weapons, despite the fact that they also use lower resolution textures as far as i know.. Now.. if you really wanna use my models as a basis for US or whatever forces: I don't have a problem with it! Even better: I would feel honored!!! I will provide a editable model of each group ASAP - so that you guys can make your own units out of it!<span id='postcolor'> Thanks for the explanation VipHeart. That makes more sense now. My apologies if it sounded like I didn't like the weapons or unit models. They are indeed works of art and very well done. The main thing I was disappointed in was that those superb models for the units were mainly German units. From the Lost Brothers website I thought that at least some of them were IDF special forces or something or that they would be general purpose addons. But that's very cool of you to make some editable versions of the units available! I've seen good stuff done with Adammo's FBI addon for example where they were turned into special operations forces and SWAT teams. Looking forward to making missions with them and I'll try one more time to see if I can learn to retexture them. Thanks, Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (nuddicrous @ Sep. 09 2002,15:58)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Well, I seem to have quite a number of american units, perhaps too many. I could spout some crapola about not having any canadian units, but of course, the bout of anti-canadianism and such is cutting down on the number of such addons heh heh<span id='postcolor'> Actually I'd like to see some Canadian units. Â Like the Americans, the Canadian armed forces have seen recent combat in such places like Somalia, the Balkans, and most recently in Afghanistan. Â Some Canadian Snipers with those big McMillan .50 cal rifles and C7's would be sweet! Â Â In otherwords I could definitely make some realistic missions with Canadian unit addons. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Paratrooper @ Sep. 09 2002,13:38)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Tex [uSMC] @ Sep. 09 2002,13<!--emo&)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Angelfire doesnt let you do that Paratrooper.<span id='postcolor'> Sorry, I can see it I asumed you could. They look good though don't they?<span id='postcolor'> Yeah they do look good. Â Can't wait for it's release! Â Although I hope he doesn't do away with the big ruck sacks from his earlier British airborne addon! Â I hope that he also uses a modified version of GFX-707's SA-80 rifle. The American unit on the far right though has a very odd looking helmet. Delta Force unit maybe? Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (expendable @ Sep. 09 2002,10:11)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">One thing that bugs me a bit is that when you have say 50 different addons it makes your unit list in the editor really long. And since almost all addons are about one weapon or vehicle it gets really messy. Soon you don´t even know which addon you are using, like with the Hueys or g3a3 rifles (two by lost brothers plus the resistance version, are they all the same file?) Ideal configuration would be releasing of complete army packs which are correctly grouped, realistic and FINISHED) Not pre-alpha test version 0.2c-which-gets-updated-every-day. I guess this just requires too much work for a simple fan to do. I would even pay some money for BIS-quality army packs...<span id='postcolor'> They do NOT need to be grouped as a single .pbo file however. The easiest thing is just to keep them all with .pbo file names that start off with the initials for their mod. Same with the "display" name of the units. The BW Mod demo did a good job of this so that all their addons are neatly grouped together in the editor. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Col. Kurtz @ Sep. 09 2002,09:19)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Kamko is right, there are planetly of both European and American units. If anybody is underprevileged in mods, its the Russians. To look at Russian air add-ons, you would think that they didnt have an airforce! The only interely new unit was the MiG-29. Sure, there are quite a few diffrent skins for Russian troops(but I still cant find any with the Russian Federation Blue BDU's )but very few new weapons or equiptment. Another side that could do with development is Britain. Some decent units armed with the SA-80 instead of the M-16, high texture skins and British tanks such as the Challenger series. On top of these, many other armies such as the Chinese army, and countless overs. There are just too many add ons to make........<span id='postcolor'> There are a few Russian addons. Â I have one nice UCE addon that features Russian OMON special forces troops using a reskinned black-ops. Â They look pretty good. Also their is the excellent Russian weapon pack by Kegetys which features the AK-103, AK-106, Makarov pistol, RPK, and two different types of RPG-7's. Â He also has made an awesome Russian automatic grenade launcher as well. Â But yeah I would like to see more Russian air, armor, and ground units. As for British units, there is the Bibmi paratroopers and there is GFX-707's excellent SA-80 rifle. Â There also is a HUGE Chinese army MOD out at: http://otw.jmfoz.idv.tw/index.asp But American units? Â The only new oxygen made American units are Adammo's FBI addon and Frandsen's excellent USMC addon. There are a bunch of older retextured units but aside from the SEB Delta Force addon, most are not all that mind blowing. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Cloney @ Sep. 09 2002,01:06)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Miles, it would be cool to change those default infantry to Infantry with Interceptor Vests and such Maybe you coulde ask Frandsen if you could change the torso skin into an Interceptor vest Texture? I would do it if I could skin. maybe even change the ammo pouches to look like MOLLE pouches. (Woodland Camo w/ Black Clips) http://www.specwargear.com/images/armor&vest-interceptor-6.jpg http://www.specwargear.com/images/vest-MOLLE-2.jpg<span id='postcolor'> Unfortunately I can't as I'm crap at skinning. I tried it once and failed miserably. What I was refering to was modifying the SEB Delta Force addons so that the vests they wear act as bullet proof vests. I guess if they liked it I could send SEB the .cpp file to see if they would want to put it up as a download. It would be nice if they updated the Delta Force addon so that they could hold pistols as well...but again that's something a bit too complicated for me to do at the moment. All I can do is little things like change unit names, weapons layouts, and obvious things like speed and damage settings in the cpp file in the addon. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (mads bahrt @ Sep. 09 2002,00:34)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">M249 SAW Is already made. Don't remember where, but look around. M136 Is also made. Frandsen made it. M-16A4 From your description it sounds like it resembles the canadian made C7-OP which is used by Canada, Netherlands and Denmark. It is also made by Frandsen. LAV also made by Frandsen Hueys Theres a lot of them around - grab the one you prefer. Remodeled M4 w/ Scopes Also made - don't remember by who<span id='postcolor'> Yeah the M249 is part of the Taiwan MOD USMG pack. There is also another one but it's made for 1.46 and doesn't work for 1.75. I never heard of the M16A4 though... but I found pics of it here at: http://www.isayeret.com/weapons/assault/m4/m4.htm It looks slightly like the C7 but with a vertical foregrip and maybe with slightly different sight positions. Also is the LAV already out? I've never seen any LAV addon anywhere unless it wasn't advertised. Or are you thinking of his AAV for his Marines? There are some good pics of the LAV at: http://www.geocities.com/ResearchTriangle/Thinktank/3964/lav.html So far the only addon close to it is the Patria APC which is quite nice and very similar in some respects...but still not an LAV. If someone makes an LAV as good as the Patria APC addon I would be extremely happy! The Patria kicks ass, but again, aside from OFP missions simulating U.N. peacekeeping missions in the Balkans (or make believe battles between NATO forces and Russians) I can't really do a whole lot with them...except that they're so cool that I use them anyways sometimes. The M4 with a scope has been made by many people. The most notable ones however are from the M4 addon pack made by flipper. These include very nice looking M4's with and without silencers, scopes, grenade launchers, C-mags, double mags, ect... As far as Huey's go, that new SEB Special Ops Huey is great. Plus no national markings so anyone can use it for their country's mods if their country uses or has used UH-1 Hueys. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (drewb99 @ Sep. 08 2002,23:29)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Armor values can be set to individual body areas like the head, torso ect. by using different .ccp commands.<span id='postcolor'> No kidding? Would you by any chance have a list of those commands, at least for the Torso? I would love to add those to an addon I'm tinkering with in which the soldiers are wearing body armor. Thanks for the info! Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (PFC_Mike @ Sep. 08 2002,22:52)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I agree, just about every little country has units reskinned for it. How many people use Libyan/Pakistani/Ukrainian troops or (lol) special forces in their missions? Bundeswehr and UK Army troops are far more justifiable from a standpoint of who-sees-action. But really, more US troops make the most sense from a playability standpoint. Regarding an Afghanistan mod, is there a way to cpp-tweak US troops to need multiple torso shots for a takedown? The new body armor they are using is supposed to be excellent, saving dozens of lives. Also, most Taliban-Al Qaida forces would need to be pretty low-skilled, and without medics. Another thing you'd need would be destroyed Soviet hardware littering the landscape. And some of the sweet super-heavy AA mg's. They are maybe 15, 20 mm.<span id='postcolor'> Amen! Yeah it would be nice to see wreckages of T-55's and BMP-1 covering some areas. I guess you could do that using the "setdammage" command to destroy them at the beginning but then you'd get a bunch of explosions at the beginning of the mission unless you wrote a script to fade in the volume slowly. Likewise I've been waiting a long time for a DShK heavy machine gun (widely used by Afghan forces on both sides). A ZSU-23-2 would also be nice (double-barreled towed 23mm AA gun). Actually one MOD group was making one, but I'm not sure what became of it. I just hope they don't lump it with other addons into a single .pbo file like the HK mod did. I like how Kegetys kept each weapon as a seperate .pbo file, that way if the mission doesn't need his AK-103's for example and only his RPG-7 it can be ZIPed with a mission so that that players don't have to go searching on the net for it and it keeps the size of the ZIP file nice and small....something very important if you don't have the luxury of a high-bandwidth web host. There is a way to simulate body armor (by increasing the armor level of soldiers, but unfortunately I think it applies to all parts of their body. I don't think you can make just their torso be more resistant to dammage unless there is some way to do it in Oxygen that I'm not aware of. Still it would be more realistic I think if it took maybe 4 rounds to kill the U.S. troops with heavy body armor. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (ran @ Sep. 08 2002,22:26)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">i'm one of "them" first second : who are you to say what is good for the communauty and what isn't ? no offense but the communauty members do what they want of the communauty , and if one day some modmakers apply your ideas , then good , but do not start to talk about existing materials in that way what you do would be like whining about a book because the characters in it are too well described marks and uniform are apart of the armies armies participate to wars ofp is a warsimulation right now , the realism of the marks is one of the few realism points we can change on an addon in ofp and if the fact of having nationality marks disturbs you sooo much , what do you think of the big flashy red blue and white flag on the normal's soldiers shoulders ?<span id='postcolor'> Yes Ran I know you are a mod maker and I respect your abilities. Also I guess I'm speaking more for those mission makers who like making realistic missions. You are absolutely right about realism and the arm patches being one item that can be modified realistically. As for the American flags on the soldiers, yes they are there, however to BIS's credit they also included Resistance troops that can be used to simulate any country you want. Same with the Black Ops soldiers. No flags on those guys which is why I often use them to simulate SAS commandos. Also addon making is not quite the same as writing a book. It is more like writing about several characters loosely related, but with no story line in which to put them in. I'm not saying it was wrong of them to make German units. That's great that they're doing that for their fellow German OFP players. But it sure would be nice if they could make an international versions as well. But oh well. If they don't want to then that's cool with me. I just have to be patient and hope that other skilled addon makers in some of the other MOD teams will make some good American or multi-purpose addons. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (ran @ Sep. 08 2002,22:10)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">and be happy that actually the original ofp units were based on US units and materials now quit whinning<span id='postcolor'> I am indeed very happy that the original game was based on U.S. and Russian units. But there was a reason for that. How many Europeans would have bought the game if it was based on a Germany cold war scenario with entirely German units against East German and Soviet units? I think BIS made a good choice using American units for the West side and putting the scenario in a European enviornment. I'm also sorry if I give the perception that I'm just complaining. What I'm trying to do is just give some recommendations for future units that might be useful in a wider variety of realistic combat missions for OFP. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (ran @ Sep. 08 2002,22<!--emo&)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">they should have done that , they should have done this modmaker do what THEY like and no , it's the hk pack , HK is originary from germany , so is the author of the addon , he intended to make german units , so these units will stay with german marks , and if you aren't happy , you can still remove the arm patch and some detail textures yourself. Â Â edit : and it's easy to say : this should have been done , that too etc .... and for what you said about the hk pack , it adds the following weapons wich can be used by us units can use almost every weapons in the pack (except g3X familly and mg3) and finally , if you don't like the armpatch of an addon , then why bother downloading it ? and , a mission scenario doesn't have obligaterly to be based on reality and , have you seen the east units which come with the hk pack ? fundamentalists , terrorists and mafia killers , what to ask more ? and if the loadouts of all the units present in ofp don't please you , up to you to change them damn , the modmakers can't do everything under your nose <span id='postcolor'> I'm not sure why you're getting upset Ran. Â I'm not telling them what to do. Â I'm just stating my opinion on what would have been most useful for the OFP community as a whole. Certainly they can make whatever they want. Â But there are many countries that use HK weapons. Also I tried once to modify textures on an addon, read the tutorials, ect... and could not figure out how to properly map the textures in the spots that I wanted them. Â Maybe I'm an idiot or don't have the patience, but right now I'm a graduate student and barely have time as it is to make missions and certainly don't have time to spend hours redoing textures. Perhaps if I had Oxygen it would be easier to re-texture them. But hopefully people who have more time will indeed do exactly this. Â Of coarse they'll have to ask the MOD makers permission and give proper credit and all that. Â Also I answered why I don't change them myself. Â Also exactly which weapons can be used by U.S. military forces other then the OICW and MP5? Â And yes I Â ALWAYS try to make realistic missions because quite frankly I hate unrealistic missions. Â As for why I downloaded the pack, I failed to noticed the German flag patch on the pics and didn't realize that it was a German Army MOD. Â My mistake. Â It's still a wonderful MOD just not real useful to those of us who enjoy making realistic missions based on U.S. military battles. Anyways, no reason to get upset and I'm sorry if I said anything that upset anyone. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (denoir @ Sep. 08 2002,20:24)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Just as ran said, it is because the majority of OFP players and modmakers are Europeans. Just as you don't care for German units, they don't care about the American units. Tough luck, but that is the way it is I would personally prefer units with no national/unit markings at all - so that you can mix units from different addon-makers. I am perfectly aware that the uniforms are different in different countries, but I can live with that <span id='postcolor'> Yes I can live with different uniforms also with no patches, and yes I am entirely aware that most of the addon makers are European. That's why I mentioned it. I agree, that non-national units are perfectly fine for all kinds of missions. At least that way they can simulate for example U.S. Special Operations forces, IDF units, terrorist units, British units, or whatever country's infantry forces that they look similar to. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (edc @ Sep. 08 2002,20:56)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I'm American, and I would love to see more US stuff. Â The HK pack, though adds many, many, new weapons, and is certainly worth downloading where ever your from.<span id='postcolor'> Yeah, the weapons are cool, but if you're like me and you are an addon junkie and already have two OFP:R's on your system for different mods and STILL are running out of memory due to all the addons, then you have to weigh the HK addon against other addons that you're more likely to use during a mission (BIS needs to make an update patch for better addon management). I agree that it's a wonderful addon with super cool weapons, but just exactly what kind of mission are you going to make with those weapons? If you're not into realism and more into blasting stuff, then yeah you can make a mission where that's all you do and to heck with historical realism, but if you want it to be realistic, then that means using the appropriate addon soldiers with the weapons and making a mission that suits the mission of those soldiers. But unless you're familiar with European military and police forces that's a bit difficult to do a good job at it. So sadly I'm going to miss blasting all those great HK weapons (I really loved their MG-3 and OICW) in favor of other addons that I can actually use to make realistic missions with. For example I'm using Adammo's C130 to redo my "Masters of War" mission which also uses the SEB Delta Force addon that I modified to make into a U.S. Army Ranger addon, as well as the UCE Kuffiya infantry addon (also modified so they use Kegetys's RPG-7 addon) who act as Taliban infantry. The mission simulates the combat mission of U.S. ground troops against the Taliban which was a U.S Army Ranger nightime airborne assaut on a Taliban held airbase. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (CrunchyFrog @ Sep. 08 2002,20:06)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I also like some really modern high quality US troops, with all the US equiptment in one package. for example a  75th ranger pack with M249, M40/M24, M82A1,  M16/M4 with various attachments... All ofcourse O2 made. And for the russians, also more modern equiptment. AK(S)-74M, AN-94, AKS-74U, RPK(S)-74M, BIZON-2, SV-98. And I live in Denmark, and whould rather have US troops than Danish...! Because Denmark doesnt really have any "Combat experience", but USA has operations all over the world. And lets not forget what addons are all about... To be USED in MISSONS... Alot of people tend to forget that.<span id='postcolor'> Bingo! You really nailed it on the head Crunchy Frog. You're absolutely right. These addons are meant to be used for missions. While fantasy missions could be made such as West German forces against East German & Russian troops (like at the height of the Cold War), or German peacekeepers against Serbian forces in the former Yugoslav republics, there really isn't any large scale combat that German forces have seen outside of a some peacekeeping. However with the WWII unit/weapon packs (which include German Nazi soldiers), I've love using the German soldiers because they work wonderfully in WWII missions, have terrific sound effects and voices in German when they get hit, and I even enjoy from time to time playing on the German side to feel what it's like defending a beach with a MG-42 for example or to see the sky full of U.S. paratroopers coming down and feel the terror. Now, if the HK MOD had taken off the little flag patch on the soldier's uniforms, and the "Polizie" word on the uniforms, then it would have opened up a lot more posibilities because then the unit addons could be used for a lot more missions for many different countries (not just the U.S.). They should have made those units part of the BW MOD, and then release a international version without the flags and letters on the units. For example the HK MOD troops with the headscarves could easily serve as U.S. SF soldiers (if outfitted with M4's),British SAS soldiers (also with M4's,M203's or M16A2's), or even IDF soldiers. Troops for a particular nation are cool if they are for a MOD for a particular nation, but if an addon maker wants them to be used in a lot of missions then they should make them either for nations that are involved in alot of combat (like the U.S. and Russia), for a particular war MOD (Vietnam, Falklands, WWII, ect..) or general purpose MODs that can be used to represent the units, equipment, or vehicles used by the military forces of many nations. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (PitViper @ Sep. 08 2002,06:00)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Adammo @ Sep. 07 2002,23:53)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I did see it about the AC130.. and no plans. I mentioned this in a post a while back on this thread, and kinda explained why.. but no plans based on the OFP engine limitations. -Capt Moore<span id='postcolor'> I think the limitations can be skirted. Â just model the larger weapon on the side and make it a standard gunner position (like on the helos) and make different firing rates and type ammo which can be changed by hitting the spacebar. Â kind like the tank? Â add some good zoom on it and it would act great as a spectre just crcling the target area for the gunner. Â just my thoughts <span id='postcolor'> Adammo mentioned that you can't stick door gunners on a "plane" class addon. However you can mount forward firing fixed machine guns/cannons on aircraft. What I'm wondering is if these weapons could be side mounted with the point of aim (that little white dot) visible through the side window. That way you could target the enemy while turning the aircraft and hitting the #4 key on the right keypad to look out the side window and see the target (and then fire the weapon). The weapons might not be able to move, but at least you could still aim them from the side window by just turning the plane left or right (which would raise or lower the weapons) while the plane is doing a counter-clockwise orbit around the target area. Multiple weapon systems could be used as well, with muzzle flashes looking as if they are coming from all of the weapons to at least simulate this. Different ammo types could then be used to simulate 105mm rounds, 20mm rounds, and 40mm rounds. It would be a lot of work but it may be doable within the constraints of the OFP engine. I remember hearing rumors that someone at BIS mentioned that it was possible to combine different addons together (like to make something like a B17 bomber with several machine gun stations and turrets), but I don't know if that ever turned out to be true. I sure wish BIS would give more support to the MOD community or maybe work on some official patches to enable such things to be possible. Because right now alot of new addons are impossible because of these restrictions (like not being able to add a door gunner to a plane). Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Maraudeur @ Sep. 08 2002,13:15)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I made a brand new install of OFP Resistance and I have a problem : SSN SAW M249 and TaÄwan's worshop USMG pack drives me to a crash to desktop. Only others add-ons added are Kegs eastpack, editor upgrade, HK Pack, Aaronash's compilation. I feared for the muzzle flash bug, I cannot even test them ! I downloaded them from different sources, still the problem. Could someone light me about this please ? Are some others files needed for them to work ? What I do not understand is that since resistance we should not have any CTD when a file is missing. At lesat, is someone could send me those working M249 under Resistance to have a try please. [email protected] Thx.<span id='postcolor'> I also have that SAW addon and it works for me in Resistance however it does have the Muzzle flash bug. As for the Taiwan pack. That one should work in Resistance without any problems. At least it worked fine for me. Just try taking one out at a time to see which one is causing the problem. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (fxppp @ Sep. 07 2002,19:12)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Hi guys,I made a huge city for OFP I will use it in my BHD mission I will finish it before 9/20 and let everyone download this map  <span id='postcolor'> Questions: 1. Will this mission require Kegetys's map editor addon? 2. I notice it has a lot of addons. Will you include all the addons in one pack because some of them I saw on there are very difficult to find. 3. How's the frame rates on the mission? On my BHD mission that was my worst problem (framerates) due to all the objects I had to use. Overall it looks very good. I like that you used the SEB DeltaForce addon. Also I recomend replacing Quakergamer's C130 with Adammo's C130 and to not use a bunch of civilian adddons unless you absolutely have to (such as to get them to fire an RPG...something that I don't think the regular civilians are able to do. Anyhoo, it looks wonderful so far. Keep up the great work. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Adammo @ Sep. 06 2002,10:33)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">wow i really like the reskin too.. if you want. send me the reskin.. I can take it and make a c130v1a.pbo file.. so that either or both can be used in the same mission. Capt Moore<span id='postcolor'> However does the reskinned version have to have those national symbols (aren't those the Swedish Airforce symbols?). I prefer it actually with no flags or symbols on it that way anyone can use it with any Western Army. Those skins with the flags should be reserved for mods for those countries in my opinion. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>