miles teg
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I'm always happy to see new and intersting mod's make releases in ArmA! I forgot to mention that the Cobra textures are also fantastic. I don't remember, but did your mod ever release any islands? If not, are there any specific island maps that you recommend that look like the real life islands in conflict areas within the Philippines? I have done any jungle missions in a long time and your mod's addon pack is perfect for some good jungle warfare. I would also recommend that you ask Vilas if your mod can use his V-100 Commando armored vehicle. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
miles teg replied to miles teg's topic in ARMA - ADDONS & MODS: COMPLETE
Nah Uzi, it's cool. Â Anyways, its a moot point now since it no longer needs a massive 3rd party addons. Â Now we did include Vilas weapons pack in our addon pack #3, but only because there was a vastly greater number of weapons from Vilas that we were using and because he did an awesome job making IDF weapons for us. Â So we are honored to have Vilas's help for our mod. Â On this small Taliban pack however, using such a large weapons pack wasn't really justified. Oh and minor correction to what Uzi said, Vipersheart (one of the LoBo founders) made the first new weapon model in OFP (FAMAS rifle) before making his excellent HK pack. I might do a conversion of that pack if I can find someone to help with .rvmats and also getting the muzzle flashes to work. Â The models themselves are overall fairly good. I also should note, for those who don't know Uziyahu, that he was there at the beginning of OFP and actually assisted BIS with many of the sounds. Â Myself I've also been part of the community since the beta stages of OFP. Â We are, to my knowledge the oldest surviving mod from the OFP days. Â However with that said, that doesn't mean we don't make mistakes or get lazy. Â lol. Â So I'm fine with criticisms. Â Snakeman your's was just a disagreement and it did push me to quit being lazy and put together a small seperate weapons pack. Â I had just thought originally that maybe some people might like to add themselves the other weapons in Vilas's East Weapons pack. Â However the more I thought about that, the more I realized that such an event was unlikely and that such people could use whatever weapons they want to add on their own through the mission editor. Â If there is one thing that I've learned its that when releasing addons, everything should be as simple as possible to install and use right away. Â Otherwise I get my inbox full of people asking for help because they didn't read the readme file or they didn't understand it. Â With grad school, a job, volunteer work, etc... Â I don't have time for such thngs. ArmA is my procrastination tool of choice...so this pack is my way of avoiding real-world stuff I should be doing. Â lol! Anyways....enough bickering... Â Lets make some missions!!!! VXR, if you're reading this, start busting your ass getting those ANA released!!! Â YALLAH!! Â YALLAH!!! (Hurry up! Â lol! Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD> -
Likeiwse, that and the recoil issues were the only reason I stopped using it...which sucked because I really love this mod so far. From what I understand now the recoil stuff is removed. So yeah hopefully the all-seeing/all-knowing AI is gone now as well. I was getting pissed at my friendly AI shooting at walls (that had enemies behind them) and wasting all their ammo. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
Wow! The Army and National Police look amazing. I'm very happy that you put together a good face pack as well. The only nit pic...is that it seems you put ghillie suits on all the Marines from the pic? I'm going to check the pack out when I get home later, however I don't think they wear ghillie suits all the time (those things are really hot and uncomfortable). Your models/face & equipment textures would also make a perfect base for Indonesian and Malaysian mods. But that's another topic. I really hope to see the full Army pack developed with some good light armor as well. Even better however would be an OPFOR pack of Islamic or Marxist seperatist guerillas. Keep up the great work. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
miles teg replied to miles teg's topic in ARMA - ADDONS & MODS: COMPLETE
I should add that the Lee-Enfield is a JOY to shoot in this addon pack as well. Â If you don't want to play as the Taliban (cuz you're a terrorist lover if you do and ya know it lol! then you shoot it at Soviet troops as a Mujahadin (the good guy terrorists...uh...I guess) firing at Vilas's 80's era Russians. Â Vilas made the Enfield rifle in this pack so all credit goes to him for doing a superb job on it. So get out there and do a British "Mad Minute" on the enemy and kill a commie for mommy! (I can't say you should play as the Taliban and kill a yankee for a spanky cuz then I'd get on the FBI's no-fly list). lol! At any rate, if you're fighting these guys, yeah that Enfield will take out alot of your men. Â Also I think you'll like some of the new sounds I added to them when they fire their RPG's. Really scary when you're playing as a NATO soldier and have hordes of these guys storming your base. Oh also buy the way, VXR should be done soon with his ANA soldiers for these guys to fight. Â That will make for some good joint NATO/ANA missions. Â So now.... time for you mission makers out there to step-forward. Â I recommend you guys use the Afghan village map for any missions. Â Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD> -
miles teg replied to miles teg's topic in ARMA - ADDONS & MODS: COMPLETE
FIRST PAGE UPDATED Feb. 09, 2009 This Taliban pack is a side project from The Lost Brothers Mod as we got tired of waiting around for someone else to make them. Â If anyone is serious about improving them or adding additional models to the pack, please contact me. The addon consists of a squad of 13 American Covert Ops units (half of who have modified Russian based weapons), 11 Taliban soldiers (Under OPFOR: Taliban Insurgents), 11 80's era Mujahadin soldiers (Under Independent: Mujahadin civilians), and 3 civilians (under Civilians:Taliban Civilians). In addition both Taliban and Mujahadin have a Datsun, URAL truck, motorcycle, UAZ/MG, as well as an AGS-17/30, D-30, and DShK Heavy MG. Â These are just normal BIS vehicles and static weapons. Â If anyone wants to volunteer to add to this pack, let me know. The Taliban and Mujahadin insurgents essentially represent Pashtun tribesman most commonly found in Waziristan, Pakistan and Taliban controlled areas of Afghanistan. Â Noted are their puffy pants and ethnic vests and whatever you call the front and back leg/waist covers commonly worn by many Pashtun. Â Headgear includes the traditional Pashtun cap, Persian style turbans, and Arab shamagh covering the entire face. Â Â The face models also have been highly modified to resemble faces of that region. Â This was mainly done by modifying the nose and chin of the face models. The RPG and SA-7 guys will yell stuff in Arabic when they fire their RPG or SA-7 weapons. Â This will eventually be changed to the Pashtun language if I can find some good recordings (aside from the ever-popular "ALLAH'U AKBAR!" cry). Â *** To Install: remove "Arabic_Sounds.pbo" from your addons (or mod/addons) folder if you had the old version installed. Â Arabic_addons.pbo is no longer needed and it will cause conflicts. Known bugs: No blood textures. AK47/M203 has issues with ACE. Â Grenades fire, but stick in ground and don't fully explode (much as the ACE 40mm M203 grenades behave at short range simulating not reaching its minimum arming range). Â Just use the M4/M203 guy in place of that one if you want M203 grenades. Â Required Addons: loboweawponstaliban.pbo (included) Update log: Version 1.3 1. Made addons ACE compatible. 2. Added American covert operations units (Afghanistan). 3. Added new AK-47 weapons pack which also includes an RPK-47 and a Lee-Enfield rifle. Â That way no dependency on 3rd party addons. 4. Added 80's era Mujahadin on Resistance side (equipping them with AK74's as well). 5. Added Vehicles and static weapons for Taliban and Mujahadin. ***UPDATED Version 1.3 Download Link (Mirrors apprciated): http://www.idfsquad.com/downloads/milesteg/LoBo_TalibanVer1_3.7z American Covert Operations units: Covert Operations Intel units moving through no-man's land along a dry river bed. Covert Operations Intelligence specialist question a local Pashtun tribal leader. AMBUSH! Â Covert Operations units are involved in a fierce firefight with Taliban insurgents firing mortars, RPG's, SPG-9 recoiless rifles, and heavy machine gun fire. Tracers light up the night as explosions rock the earth. Meet the Taliban! Thank you for using our addons. Â Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD> Team Leader of the Lost Brothers Mod -
miles teg replied to miles teg's topic in ARMA - ADDONS & MODS: COMPLETE
Nah... the GP25 is extremely rare amongst the Taliban. That is something like the AK74SU but the grenades for it are even more difficult to get ahold of. It's simply not a common weapon in the region since the Russians left. The AK47/M203 combo is for use by the generic, "Covert Operations" units that are meant to either be SF/Delta Force Operators OR CIA paramilitary units. I made them to be kinda ambigious so that they can serve a wide variety of scenarios that a mission maker might think of. I haven't posted any pics of those guys yet. But I will shortly. I might actually add a 80's era Mujahadin equipped with a AK74/GP25 as ironically the fighters of that time period used that more modern weapon because that is what they captured from Russian forces. But today you'd be hard pressed to see any Taliban using it. A few AGS-17's have popped up however. But again its something very rare. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD> -
miles teg replied to miles teg's topic in ARMA - ADDONS & MODS: COMPLETE
That's super cool stuff.... but really it's all Greek to me. Â All I do is the most basic copy and paste work from my buddies in OFP (Remo) who have always helped my mod. Â I just normalize the faces (to get shadows right) ensure the selections are all the correct names, and then binarize. Â Nothing fancy. Â Sometimes I'll add a BIS rvmat to something if ti looks good. Â But other then that.... Â everything is absolutely basic. Â If you want to take a crack at the models (since you sound like you know what you're doing) you are welcome to. Â I was going to release the new version tomorrow but I can hold off if you think you can make a signifcant improvement upon the textures and/or model. Â Just email me if you want to take a crack at it (cuz my PM is close to full). By the way the above pic was heavily photoshopped. Also the weapons have NO rvmats on them. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD> -
miles teg replied to miles teg's topic in ARMA - ADDONS & MODS: COMPLETE
New Taliban update will be ready very soon. Â It will be fully ACE compatible does not require the arabic sound pack, and will no longer use the Vilas weapons. Â Instead I put together a small AK weapons pack specifically for this pack. Also I included some new units including American covert operations units and some new afghan models like this one with a large cloth draped across them (for some reason they like carrying around these blankets... hey I miss my security blanket from kindergarten). Â He also carries an RPK-47 from the AK pack. Â The AK pack currently includes: Â Standard AK47, a Romanian AKM with forward wooden grip, a folding stock AKM, an RPK-47, an AK47 with ACOG, an AK47 with M203 (in light desert cammo), and an SF silenced AK with desert cammo. Â The only bug I'm having now is that the AK47/M203 is behaving very wierd with ACE....the grenades fire...stick into the ground....and then explode with a huge explosions and doing no dammage. At any rate, right now the pack is 98% finished and I'm just doing some final beta testing and fixing just one or two very small bugs. Oh and I'm adding an Enfield rifle to the Ak pack as well. Ya can't be a real Afghan fighter without fighting with the tried and true British Lee-Enfield .303 bolt action rifle. Below is a pic of the Taliban guy with the security blanket and the LoBo RPK-47. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD> -
miles teg replied to miles teg's topic in ARMA - ADDONS & MODS: COMPLETE
As Manzilla said, these guys should not require Queen's Gambit. Only some other total mods (like ACE and a few others) would keep them from showing up in the editor menu. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD> -
miles teg replied to miles teg's topic in ARMA - ADDONS & MODS: COMPLETE
As Manzilla said, these guys should not require Queen's Gambit. Only some other total mods (like ACE and a few others) would keep them from showing up in the editor menu. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD> -
Yeah I did notice that fighting in the areas with alot of bushes and trees was EXTREMELY hard as you couldn't see the enemy, but they could see you and would NAIL you. So yeah.... fixing that would definitely improve things. There are a bunch of tree/bush experts on the forums who have released tree fixes for default ArmA trees. They would be good people to consult and to get help on some of that stuff. Everytime you make those things better....it just makes your next map that much better as well because the objects will have less problems. Less object problems=more time to concentrate on improving the layout of the actual map. Keep up the awesome work! Still my favorite maps in ArmA!!!! Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
miles teg replied to miles teg's topic in ARMA - ADDONS & MODS: COMPLETE
Yeah clearing a few out now....Its full all the time, cuz most of the messages I have in their now are important permissions and addon making tips. I need to figure out how to archive all of those so I can clear them all out. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD> -
GAZ 2330 "Tigr" Series public beta release 0.7b
miles teg replied to datakill's topic in ARMA - ADDONS & MODS: COMPLETE
The improvements look much nicer. Keep up the great work guys! It's a fantastic addon! Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD> -
miles teg replied to miles teg's topic in ARMA - ADDONS & MODS: COMPLETE
Yeah...there is a bit of a misunderstanding. The BIS default weapons DO NOT include (to my knowledge and kick me in the nuts if I'm wrong) AK-47 rifles. Â I've only seen AK-74 rifles. Â In real life, occasionally you'll see Taliban with them, but only VERY rarely. Â They were more common during the Russian occupation of Afghanistan when captured AK-74 rifles were often used. Â Today they are more status symbols as the ammo is very difficult to come by. Â The standard weapon of the Taliban is the old AK-47 or AKM, both of which look very similar and fire the 7.62x39mm round. As for voices, the voices I added are NOT part of the stock BIS default sounds. Â You ONLY hear them when they fire a RPG-7 or Strela SA-7 missile. Â So as an example, when they fire an RPG-7 at a tank, they will yell, "ALLAH'U AKBAR!!!!" or something similar. Â There are no such sound FX in default BIS units. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD> -
As he mentioned earlier...no AI support.  All player. To be fair there has not been ANY artillery addons in ArmA that effectively used AI AND players.   The only successful attempt  at this was in OFP by the FDF mod and the COC UA pack in which they had AI and player capable artillery systems.  This addon looks great and I believe is a great feat of scripting and a HUGE amount of work and talent.  However I am still waiting for someone to make the equivalent of the CoC UA type system that works well in MP and that the Ai can use (in addition to players of course).  That is the holy grail of any artillery addon. For those who disagree. Here is why: Fact: Most players in MP games get board sitting around lobbing shells to some sector of the map they can't see. They would need to be drinking and/or catching up on school work or other things while waiting around. In Single Player missions likewise... it would get very boring lobbing shells and not seeing what happens to your target. For that matter many players WANT to see a working Arty system, but they want to see the AI take command and call in fire missions (from the BIS arty units and/or 3rd party arty units). That way you actually see your artillery in action doing fire missions if you're in the rear and you can go and hunt down enemy artillery. Granted some of this can be scripted by a skilled mission maker, but it's not the same since so far all the AI artillery scripts do not actually use the artillery pieces in-game. They just spawn shells over a target. That's kinda lame. Anyways...I'm not saying this addon is lame. It's actually alot of great work. I just hope that skilled scripters/addon makers will develop arty systems like this into more mature arty addons that the AI and players can use in SP and MP missions. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
miles teg replied to miles teg's topic in ARMA - ADDONS & MODS: COMPLETE
Awesome! I'm looking forward to making missions on your map! Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD> -
miles teg replied to miles teg's topic in ARMA - ADDONS & MODS: COMPLETE
argg..double post -
miles teg replied to miles teg's topic in ARMA - ADDONS & MODS: COMPLETE
Yeah... thats what I was worried about. Â I'll see if maybe Namman2 can get it to work with ACE as he's pretty good with infantry addons. Â I really don't want to ruin the fired sounds as that is part of what makes this addon unique. To HeAvY TrAnCe, yeah the quality of the voices are not the greatest. Some are me talking and they came out TOO clean sounding. But most are recorded by Thunderbird84 with a small PC mic and don't have the outdoor ambiance you'd get from a high quality profession recording done outdoors with paid voice actors. I could rip stuff from other games, but would rather not do that. Hopefully I'll get some better Arabic recordings soon...or even better find a bunch of recordings in the Pashto language. I'm actually looking right now to see if I can find some good sound clips that I could rip from youtube videos and stuff. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD> -
miles teg replied to miles teg's topic in ARMA - ADDONS & MODS: COMPLETE
Well I would, but I have an agreement with Vilas not to dismantle his weapons packs. That is why the next version of this pack will have a small AK pack made up of AK47's made by LoBo or for LoBo originally. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD> -
GAZ 2330 "Tigr" Series public beta release 0.7b
miles teg replied to datakill's topic in ARMA - ADDONS & MODS: COMPLETE
Yeah in ArmA, oddly enough automatic grenade launchers can destroy tanks....but in real life... well just ask the Georgians how smoothly that went. They tried engaging Russian armor with Mk19 equipped Cobra armored cars.... most of the Cobras were quickly destroyed. Over on militaryphotos.net they showed gory inside mess left over when an AP round goes into a Cobra and bounces around inside splattering human guts everywhere. I'm sure the same thing would happen with the Tigr if it engaged enemy armor in anything more then a hit and run attack. However against infantry, this vehicle is awesome! As long as it keeps the bullets out and goes fast enough to avoid AT rockets, you're in business. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD> -
miles teg replied to miles teg's topic in ARMA - ADDONS & MODS: COMPLETE
Just curious...but if I made these guys ACE combatible, would that mean that they would show up in-game with those backpacks on them? That would suck... Your above method sounds much better for using them with ACE if that's the case. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD> -
miles teg replied to miles teg's topic in ARMA - ADDONS & MODS: COMPLETE
Thanks guys for the feedback. Yeah for sure the next version will be ACE compatible. Since this is a small pack, I should be able to find help in getting them to work with ACE. (The full LoBo pack is another matter as its HUGE and just a massive amount of work even with help from others to make fully ACE compatible). Oh one thing I wanted to mention. I think that I will make a seperate AK47 pack from the AK's that I have in our LoBo weapon pack. However I will make them into a seperate weapons pack with different names and stuff so they don't confict. Vilas's weapons are great but its a massive pack and alot of the weapons go to waste. I like lean & mean addon packs so yeah I think a small AK-pack is all it will need. Bugkill mentioned an idea in a PM that I could make some SF units using these guys. That would probably get too complicated, but I think I definitely will make a a few CIA units on the BLUFOR side dressed the same, with white faces, and with a few extra bits of gear like leg holsters. I also will give them Polish AK-47's similar to what they often use in Afghanistan and Iraq (they have a very distinct folding stock). Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD> -
miles teg replied to miles teg's topic in ARMA - ADDONS & MODS: COMPLETE
Yeah, like you said, it's not nonsense. From past experience it was a pain in the ass dealing with all the, "THE ADDON DOESN'T WORK" because they either didn't download the 3rd party addons (cuz they didn't look at the readme or other info) or because they downloaded the wrong version of the 3rd party addon. As far as the AK74, the only unit with one is the Taliban Shaykh who has a AK74SU because that is the prefered weapon of Osama Bin Laden. It's like a status symbol thing. The ammo for it is still around, but yeah its hard to come by and expensive. But the Shaykh's followers do whatever it takes to get him that ammo as he's their spiritual leader. Everyone else has AK-47's, AKM's, SVD's, and PKM's. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD> -
miles teg replied to miles teg's topic in ARMA - ADDONS & MODS: COMPLETE
I did that mainly because everytime I didn't include 3rd party addons, I'd always get a ton of emails by people complaining that the addon didn't work either because they didn't read the readme or because they downloaded the wrong version, etc..etc... If anyone's having trouble downloading them, I can post a version without the Vilas East Weapons. Someone mentioned something about the ACE issue...that might have to do with the event handlers. If someone wants to help me make these guys ACE compatible (without screwing up the voices) that would be excellent. I will make them ACE compatible in the next version and probably add a few more units and maybe a vehicle of some sort. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>